13 Dragon Drops Have Been Missed...



Well i know that the Dragon drops are the best in the game, but we were about 170 ppl killing the Dragon. All who has the drops MUST GIVE THEM TO MALLUS and all of you know that. He will distribute them to the guilds as best as he can, but this selfish ppl want them for their personal use. Please give the drops to Mallus, that was the agreement before starting the Raid. I know that its too difficoult give an uber drop when you have it because of his qua (100%), stats.... but if we start doing things like this, the Realm of Albion will be the worst because it will be dividided.

Mallus actually has 3 drops,
3 of 16 !!!, only 8 or less ppl must have the rest because only 1 group can get them, then it will be start an investigation of this, thanks to all

Remember we were more than 170 ppl there....


Dadi the lvl 50 Paladin <Exiled> in Albion, Excalibur


Egon (from The Brethren) gave 2(?) and then found a further2(?) (I might be wrong with numbers) in his bag amongst some goblin shit but had to log for the night, if Mallus or someone reads this he should be on tomorrow to give them to ya.


Oh and I think it was some cloth and a belt or smmt ...


Well just before u start to kill them, TURN ON text logging, it makes an text file to camelot folder, then u just read it, and look who gets the drops, EASY

And that git who aint gonna give the drops like they planned, in EVERY situation Can KISS MY A..


We have the names of the ppl in the group that didnt gave the drops to Mallus oO

Better give it quick to Mallus boys oO

If 1 alb whines about bug abuse that guy can wait 3 days till he can play again with his account
Imagine what happens if 100 albs whine :D

old.Rio Ferdinand

I didnt know about what we were going to do with drops.

I ended up being given a jewel (which aint much use to my main anyway).

Ill try to contact mallus in game. Or he can contact me (Rayzor)
and we'll sort out a place to meet and hand it over.


Hi guys :)

thanks for a fun hunt yesterday.

I got some of the dragon drops, actually i think our group was the only one...

this is how the group looked


I gave 2 drops to mallus right away (a theurgist staff and some leather boots). later when i sold all my tangler crap i found 3 more drops. a cloth robe, a cloth cap and a belt. the belt sucks though. so dragons dont always drop uber loot.

by the way both cloth items are cabalist only. i wanna keeeeeep (afterall high lvl cabas are rare) :p but guess that would be unfair :D

I will give those to Mallus later today if he is online.

I was chat logging the event too


[21:47:35] You get 7,992,663 experience points. (1,844,460 camp bonus)
[21:47:36] You must select a target for this spell!
[21:47:37] Eraser is covered in a sheath of earth.
[21:47:38] Taking Screenshot!
[21:47:38] Arindra casts a spell!
[21:47:42] Outlaw is covered in a sheath of earth.
[21:47:43] Arindra cheers!
[21:47:43] Arindra is covered in a sheath of earth.
[21:47:43] @@[Alliance] Kcinimodus: "YES"
[21:47:45] Tiarta is covered in a sheath of earth.
[21:47:45] Daivana is covered in a sheath of earth.
[21:47:45] Eraser is covered in a sheath of earth.
[21:47:45] @@Aligro yells, "no drops!~!!!"
[21:47:46] @@[Alliance] Tiarta: "YAY :D"
[21:47:46] Phyleus howls in victory!
[21:47:46] @@[Alliance] Iskander: "YES"
[21:47:46] @@Cerverloc yells, "WHOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
[21:47:47] @@[Alliance] Mallus: "grats everyone!"
[21:47:49] @@Sparkley says, "LOL"
[21:47:49] Rayzor is covered in a sheath of earth.
[21:47:50] @@[Alliance] Khalen: "congrats all"
[21:47:50] @@You yell, "good job!"
[21:47:51] @@[Alliance] Sharpschutze: "NAAIS :)"
[21:47:51] (Autosplit) Loot goes to Smyte.
[21:47:51] @@[Alliance] Hysteric: "gratz"
[21:47:52] (Autosplit) Loot goes to Smyte.
[21:47:52] (Autosplit) Loot goes to Egon.
[21:47:53] Bahamut is covered in a sheath of earth.
[21:47:53] @@[Alliance] Erren: "gratz"
[21:47:53] (Autosplit) Loot goes to Iluvatur.
[21:47:53] @@[Alliance] Eldric: "gratz"
[21:47:53] Arindra is covered in a sheath of earth.
[21:47:54] (Autosplit) Loot goes to Smyte.
[21:47:54] @@[Alliance] Mousah: "lol gratz"
[21:47:54] (Autosplit) Loot goes to Egon.
[21:47:55] (Autosplit) Loot goes to Egon.
[21:47:55] @@[Alliance] Aikmore: "grats all"
[21:47:56] @@[Guild] Egon: "lol we did it"
[21:47:56] (Autosplit) Loot goes to Egon.
[21:47:56] Yerap was just killed by a granite giant pounder!
[21:47:56] Shar is covered in a sheath of earth.
[21:47:56] @@[Alliance] Cheradenine: "we win baby!"
[21:47:56] @@[Guild] Elvo: "BAH! he ported me away"
[21:47:58] Gunnerr was just killed by a granite giant pounder!
[21:47:58] @@[Alliance] Belthazor: "gratz"
[21:47:58] @@[Alliance] Cotta: ":)"
[21:47:59] @@[Alliance] Ygdrisil: "graatz!"
[21:47:59] Frost yells for help from the east!
[21:48:00] Bahamut howls in victory!
[21:48:00] @@[Guild] Paranoid: "YESSS the dragon is DEAD"
[21:48:01] Taking Screenshot!
[21:48:03] @@[Alliance] Lenda: "gratz all"
[21:48:03] (Autosplit) Loot goes to Justinian.
[21:48:03] Bahamut is covered in a sheath of earth.
[21:48:03] (Autosplit) Loot goes to Smyte.
[21:48:03] (Autosplit) Loot goes to Hobbit.
[21:48:04] (Autosplit) Loot goes to Hobbit.
[21:48:04] Arindra is covered in a sheath of earth.
[21:48:04] Javai is covered in a sheath of earth.
[21:48:04] @@[Party] Andrew: "YES!!!!!!!!!!"
[21:48:04] @@[Alliance] Sharpschutze: "LOOT?????"
[21:48:05] @@[Guild] Pfy: "i got ported :[p"
[21:48:05] @@[Alliance] Cheradenine: "now kill the guards before we all die =p"
[21:48:05] Theodus is covered in a sheath of earth.
[21:48:06] @@[Alliance] Khalen: "GO KILL OTHER ENEMIES"
[21:48:07] @@[Alliance] Maximustheslayer: "wahoo"
[21:48:07] @@[Guild] Glottis: "nice"
[21:48:09] @@[Party] Justinian: "hehe"
[21:48:09] @@Freezingwiz yells, "What did it drop ?"
[21:48:12] @@[Alliance] Aikmore: "albion officiacly own excal"
[21:48:12] @@[Guild] Egon: "got only 7 mill xp"
[21:48:12] Theodus casts a spell!
[21:48:13] Abrams's weapon returns to normal.
[21:48:14] Feyd is covered in a sheath of earth.
[21:48:14] Theodus is covered in a sheath of earth.
[21:48:14] Arindra is covered in a sheath of earth.
[21:48:14] (Autosplit) Loot goes to Egon.
[21:48:14] Malius is covered in a sheath of earth.
[21:48:14] Bill casts a spell!
[21:48:14] @@[Alliance] Mallus: "guys dont worry bout loot"
[21:48:15] (Autosplit) Loot goes to Justinian.



might i point out that egon could just as well keept all that loot for himself or guild, but instead he gave it to mallus
that counts for something :)

i hope the others get contacted soon in the game and i hope they are fair about it and give up the loot


Im not sure if you guys realise this but its quite possible for the group leader of each 8 man group to change the auto-loot settings so only the group leaders get the item drops.

I know thats still alot of people but its only 1 person in every 8 to get the loot from rather then a possible near 200.

Again its a bad case of undocumented commands but the /autosplit is mentioned in the appropriate Rightnow folder.

I suggest next time asking each group leader to set themselves as the sole item reciever then you need only get each group leaders name.

I wasn't there so my apologies if you actually already did this.



Justinian was Groupleader oO

dont remeber Mallus told me Just gave his drops


I wouldn't expect to see the drops Hobbit got again :/

Interesting read that log, it still doesn't list all drops, I count 14 autosplits and I know Secret got one (turned in), so still a 16th about :)

Ah well atleast we know who to spam now.


Quite right,

I was the Group leader of the group that picked up all loot. Tho that was not clear to me immediatly after the dragon died.

Since Egon provided the txt, i wont.

I still have in my possesion a,

Sturdy Crushed Breastplate (Just in case any tank are lusting right now, Holy Crushed BP is nearly the same ;) )

I will naturally hand this over to Mallus when i get the chance, since i could not reach his last night..

old.Im pac man!!

sturdy crush if anyone wants to know is very nice for armsman, holy crush is paladin as the name says and you can find them around the dragons lair. i have one and ive seen others drop at stonelords.


well we know who got all the loot, all there in the log, and i hope the ppl who got the drops gives them to mallus so he can share them to the guilds that was there on the raid, if some ppl wont give the drops, they shud get punished for that, we will propobly sort the method out.
its not fair that someone get loot and then dont hand it over, that is egoistic and selfish.

sorry i wasnt there :(
but gg guys and gratz for the firt dragon kickass raid ever on excal :)

Mousah mOO
pikeman at 49
<Dragon Knights>
R3 L3


My god could u imagine if Egon sold the drops by mistake :cool:


rofl ye would be funny

pygmy beads ......sell......pygmy xbow......sell......more beads......sell sell sell sell........OW SHIT the dragon stuff :p


Ok, just a silly question. What happens to ppl who go on a dragon hunt, who are unguilded? Since the drops get distributed to the guild the unguilded person gets no chance ever ever ever to get a drop? I haven't got this problem personally but it just popped in my head when I realized I told a friend about the hunt and he went, unguilded. Do we factor in ppl for drops if they don't have a guild? Or do we just use them for helping kill and not consider them for rewards? Just wondering

Sharp Thing

same goes for a guild wich could only get 5ppl there and thus get no recognition for it (even tho it might be a big outcome for the guild itself)


explain to me why only people in the big alliance thing qualify for getting the dragon drops when people from other guilds showed up to help.

I think the people that got the drops should keep them because (not that I was there) DAoC obviously handed the drops out randomly.

You people forget that if these other so called ignorant fools didnt show up you wouldnt have got a single item.


Problem with giveing the drops to the one who picked it up is that 1 grp of 8 ppl get all the drops (think I'm right not sure) allthough 15-20 grps helped to kill the dragon. 1 out of 20 grps getting drops isn't fair wither.

I don't think that those of us in the Albion United alliance think we're the only ones who get the drops, as far as I have been told every guild who was there gets a chance at the drop...


I think Drops should go to persons/guild who have prouven themself in Relicraid / Organising Emain battles

like DVE (Kcinimo) and Exiled (Arth) for Relicraid , DK (Mallus) and GoL(Zoy) for Dragonraids, Gol (Outlaw) and HB (Veeshan) for being 99% in Emain.

And maybe Odysseus for watching our Front all the time ;)


obviously that means the people who have played the longest etc get the items.

No the items should be spread randomly, everyone should get a chance not just a selected few.

The problem with your idea Aussie is that your friends are the only ones that apply.


we all knew the fuss about the drops was coming

imo a lotto is most fair, the ppl who CAN use the items can aply for it (so a lvl 30 wanting the plate arms or something is kinda excluded).


We all know what happens when people lotto items now don't we ninjastyle.


how are the items distributed as of right now? Please only answer this if you KNOW and not just guessing in a pissy rant tone.


hi all,

whoever you hand the drops, its sharing among guilds that participated in dragonhunt would be a unfair one.

But the solution is easy!

Let's put all droped items with its stats here on the forum and start an auktion. Ppl can give their orders, and the one offering most gets the item. Money gathered that way could be used for keepgaterepair.

Again, any sharing one prson trys would be a unfair one.

Hope that helps calm down realm again.


lol actually i almost sold the belt :/

but then i noticed the name and saw it was a lvl 50 item so i figured out that it would be a bad idea to sell it.


IMHO, that wouldnt be fair either, seeing that the people that played the game the longest have the most cash :p

A lottery PER item would be the best solution... But how you would go about solving 'such' an issue... No idea, random numbers isnt in till 1.51 ... So basicly we'd have to trust mallus ;)

So I'd suggest that a list is made of all the items that the dragon dropped, mallus has to get them all ofcourse... So be fair and turn them in !!

Then mallus lists them all on this board (yes that will exclude the people that do not read the board, but its a small task of registering here)... Everyone enters the 'lottery' and Mallus comes out with the winners... Since the items are mostly level 50 items, I would suggest that only level 47 + can enter the lottery for those items unless its for a rare class (like cabalists :p ) ... But the lottery should allow anyone above 40 to participate...

Sharp Thing

Originally posted by -Wedge-
Since the items are mostly level 50 items, I would suggest that only level 47 + can enter the lottery for those items a rare class

bOOOOOEEEE on you, i want that bow !!!! ;)

it wouldnt be fair that someone like winter wil get it because herbal just happens to have LOADS of cash and buy ANOTHER bow for her :rolleyes:

*stil luv you all :p*

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