Lomald Umilinn
I only do high level procs ... no potions what so ever .
The prices are:
Full set of reactive procs: 1770G (1P 770G)
Weapon procs: 95G each
Pm me here or send me a message here and i will pre-make your order so you will not have to pay until your order is delivered.
I only do in-game orders IF i by some reason are in Care Diogel or Camelot (if /who Lomald is not in camelot nor in caer diogel im not taking orders).
Give me your name and all your alts, and send me a pm here or write a message here (ill check here and BW pms) and ill make the order.
Or you may email me on: lomalds_alchemy@hotmail.com
The prices are:
Full set of reactive procs: 1770G (1P 770G)
Weapon procs: 95G each
Pm me here or send me a message here and i will pre-make your order so you will not have to pay until your order is delivered.
I only do in-game orders IF i by some reason are in Care Diogel or Camelot (if /who Lomald is not in camelot nor in caer diogel im not taking orders).
Give me your name and all your alts, and send me a pm here or write a message here (ill check here and BW pms) and ill make the order.
Or you may email me on: lomalds_alchemy@hotmail.com