+11 Runecarving ?



I'm being told different stories from deifferent people about what exactly this will achieve in rvr and pve. Please tell me the effects of 48+11 rc in rvr i need to know if its worth it.


It will lover the variance of the damage, so you hit the same numberish for damage each time. So basicly it just raises the lower cap


Against L50s it doesnt really do much. On any higher level target it will raise your damage though. So if you have like 48rc/20d, it's better to max dark before rc in spellcraft templates.


nope ive been looking into this alot as well

anything over 50 in RvR except rr5 is pointless

Pve Maybe... it lowers your variance. but i find i always cap on mobs with bolts for consistant values approx 730 + 500 on yellow/OJ Skrats(?) near hagall. i dont really think +11 does naff all

My suggestion is get a +11rc suit of nubi cloth completely nekkid no +pie or dex and go try it out on people, grey mobs, yellow mobs etc


If you can afford it, get it. Pretty simple. All damage = good damage :)


There is no reason NOT to get it if you have nice items. You probably have either 47rc/26s or 48rc/2x dark. Putting (spell crafted skill) points into dark or supp when you are rc/supp is a waste (IMO). Then you should of course put 11 RC for PvE. If you are a darkcarver, you should put dark first to +11 and RC with whatever you can still fit in with everything else capped.

Qte Eth

it does increase damage in rvr if going over 50 so if u can afford this do it;)
and since for a mage its easy its worth it:)


As Q said, it does help in rvr.

Tried with my chanter going without +11 and with.

Roo Stercogburn

I find I do more damage if I go out with my Arakasi crafted staff (TM) which maxxes my +11 darkness, than if I go out with my DF staff which doesn't quite max it. In general I get less resists too, though don't ask me for stats.

Belorfyn did some testing too and found that getting +darkness above 50 did make a difference in RvR, though it was a small difference. As Ardrias said, all damage is good damage :)


What about..

Config Report

Str: 0 Int: 0 Hits: 205
Con: 75 Pie: 75 Power: 11
Dex: 75 Cha: 0
Qui: 0 Emp: 0

Body: 27 Energy: 25 Crush: 36
Cold: 26 Matter: 26 Thrust: 27
Heat: 26 Spirit: 27 Slash: 27

11 Darkness 11 Runecarving
2 Mending 4 Shield

50 Darkness Focus 50 Runecarving Focus

Imbue Points: 37 of 32 (100% Qual) Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 9 Thrust Resist - 99% polished Airy Shielding Jewel
Gem 2: 13 Spirit Resist - 99% precious Vapor Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 5 Slash Resist - 99% flawed Watery Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 2 Cold Resist - 99% uncut Icy Shielding Jewel
Utility: 58

Imbue Points: 37 of 32 (100% Qual) Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 9 Body Resist - 99% polished Dusty Shielding Jewel
Gem 2: 9 Matter Resist - 99% polished Earthen Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 22 Piety - 99% precious Watery Essence Jewel
Gem 4: 16 Dexterity - 99% polished Vapor Essence Jewel
Utility: 61.3333358764648

Imbue Points: 36.5 of 32 (100% Qual) Overcharge: 58%
Gem 1: 25 Constitution - 99% flawless Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 22 Dexterity - 99% precious Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 7 Energy Resist - 99% imperfect Light Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 7 Matter Resist - 99% imperfect Earthen Shielding Jewel
Utility: 59.3333320617676

Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 (100% Qual) Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 25 Constitution - 99% flawless Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 22 Dexterity - 99% precious Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 16 Piety - 99% polished Watery Essence Jewel
Gem 4: 60 Hits - 99% precious Blood Essence Jewel
Utility: 57

Imbue Points: 36.5 of 32 (100% Qual) Overcharge: 58%
Gem 1: 9 Energy Resist - 99% polished Light Shielding Jewel
Gem 2: 2 Heat Resist - 99% uncut Heated Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 4 Darkness - 99% flawed Icy Chaos Rune
Gem 4: 5 Runecarving - 99% imperfect Heated Chaos Rune
Utility: 67

Imbue Points: 35 of 32 (100% Qual) Overcharge: 78%
Gem 1: 3 Darkness - 99% rough Icy Chaos Rune
Gem 2: 22 Piety - 99% precious Watery Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 9 Energy Resist - 99% polished Light Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 52 Hits - 99% faceted Blood Essence Jewel
Utility: 60.6666641235352

Right Hand:
Imbue Points: 0 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: Empty -
Gem 2: Empty -
Gem 3: Empty -
Gem 4: Empty -
Utility: 0

Left Hand:
Imbue Points: 0 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: Empty -
Gem 2: Empty -
Gem 3: Empty -
Gem 4: Empty -
Utility: 0

Two Handed:
Imbue Points: 33.5 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 30%
Gem 1: 50 Darkness Focus - 99% perfect Ice Rune
Gem 2: 50 Runecarving Focus - 99% perfect Heat Rune
Gem 3: 4 Darkness - 99% flawed Icy Chaos Rune
Gem 4: 6 Runecarving - 99% polished Heated Chaos Rune
Utility: 52

Imbue Points: 0 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: Empty -
Gem 2: Empty -
Gem 3: Empty -
Gem 4: Empty -
Utility: 0

Name: Beaded Resisting Stone
Level: 50 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 10 Body Resist
Effect 2: 10 Cold Resist
Effect 3: 10 Crush Resist
Effect 4: 10 Thrust Resist
Utility: 80

Name: Scaffold Web Cloak
Level: 50 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 8 Spirit Resist
Effect 2: 8 Cold Resist
Effect 3: 8 Heat Resist
Effect 4: 6 Constitution
Utility: 52

Name: Qwinhild's Ancestral Jewel
Level: 50 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 8 Body Resist
Effect 2: 8 Crush Resist
Effect 3: 8 Thrust Resist
Effect 4: 24 Hits
Utility: 54

Name: Flame Wrought Belt
Level: 51 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 15 Piety
Effect 2: 15 Dexterity
Effect 3: 7 Power
Effect 4: 48 Hits
Utility: 46

Right Ring:
Name: Ring of Spun Silk
Level: 48 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 10 Matter Resist
Effect 2: 10 Crush Resist
Effect 3: 3 Constitution
Effect 4: 21 Hits
Utility: 47.25

Left Ring:
Name: Band of Ice
Level: 50 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 6 Cold Resist
Effect 2: 6 Heat Resist
Effect 3: 6 Spirit Resist
Effect 4: 13 Constitution
Utility: 44.6666679382324

Right Wrist:
Name: Bedring
Level: 49 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 10 Heat Resist
Effect 2: 10 Slash Resist
Effect 3: 4 Power
Effect 4: 2 Mending
Utility: 58

Left Wrist:
Name: Skjold
Level: 49 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 8 Crush Resist
Effect 2: 12 Slash Resist
Effect 3: 3 Constitution
Effect 4: 4 Shield
Utility: 62

Got Biggilus on the job :)


superb template very uber, whoever made up that one is a god \o/


Or you can find a thread where Solid made 2 templates for me, with less mp armor ~~

Would link but I cba :|


That temp is shit, sorry, but you dont need MP gear for that...

In true Blue Peter style... heres on I made ealier...

Change the focus and skill as needed, and a pointeh hat is needed imo!!1

Config Report

Str: 0 Int: 0 Hits: 203
Con: 76 Pie: 75 Power: 11
Dex: 75 Cha: 0
Qui: 0 Emp: 0

Body: 28 Energy: 25 Crush: 28
Cold: 24 Matter: 25 Thrust: 25
Heat: 27 Spirit: 26 Slash: 26

11 Darkness 11 Suppression

50 Darkness Focus 50 Suppression

Imbue Points: 32.5 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 50%
Gem 1: 22 Constitution - 99% precious Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 22 Dexterity - 99% precious Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 7 Energy Resist - 99% imperfect Light Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 5 Heat Resist - 99% flawed Heated Shielding Jewel
Utility: 53.3333358764648

Imbue Points: 32.5 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 50%
Gem 1: 16 Constitution - 99% polished Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 22 Dexterity - 99% precious Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 7 Energy Resist - 99% imperfect Light Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 7 Matter Resist - 99% imperfect Earthen Shielding Jewel
Utility: 53.3333358764648

Imbue Points: 32.5 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 50%
Gem 1: 16 Constitution - 99% polished Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 22 Piety - 99% precious Watery Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 7 Spirit Resist - 99% imperfect Vapor Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 7 Thrust Resist - 99% imperfect Airy Shielding Jewel
Utility: 53.3333358764648

Imbue Points: 32 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 50%
Gem 1: 16 Dexterity - 99% polished Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 44 Hits - 99% polished Blood Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 7 Slash Resist - 99% imperfect Watery Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 4 Darkness - 99% flawed Icy Chaos Rune
Utility: 55.6666679382324

Imbue Points: 32 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 50%
Gem 1: 22 Piety - 99% precious Watery Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 36 Hits - 99% imperfect Blood Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 5 Spirit Resist - 99% flawed Vapor Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 9 Slash Resist - 99% polished Watery Shielding Jewel
Utility: 51.6666679382324

Imbue Points: 32 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 50%
Gem 1: 16 Piety - 99% polished Watery Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 4 Darkness - 99% flawed Icy Chaos Rune
Gem 3: 4 Suppression - 99% flawed Dusty Chaos Rune
Gem 4: 5 Energy Resist - 99% flawed Light Shielding Jewel
Utility: 60.6666679382324

Right Hand:
Imbue Points: 0 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: Empty -
Gem 2: Empty -
Gem 3: Empty -
Gem 4: Empty -
Utility: 0

Left Hand:
Imbue Points: 0 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: Empty -
Gem 2: Empty -
Gem 3: Empty -
Gem 4: Empty -
Utility: 0

Two Handed:
Imbue Points: 26 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: 50 Darkness Focus - 99% perfect Ice Rune
Gem 2: 50 Suppression - 99% perfect Dust Rune
Gem 3: 3 Darkness - 99% rough Icy Chaos Rune
Gem 4: 5 Suppression - 99% imperfect Dusty Chaos Rune
Utility: 42

Imbue Points: 0 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: Empty -
Gem 2: Empty -
Gem 3: Empty -
Gem 4: Empty -
Utility: 0

Name: Beaded Resisting Stone
Level: 50 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 10 Body Resist
Effect 2: 10 Cold Resist
Effect 3: 10 Crush Resist
Effect 4: 10 Thrust Resist
Utility: 80

Name: Scaffold Web Cloak
Level: 0 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 8 Cold Resist
Effect 2: 8 Heat Resist
Effect 3: 8 Spirit Resist
Effect 4: 6 Constitution
Utility: 52

Name: Qwinhild's Ancestral Jewel
Level: 40 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 8 Body Resist
Effect 2: 8 Crush Resist
Effect 3: 8 Thrust Resist
Effect 4: 24 Hits
Utility: 54

Name: Flame Wrought Belt
Level: 45 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 48 Hits
Effect 2: 7 Power
Effect 3: 15 Dexterity
Effect 4: 15 Piety
Utility: 46

Right Ring:
Name: Ring of Spun Silk
Level: 48 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 10 Matter Resist
Effect 2: 10 Crush Resist
Effect 3: 3 Constitution
Effect 4: 21 Hits
Utility: 47.25

Left Ring:
Name: Band of Ice
Level: 50 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 6 Cold Resist
Effect 2: 6 Heat Resist
Effect 3: 6 Spirit Resist
Effect 4: 13 Constitution
Utility: 44.6666679382324

Right Wrist:
Name: Erorb
Level: 49 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 10 Body Resist
Effect 2: 10 Slash Resist
Effect 3: 4 Power
Effect 4: 2 Suppression
Utility: 58

Left Wrist:
Name: Jergursunn
Level: 49 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 8 Heat Resist
Effect 2: 6 Energy Resist
Effect 3: 8 Matter Resist
Effect 4: 30 Hits
Utility: 51.5


i only used MP armour for pudz in that template coz thats what he had already
i capped everything on my darkcarver with 99% armour, MP gloves/boots - only slash was 1% off cap

but yea pudz, imo get ure armour redone and sell the MP for more


Aye but Brunore I already had it sitting in vault, also theres the fact that you failedto cap 4 resists :p I like to have everything capped, I'm missing 1% energy but thats notmuch considering whatelse I'm getting I guess :eek:


Config Report

Str: 0 Int: 0 Hits: 207
Con: 75 Pie: 75 Power: 4
Dex: 76 Cha: 0
Qui: 0 Emp: 0

Body: 25 Energy: 27 Crush: 28
Cold: 25 Matter: 24 Thrust: 25
Heat: 27 Spirit: 30 Slash: 26

11 Darkness 11 Runecarving
3 Summoning 3 Left Axe

50 Darkness Focus 50 Runecarving Focus

Imbue Points: 32 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 50%
Gem 1: 3 Darkness - 99% rough Icy Chaos Rune
Gem 2: 22 Constitution - 99% precious Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 7 Body Resist - 99% imperfect Dusty Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 7 Cold Resist - 99% imperfect Icy Shielding Jewel
Utility: 57.6666641235352

Imbue Points: 32 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 50%
Gem 1: 3 Darkness - 99% rough Icy Chaos Rune
Gem 2: 22 Constitution - 99% precious Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 7 Thrust Resist - 99% imperfect Airy Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 7 Energy Resist - 99% imperfect Light Shielding Jewel
Utility: 57.6666641235352

Imbue Points: 33.5 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 30%
Gem 1: 22 Constitution - 99% precious Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 36 Hits - 99% imperfect Blood Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 19 Dexterity - 99% faceted Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 4: 22 Piety - 99% precious Watery Essence Jewel
Utility: 51.0000038146973

Imbue Points: 32.5 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 50%
Gem 1: 3 Runecarving - 99% rough Heated Chaos Rune
Gem 2: 16 Piety - 99% polished Watery Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 9 Slash Resist - 99% polished Watery Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 7 Energy Resist - 99% imperfect Light Shielding Jewel
Utility: 57.6666641235352

Imbue Points: 33 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 30%
Gem 1: 19 Piety - 99% faceted Watery Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 22 Dexterity - 99% precious Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 7 Energy Resist - 99% imperfect Light Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 44 Hits - 99% polished Blood Essence Jewel
Utility: 52.3333358764648

Imbue Points: 27.5 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: 13 Dexterity - 99% imperfect Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 52 Hits - 99% faceted Blood Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 7 Slash Resist - 99% imperfect Watery Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 5 Heat Resist - 99% flawed Heated Shielding Jewel
Utility: 45.6666679382324

Right Hand:
Imbue Points: 0 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: Empty -
Gem 2: Empty -
Gem 3: Empty -
Gem 4: Empty -
Utility: 0

Left Hand:
Imbue Points: 0 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: Empty -
Gem 2: Empty -
Gem 3: Empty -
Gem 4: Empty -
Utility: 0

Two Handed:
Imbue Points: 31 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 70%
Gem 1: 50 Darkness Focus - 99% perfect Ice Rune
Gem 2: 50 Runecarving Focus - 99% perfect Heat Rune
Gem 3: 5 Darkness - 99% imperfect Icy Chaos Rune
Gem 4: 5 Runecarving - 99% imperfect Heated Chaos Rune
Utility: 52

Imbue Points: 0 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: Empty -
Gem 2: Empty -
Gem 3: Empty -
Gem 4: Empty -
Utility: 0

Name: Beaded Resisting Stones
Level: 51 Quality: 5
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 10 Crush Resist
Effect 2: 10 Thrust Resist
Effect 3: 10 Cold Resist
Effect 4: 10 Body Resist
Utility: 80

Name: Scaffold Web Cloak
Level: 51 Quality: 5
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 8 Cold Resist
Effect 2: 8 Heat Resist
Effect 3: 8 Spirit Resist
Effect 4: 6 Constitution
Utility: 52

Name: Quinhilds Jewel
Level: 51 Quality: 5
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 8 Crush Resist
Effect 2: 8 Thrust Resist
Effect 3: 8 Body Resist
Effect 4: 24 Hits
Utility: 54

Name: Golden Scale Belt
Level: 51 Quality: 5
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 3 Runecarving
Effect 2: 3 Summoning
Effect 3: 18 Dexterity
Effect 4: 18 Piety
Utility: 54

Right Ring:
Name: Rung of Spun Silk
Level: 51 Quality: 5
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 10 Crush Resist
Effect 2: 10 Matter Resist
Effect 3: 3 Constitution
Effect 4: 21 Hits
Utility: 47.25

Left Ring:
Name: Warding String Ring
Level: 51 Quality: 5
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 8 Matter Resist
Effect 2: 10 Spirit Resist
Effect 3: 8 Heat Resist
Effect 4: 4 Power
Utility: 60

Right Wrist:
Name: Jergersunn Bracelet
Level: 51 Quality: 5
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 6 Energy Resist
Effect 2: 6 Heat Resist
Effect 3: 6 Matter Resist
Effect 4: 30 Hits
Utility: 43.5

Left Wrist:
Name: Venstreks Bracer
Level: 51 Quality: 5
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 10 Slash Resist
Effect 2: 12 Spirit Resist
Effect 3: 3 Left Axe
Effect 4: 4 Dexterity
Utility: 61.6666679382324

all easy to get items - all stuff 99% everything capped except 2% matter resist + power


Can someone tell me where all that jewellry comes from?

I think I know a couple though :

Band of Ice - from windswept wraithes (in Odin's Gate / Raumarik?)

Ancestral thingie jewel - Ancestral Secrets Quest

Beaded Resistance Stones - Another SI quest

but what about the others?


bah at all those templates!
using 99% armour i was only undercapped on slash by 1% ^^

as for the items, u got SI quests mainbly
catla's downfall gets u 2 bracers
BoI from raumarik
ring spun silk + scaffold cloak from Dark Places of Soul quest
glacial jewel from hidden maps quest
flame wrought belt cant remember where mine came form tbh

all easy to get tho

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