10/02 Fri eve Leirvik


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 12, 2004
Can I just say THANKS, for what was (for me at least) a great evening in Leirvik!

Albs take CK from Mids, Hibs nick AT while we do so, and treb hole in CK wall, followed by a looong and fun battle breaking in inner CK doors and fighting all throughout the inner keep! And then for Mids to come in, get wiped a couple of times too then storm through when we Albs were in ATK after a particulary effective Hib offensive....:)

After all the effort put in by the Hibs though, I did feel for them not getting the keep. :fluffle:

But while Leirvik quickly became depressing after the Mid take (2 Locks and Dan as well as at least 3 others - Kobby, Norse stealther and other Norse running amok) the hours before that were great! Hope to see such prolonged yet fun action again - until the Mids appeared it seemed to me that Albs & Hibs were fairly evenly balanced, with Hibs just not quite able to manage CK Lord with us annoying them :twak:

Lertsnim notirb - 44 Mincer

(He-who-annoyed-the-Hibbies-muchly-when-duo-with-the-theurge) :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 3, 2004
Hi mate,

Well you have one wicked spec on ur mincer. Anyhow the lack of cc (we had no bard) went bad on us in the end. It was good fun though and I am looking forward to a rematch tomorrow. Hopefully without the mid warlocks cos that killed the action and fun for me. If it was one ok but two; a bd, runie, shammie, 2 handed sb if I am not mistaken was just too much for us to handle without a decent mezzer.
So hoping the mids will let their common sense kick in and bring a tad less op group to Leirvik we could be in for some epic battles in the next few days.




Fledgling Freddie
Aug 12, 2004
Spec is simple - 44 Instruments, 25 Stealth (enough for climb walls - and yes all you 'proper' stealthers feel free to keep /laughing at me) and rest Slash (24)

And yup - a shame the Locks overran the zone - had a few nice fights vs a Norse and a Luri but each time a lock added and ruined it - vs the Norse I died, vs the Luri I needed (and got) help from my Thuggy matey (boy I suck at remembering names - I blame the C I D E R! :cheers: )

Still - hoping for more fun in the future - C'ya all around!

And if you want 1v1 duels give me the appropriate signs (bow etc whatever) I'm generally up for it, although can't stop other Albs from adding (will ask them not to however).

PS. yes have been running buffed - only chance vs Locks and gave me & the Thuggy a chance when was 2v5 earlier but if want proper unbufed duel - umm dunno! Get the message across somehow! :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
I realise Leirv is about learning ur char in rvr...but for the love of all things holy, DONT insta stun everytime u mezz someone....we just get stun immunity and you gain nothing from it. Aside from that loose the DI bot Imo QQ(we had no druids so were close to helpless coz you had both DI, SoH and heals...)

I managed to get the cleric several times by jumpin down from roof tho :p

And I know what your gonna say...use tricks ingame etc etc....but I hardly wanna turn leirv into di2/sh bots hell like real rvr is :( (I also have a 44 druid with DI1 and pr1 atm)

Now I know you wanna win and get rps...but that really clinched it for hibs...we had next to no chance unless we were more than twice ur numbers(which we were at some point)

Anyyyyyyyyyyways....thx for the rps, might respec vamp SM spec so I can abuse that OP HoT :p



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Im not OP!!!

>_< Sorta :p

Im not saying vamp aint OP, I just hate ppl who use DI bots ;)



Fledgling Freddie
Aug 12, 2004
I'm not normally keen on DI bots either and very rarely use the bot for anything apart from Buffs.

On this specific occasion, 2 of us were facing 5+ Hibs - we didnt group the bot and set DI until you had broken into CK and even popping out of the inner CK door was painful.

After a while more Albs came, Hibs broke down inner door and we moved up to the postern area. From that point onwards, while the bot was there, DI was not used (unless one of the active healers also had it - we had a Friar and I think for a while a second Friar also).

I agree - as noted - DI (even when only lvl 1) can be silly, so I peronally only use it when it (or something) is needed to give a chance - not to give an instant win.

What I do find depressing however is a Shar with a level 10 SoM, and at least a level 5 Traitors Dagger running around, totally unkillable by any single other melee, and on occasions two of us were not enough. Kit the character out OK (I use a mix of Aurulite items and RoG's) but such detailed TOA etc is almost as bad as DI bots for the rest of the Leirvik population imo!

Still - so long as everyone has fun, it's good in the end! :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 12, 2004
As an aside, ref the comment:

"DONT insta stun everytime u mezz someone"

Often stun is needed to give the time to mez... mez can be interrupted you know.

Also on the day in qeustion I was grouped with a thuggy using mixed Ice and Air pets - with air pets around, stun is nothing more than an interrupt anyway - it distracts, it annoys, it gets your attention :)

Lertsnim notrib - 44 mincer

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