1.85 Scout Template


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 28, 2004
Bored @ work so threw this together with no Kort's/Loki. This template seems like a nice alrounder. Stats are decent (apart from low con), resists are bloody solid ranging between 20% to 26%. Only thing I wouldve loved to be able to fit would be the Qui with my bow drawn.

Stats: Melee
Str: 91/91
Con: 75/75
Dex: 86/90
Qui: 72/75
HP: 320/320
AF: 50/50

Body: 23/26 (+10)
Spirit: 21(+5)/26 (+10)
Matter: 22/26 (+10)
Energy: 20/26 (+10)
Cold/Heat: 26/26 (+10)
Thrust: 26/26 (+3)
Crush: 26(+2)/26 (+3)
Slash: 26(+3)/26 (+3)

Thrust: 11/11
Shield: 11/11
Stealth: 11/11

Stats: Bow:
Str: 63/91
Con: 75/75
Dex: 99/99
Qui: 59/75
HP: 320/320
AF: 50/50

Body: 23/26 (+10)
Spirit: 21(+5)/26 (+10)
Matter: 22/26 (+10)
Energy: 20/26 (+10)
Cold/Heat: 26/26 (+)
Thrust: 12/26 (+3)
Crush: 18(+2)/26 (+3)
Slash: 18(+3)/26 (+3)

Bow: 7/11
Stealth: 7/11
ToA Bonuses:

Melee Spd: 5%
Melee Dmg: 4%
Style Dmg: 4%
Bow Rng: 6%
Bow dmg: 3%
Bow Spd: 6%

Chest: GoV

Helm: Winged Helm

Leggings: New lamellar
Effect 1: Con 16
Effect 2: Dex 28
Effect 3: Thrust +3
Effect 4: Shield +4
Effect 5: Str cap +5

Arms: New Lamellar
Effect 1: Con 22
Effect 2: Qui 22
Effect 3: Hits 60
Effect 4: Shield +4
Effect 5: Hitcap +40

Gloves: Mariasha Sharkskin

Boots: New Lamellar

Effect 1: Con 22
Effect 2: Qui 22
Effect 3: Hits 60
Effect 4: Thrust +4
Effect 5: Dex cap +5

Right Hand: New Lgn

Effect 1: Str 28
Effect 2: Thrust 7%
Effect 3: Thrust +4
Effect 4: Shield +3
Effect 5: AFcap +10

Left Hand: ml9 stealth shield

Ranged: Champ bow


Neck: Barrow drop
Belt: Oglidarsh's
Gem: EDS
Ring: 7 Souls
Ring: DR drop
Wrist: Ebon hide
Wrist: DR drop
Cloak: SoM


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
If you are going to use the new pieces set them to 99% qual. Otherwise that is probably the best part of 60p worth of SC on that template.

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