/em waves :)
J Jonaldo Guest Nov 5, 2002 Thread starter #2 YOU DIE !!!!!!! YOU GO TO HELL AND YOU DIE!!!!1111 (quote from Southpark for the uneducated) muaaahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHHAAAAAAAHAHAAAAAAAAA MUUUUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAHAHAHAAAAHAAH *cough cough* HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAHA hrmm... bastid shadowblade **Usp was just pwned by teh Oober** coming to an emain near you! Good luck matey. (37 copper says he has a full supp specced SM soon when he misses his pbaoe - old habits die hard) (unlike mentalists who die often)
YOU DIE !!!!!!! YOU GO TO HELL AND YOU DIE!!!!1111 (quote from Southpark for the uneducated) muaaahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHHAAAAAAAHAHAAAAAAAAA MUUUUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAHAHAHAAAAHAAH *cough cough* HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAHA hrmm... bastid shadowblade **Usp was just pwned by teh Oober** coming to an emain near you! Good luck matey. (37 copper says he has a full supp specced SM soon when he misses his pbaoe - old habits die hard) (unlike mentalists who die often)
J Jonaldo Guest Nov 5, 2002 Thread starter #3 btw gotta do something about that e-mail address of yours now usp@shadowblade.com just don't sound quite right
btw gotta do something about that e-mail address of yours now usp@shadowblade.com just don't sound quite right
V VidX Guest Nov 5, 2002 Thread starter #4 Says who? Never know, supp SM could be fun..., though a manachanter in PvP could be too...
S swords Guest Nov 6, 2002 Thread starter #6 roll a thane for a Bg alt when you get there....its a doddle to get to 24 with a thane
O old.Fenixen Guest Nov 6, 2002 Thread starter #7 /em cries There are still many sad Hibs who miss their favourite manachanter and leader. /em sobing For the Light and Hibernia!!!
/em cries There are still many sad Hibs who miss their favourite manachanter and leader. /em sobing For the Light and Hibernia!!!