1.83d 1.83e 1.83Final


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
If you're really bored at work, this is what is coming up........

1.83D On Pendragon

Posted By: Sanya Thomas 2006-04-13 16:40:49

This, and the other parts of 1.83, will go live next week barring the unforeseen:


Dark Age of Camelot
Test Version 1.83d Release Notes
Class Changes and Art Revamps
April 13, 2006



- Armor tables have been adjusted so that no armor will be more than 5% vulnerable to any given type of damage. All armor tables will retain resistances they currently have (this includes 10% resistances).

- Constitution loss now begins at level 10.

- It is now possible for guilds to change their emblem as much as they wish for 100 gold per change.

- Effects from combat styles will no longer play on the original target if the blow is intercepted.

- Shadow Strike will no longer allow dead players to be targeted. Additionally, the target will be abandoned if it dies after the timer expires.

- If a player is mesmerized while attempting to perform Shadow Strike, the Shadow Strike will fail.

- Players who are phase shifted can no longer have Theurgist pets cast upon them.


General Notes

- Buff shears for all three main healing classes will no longer cause damage. However, all buff shears will now correctly grant realm points.


- Bonedancers are now able to choose which weapon their summoned commander wields. Upon being summoned, pets will prompt their owner to target them and to say a keyword. When the keyword is spoken, it will bring up a menu of options for the owner of the pet to browse. Clicking or saying the available keywords will allow the owner to select from one and two handed swords, axes and hammers. This functions for all pet tiers. Note: This functionality only works when the player is out of combat, and only the pet's owner can execute the commands on the pet.


- (Pendragon Only) Twinkling Arms, Glossed Arms, Shining Arms, Shimmering Arms, Glowing Arms, Glittering Arms, Brilliant Arms and Splendorous Arms are now realm castable buffs again at all levels. Dazzling Arms and Radiant Arms have been placed back into Enchantments at 35 and 45.

- Enchanters will be able to choose between elf or lurikeen icons for their summoned pets, at all tiers. Upon being summoned, pets will prompt their owner to target them and to say a keyword. When the keyword is spoken by the summoning enchanter, it will bring up a menu of options for the owner of the pet to browse. Clicking or saying the available keywords will allow the owner to change the appearance and/or armament of their pet. Note: This functionality only works when the player is out of combat, and only the pet's owner can execute the commands on the pet.


- Spiritmasters will be able to choose between norse, troll, kobold, valkyn and dwarf icons for their summoned pets, in addition to being able to select which weapon they wish their pets to wield. Upon being summoned, pets will prompt their owner to target them and to say a keyword. When the keyword is spoken, it will bring up a menu of options for the owner of the pet to browse. Clicking or saying the available keywords will allow the owner to select the appearance of the pet, as well as select between a one handed sword, one handed axe, one handed hammer or a spear. This functions for all pet tiers. Note: This functionality only works when the player is out of combat, and only the pet's owner can execute the commands on the pet.


- Combat styles in the Hammer line are no longer listed twice when viewing them in the Thane's training window.


- A new 6.0 Group Damage shield (Nature's Vengeance) has been added to Valewalkers at level 45.

- A new Lifetap which links to a group heal (Immolation) has been added to Valewalkers at level 50. This has a 2.0 second cast time with a 10 second re-use timer.

- Valewalkers now have access to Protect 1 at level 15.

- Valewalkers now have access to Intercept at level 19.

- Valewalkers now have access to Protect 2 at level 23.

- Valewalkers now have access to Protect 3 at level 32.


- Aurora now has a 3% Power Rend spell.

- Odin's Bite now has a 6% Power Rend spell.

- Odin's Madness now has a 9% Power Rend spell coupled with a 150 frontal area of effect direct damage spell.


- The encumbrance of a Vampiir will now scale properly with any buffs they use. This fixes a bug that was causing encumbrance to decrease as the Vampiir leveled and attained higher level buffs.


- The cast time on the Earth line direct damage snare is now 2.8 seconds.

- (Pendragon Only) Animations for the Nearsight spells have been adjusted.

- (Pendragon Only) Sounds for the Earth line direct damage snare and Ice line area of effect Root have been swapped to better suit the lines in which they're attained.

- (Pendragon Only) The messages to players when being snared or rooted (from the prior changes to area of effect snare and area of effect root spells) will now display correctly.

- (Pendragon Only) The Earth line direct damage Snare spells and Ice line area of effect Root spells now properly check their specializations when cast.


Item Notes - Albion

- Godeleva Dowden now sells tradeskill items more appropriate for beginning crafters in Cotswold.

Dungeon Notes - General

- The AI for 'Grand Summoner Govannon' has been modified to prevent a rare occurence where the mob would be semi-invulnerable for longer than intended.


Item Notes - General

- Necklaces and Armor from Galladoria, Tuscaran Glacier and Caer Sidi will once again function correctly when all pieces are worn.


Item Notes

- Valkyries are now eligible to receive the Shield of Khaos. Valkyries who meet the appropriate requirements to receive this artifact should speak to Loremaster Sverrir or Loremaster Pahr.

Oceanus Encounters

- Reduced the spawn radius for the Eternal Plant to make it easier for the seekers to find the plant and start the encounter.


General Notes

- Added region announcements to each of the 'Circle of 5' bosses. These are set to 2000 units around the spawn of the monster. This is help identify that you should be within 2000 units of the boss when the boss is defeated in order to receive credit for the encounter.


- (Midgard) Fjall and his friends should no longer make it all the way up the hill to Vindsaul Faste. This should prevent them from attacking unsuspecting players.


- Adjusted the locations of a number of forges and alchemy tables so that the new models do not collide with nearby walls or geometry.

- The wretched hagbui on the central island in Leivrik are now hostile instead of aggressive.

Teeny 1.83E

Posted By: Sanya Thomas 2006-04-17 15:47:20

Just four:


Dark Age of Camelot
Test Version 1.83e Release Notes
Class Changes and Art Revamps
April 17, 2006



- Mentalist Heal over Time spells now print in the "Spell Pulse Message" color in the chat window and can be filtered using that setting.

- When delving spells with sub-spells, such as the Valewalker's spell, Immolation, the delve information would be incorrect in some instances. This has been fixed.

- Guild/House recall stones will now work across clustered servers.

- (Pendragon Only) Guilds are now able to change their emblem more than once at the cost of 100 gold per change.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Welcome to 1.83

Posted By: Missy Hatch 2006-04-19 14:53:56

Thanks so much for your patience.The servers are up! Here are the notes.


Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.83 Release Notes
Class Changes and Art Revamps
April 19, 2006



Last year, we asked you where we should put our focus. The polls, message boards, and emailed feedback all pointed to RvR and Class Enhancements, TOA Changes, and Tradeskill Improvements. In version 1.83, we have made a great deal of progress on these top issues, with Class Enhancements being a large part of our focus.

In 1.83, we have delivered the following:

Hybrid Enhancements: We have addressed three hybrids for this version - the Valkyrie, the Paladin and the Valewalker. As with our last two patches, our goal was to give each of these classes enhancements to their current abilities. We are also introducing new abilities to make them more desirable in RvR combat.

Healing Enhancements: We have addressed the Cleric, Healer and Druid with an eye towards overall improvement, but especially their heal spells and underperforming spec lines. Here, we are extending the length of RVR battles. We are also enhancing the archetype’s utility beyond simple healing/buffing.

Art Upgrades and Underwater areas: To ensure that Camelot remains the most visually beautiful MMO on the market, our artists have been hard at work revamping more than sixty structures in the game. Our content team has also added underwater adventuring in Midgard’s homeland, and look forward to deploying the same to Hibernia and Albion in future versions. Finally, we have redesigned the Leirvik Battleground.


General Notes

- The ability to adventure underwater is being added to the classic zones starting with Midgard. Midgard players will find that they can now dive in and explore the depths of the rivers, lakes, and oceanfront that litter their landscape. The ability to adventure underwater will be added to Albion and Hibernia in subsequent patch cycles.

- Members of guilds with an alliance leader that belongs to a different server on the same cluster will now receive the correct alliance message of the day.

- The yellow quest indicators will once again be visible beneath the feet of NPCs who have available quests.

- The game help information has been updated and reorganized for easier understanding and navigation.

- All /ASEND, /OSEND and /GSEND messages will now report player name-server name combinations.

- Players will no longer lose their quickbars if they fail to zone properly and get reset to a safe spot.

- Mousewheel support has been added to the Training window.

- It is now possible for guilds to change their emblem as much as they wish for 100 gold per change.

- Mentalist Heal over Time spells now print in the "Spell Pulse Message" color in the chat window and can be filtered using that setting.

- When delving spells with sub-spells, such as the Valewalker's spell, Immolation, the delve information would be incorrect in some instances. This has been fixed.

- Guild/House recall stones will now work across clustered servers.

New Art, Effects, And Animation Notes

- New horse art introduced in Darkness Rising has been implemented for the majority of equine based monsters throughout the Classic zones.

- Several monsters throughout Classic zones have had their artwork updated with art from Atlantis.

- Several monsters have received graphical changes. Some of these monsters include the hagbui, eidolons and dullahan, as well as others.

- The held position of the Bonedancer Champion Staff has been updated.

- The held position of the Runemaster Champion Staff has been updated.

- The Sorcerer Champion Staff has been made longer.

- The Valkyrie two-handed Champion Sword now sits higher on the character's back.

- New spell effects have been added to storms created by Stormlords.

- The Warlock Realm Rank 5 Ability now has a new spell effect associated with it.

- The Hero two-handed Champion Sword now rests higher on the character's back.

- Multiple target styles will now play the correct style animation, rather than the generic attack animation.

- Effects from combat styles will no longer play on the original target if the blow is intercepted.


General Notes - All Classes

- Armor tables have been adjusted so that no armor will be more than 5% vulnerable to any given type of damage. All armor tables will retain resistances they currently have (this includes 10% resistances).

- It will no longer possible to execute the third style in a chain when the second style didn't execute successfully.

- Constitution loss now begins at level 10.

General Notes - Assassin Classes

- Shadow Strike will no longer allow dead players to be targeted. Additionally, the target will be abandoned if it dies after the timer expires.

- If an assassin is mesmerized while attempting to perform Shadow Strike, the Shadow Strike will fail.

General Notes - Healing Classes

- The power cost of all healing spells in Rejuvenation, Regrowth and Mending has been adjusted to allow for a gradual increase in cost to heal ratio as players gain access to higher levels of these spells. In many cases, this means the cost of healing spells has decreased.

- Recast times on the Instant Single target heal spells have been decreased to 10 minutes.

- Recast times on the Instant Group target heal spells have been decreased to 15 minutes.

- The cast times on Spec-line Major Healing spells from Rejuvenation, Regrowth and Mending have been decreased by .1 seconds per level of spell down to 2.5 seconds.


5 Major Restoration: 3.2s
8 Major Recuperation: 3.1s
11 Major Renewal: 3.0s
14 Major Revival: 2.9s
18 Major Resuscitation: 2.8s
25 Major Reviction: 2.7s
33 Major Refection: 2.6s
43 Major Refocillation: 2.5s

- Raise Fallen, Lesser Reconstitution, and Reception from Valhalla now grant 10% Endurance upon Resurrection.

- Reincarnate, Reconstitution, and Welcome from Valhalla now grant 25% Endurance upon Resurrection.

- Resurrection, Greater Reconstitution, and Remigration from Valhalla now grant 50% Endurance upon Resurrection.

- Call from Valhalla now grants 35% Power and 65% Health upon Resurrection.

- Buff shears for the Druid, Shaman and Cleric will no longer cause damage. However, all of these buff shears will now correctly grant realm points.

General Notes - Realm Abilities

- Arms Length now has a recast timer of 10 minutes.

General Notes - Master Level Abilities


- Resistance of the Ancients is now a group buff that lasts for 20 minutes and has a cast time of 3 seconds.

- Players who are phase shifted can no longer have Theurgist elemental and Animist bomber pets cast upon them.

General Notes - Tradeskills

- Bards can now choose to become Fletchers.

Class Specific Notes


- New weapon art has been created solely for the various fossil and commander pets.

- The two top tiers of commander pets have new, unique helm art.

- Bonedancers are now able to choose which weapon their summoned commander wields. Upon being summoned, pets will prompt their owner to target them and to say a keyword. When the keyword is spoken, it will bring up a menu of options for the owner of the pet to browse. Clicking or saying the available keywords will allow the owner to select from one and two handed swords, axes and hammers. This functions for all pet tiers. Note: This functionality only works when the player is out of combat, and only the pet's owner can execute the commands on the pet.


- The radius on the PBAE Mesmerize spells (Heavenly Visions - Theophany) has been increased to 300 units.

- Several changes have been made to Smite in the form of heals linking to the target of the cast or from the cleric themselves, as well as a few new spells introduced into the Smite Spec line.

- Direct Damage Smite spec now links to a PBAE heal off the target of the spell in the following manner:

5 Holy Anger links to a 16 PBAE heal
8 Greater Holy Anger Links to a 23 PBAE heal
12 Holy Rage Links to a 32 PBAE heal
16 Greater Holy Rage Links to a 45 PBAE heal
21 Holy Wrath Links to a 55 PBAE heal
27 Greater Holy Wrath Links to a 70 PBAE heal
35 Holy Fury Links to a 85 PBAE heal
43 Greater Holy Fury Links to a 100 PBAE heal

- PBAE damage smite spec now links to a PBAE heal off the Cleric in the following manner:

6 Drive Evil Links to a 30 PBAE heal
11 Repel Evil Links to a 60 PBAE heal
17 Repulse Evil Links to a 90 PBAE heal
22 Dispel Evil Links to a 120 PBAE heal
32 Banish Evil Links to a 150 PBAE heal
42 Annihilate Evil Links to a 200 PBAE heal

- A new Direct Damage spell has been introduced to Smite Spec in the following manner:

25 Divine Wrath Enemy 3.0s/0/0s 750 range 123 (Spirit) 17
35 Divine Fury Enemy 2.9s/0/0s 750 range 171 (Spirit) 25
45 Divine Vengeance Enemy 2.8s/0/0s 750 range 210 (Spirit) 32

- A new Instant PBAE Snare spell has been introduced to Smite Spec in the following manner:

7 Minor Deliverance Enemy 0s/30 seconds/600s re-use/350 radius -50% (spirit) 9
17 Lesser Deliverance Enemy 0s/43 seconds/600s re-use/350 radius -50% (spirit) 16
37 Greater Deliverance Enemy 0s/56 seconds/600s re-use/350 radius -50% (spirit) 23
47 Blessed Deliverance Enemy 0s/1 minute 9 seconds/600s re-use/350 radius -50% (spirit) 30


- The Wolf, Bear and Lynx pets will now swim underwater.

- All Druid Shears now have a range of 1600 units, 2.5 second cast time, and the damage component has been removed.

- Druid Pets have been adjusted in the following manner:

All Bears will have the same attack speed as current pets pre 1.83, and have a slight boost to defensive capabilities.
All Lynx will have a slightly faster attack speed than bears, and also have a chance to evade.
All Wolves will have a slightly faster attack speed than lynx, and a slight boost to offensive capabilities.
All Nature spec 32 pets have a chance to proc "Rabies" (single target disease).

- A new Druid pet has been introduced at spec 45 in Nature Affinity which has a chance to do melee styles with varying effects.

- Druids may now choose which pet to summon at spec 32 and 45.

- A new Instant PBAE Root spell has been introduced to Nature Spec in the following manner:

7 Bursting Ivy Enemy 0s/30 seconds/600s re-use/350 radius -99% (Matter) 9
17 Bursting Vines Enemy 0s/43 seconds/600s re-use/350 radius -99% (Matter) 16
37 Bursting Tangleweed Enemy 0s/56 seconds/600s re-use/350 radius -99% (Matter) 23
47 Bursting Thornweed Enemy 0s/1 minute 9 seconds/600s re-use/350 radius -99% (Matter) 30


- Enchanters will be able to choose between elf or lurikeen icons for their summoned pets, at all tiers. Upon being summoned, pets will prompt their owner to target them and to say a keyword. When the keyword is spoken by the summoning enchanter, it will bring up a menu of options for the owner of the pet to browse. Clicking or saying the available keywords will allow the owner to change the appearance and/or armament of their pet. Note: This functionality only works when the player is out of combat, and only the pet's owner can execute the commands on the pet.


- The cast time of Celerity spells has been decreased to 2.0 seconds.

- The duration of the attack speed debuffs (Hinder Spirit - Impede Spirit) has been increased to 40 seconds.


- Wolf pets will now swim underwater.

- The delve information for the Hunter's spear style "Perforate" is now correct.


- The Paladin's endurance chant range has been increased to 2000 units.

- The range of the Paladin's taunt spell has been increased to 1500 units and is now on a 10 second recast timer.

- The Paladin's resurrection spell, Revive, will now bring a player back to life with 25% health and 25% power.

- The following chants have been added to the Paladin's Chant line:

30 Barrier of Faith: 0 second cast/6 seconds/pulse/8 second recast, 1500 unit range, 25 Magical Ablative, Group buff.
40 Barrier of Virtue:0 second cast/6 seconds/pulse/8 second recast, 1500 unit range, 40 Magical Ablative, Group buff.
50 Barrier of Temperance:0 second cast/6 seconds/pulse/8 second recast, 1500 unit range, 70 Magical Ablative, Group buff.

18 Celerity: 0 second cast/5 seconds/pulse/8 second recast, 350 unit range, Haste 24%, Group buff.
26 Enhanced Celerity: 0 second cast/5 seconds/pulse/8 second recast, 350 unit range, Haste 28%, Group buff.
32 Amplified Celerity: 0 second cast/5 seconds/pulse/8 second recast, 350 unit range, Haste 31% , Group buff.
44 Pure Celerity: 0 second cast/5 seconds/pulse/8 second recast, 350 unit range, Haste 37%, Group buff.

- A new Self only Strength buff has been granted to Paladins in their Chant line in the following manner:

3: Righteous Strength +17 Strength, 20 minute duration, 3 power
7: Righteous Potency +20 Strength, 20 minute duration, 6 power
14: Righteous Power +26 Strength, 20 minute duration, 11 power
20: Virtuous Strength +31 Strength, 20 minute duration, 16 power
30: Virtuous Potency +39 Strength, 20 minute duration, 25 power
41: Virtuous Power +47 Strength, 20 minute duration, 33 power
50: Virtuous Might +55 Strength, 20 minute duration, 43 power


- Savages now gain Prevent Flight at level 24.


- Spiritmasters are now able to choose between norse, troll, kobold, valkyn and dwarf icons for their summoned pets, in addition to being able to select which weapon they wish their pets to wield. Upon being summoned, pets will prompt their owner to target them and to say a keyword. When the keyword is spoken, it will bring up a menu of options for the owner of the pet to browse. Clicking or saying the available keywords will allow the owner to select the appearance of the pet, as well as select between a one handed sword, one handed axe, one handed hammer or a spear. This functions for all pet tiers. Note: This functionality only works when the player is out of combat, and only the pet's owner can execute the commands on the pet.


- Combat styles in the Hammer line are no longer listed twice when viewing them in the Thane's training window.


- An attack bonus (+to hit) has been added to the Taunting Scythe style.

- The cost of all spells in Valewalking has been decreased slightly.

- The following spells have been added to Valewalking:

28 Thorned Weapons: 3.0 second cast time/20 minute duration, 5.4 DPS damage add, Group buff.
39 Bristled Weapons: 3.0 second cast time/20 minute duration, 6.4 DPS damage add, Group buff.
45 Spurred Weapons: 3.0 second cast time/20 minute duration, 7.8 DPS damage add, Group buff.

40 Blight Swarm: 3.0 second casting time 1500 range/400 radius, Disease.
44 Blight Burst: Instant cast, 300 radius, Disease. 5 minute recast time.

- The disease amount from the Offensive Proc buff line (Blightstrike) has been increased by 10 per level and the proc rate has been increased by 5% per level.

- A new 6.0 Group Damage shield (Nature's Vengeance) has been added to Valewalkers at level 45.

- A new Lifetap which links to a group heal (Immolation) has been added to Valewalkers at level 50. This has a 2.0 second cast time with a 10 second re-use timer.

- Valewalkers now have access to Protect 1 at level 15.

- Valewalkers now have access to Intercept at level 19.

- Valewalkers now have access to Protect 2 at level 23.

- Valewalkers now have access to Protect 3 at level 32.

- The Valewalker ability, Immolation, now has its own separate listing in the spells window, under Arboreal Path. Due to this, Valewalkers will now see two Arboreal Path listings: one listing Immolation and the other listing Baseline spells.


- The following changes have been made to Valkyrie Spear and Sword style lines:

Stab will now utilize a 3% power rend spell.
Razor Edge will now utilize a 7 second stun spell. (This applies to Hunters as well.)
Odin's Wrath will now utilize a bleed spell.
Ice Storm will now utilize a 20 spirit DD spell.

- Movement restrictions on Valkryie CAE spells have been removed.

- Valkyries may now use large shields.

- Valkyries may now choose Charge as a Realm Ability.

- Valkyries' hit points have been increased slightly.

- Lower level versions of the Acuity and Dex/Quick shears have been put into Odin's Will in the following manner:

Frontal Buff Shear (Dex/Qui)

17 Vindictive Graze: Enemy 0s/0/300s 700 range
27 Vindictive Laceration: Enemy 0s/0/60s 700 range

Frontal Buff Shear (Acu)

19 Valkyrie's Authority: Enemy 0s/0/300s 700 range
29 Valkyrie's Supremecy: Enemy 0s/0/60s 700 range

- Valkyrie Shield styles have been adjusted in the following manner: Maneuver now leads to Sideswipe, Pin now leads to Brace.

- A magical Ablative chant has been added to Odin's Will in the following manner:

30 Odin's Faith: 0 second cast/6 seconds/pulse/8 second recast, 1500 unit range, 25 Magical Ablative, Group buff.
40 Odin's Virtue:0 second cast/6 seconds/pulse/8 second recast, 1500 unit range, 40 Magical Ablative, Group buff.
50 Odin's Temperance:0 second cast/6 seconds/pulse/8 second recast, 1500 unit range, 70 Magical Ablative, Group buff.

- Lower level shears, Vindictive Graze and Laceration, are now able to be cast while the player is moving.

- The combat style, Aurora, now has a 3% Power Rend spell.

- The combat style, Odin's Bite, now has a 6% Power Rend spell.

- The combat style, Odin's Madness, now triggers a 150 damage cone area of effect direct damage spell instead of the bleed effect it triggered previously.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004

- Vampiir Encumbrance will now scale properly at lower levels. This fixes a bug that was causing Vampiir's encumbrance to be much lower than it should have been.


- Wizards have been granted the Nearsight spell in Calefaction:

19 Dusted Vision 2.0s/2 minutes/0s 2000 range -25% vision (Matter) power cost: 9
27 Encrusted Vision 2.0ss/2 minutes/0s 2100 range -35% vision (Matter) power cost: 14
37 Mire Vision 2.0s/2 minutes/0s 2200 range -45% vision (Matter) power cost: 18
45 Soil Vision 2.0s/2 minutes/0s 2300 range -55% vision (Matter) power cost: 22

- Dusted Vision and Encrusted vision have a 10% Matter debuff which lasts for 60 seconds.

- Mire Vision and Soil vision have a 15% Matter debuff which lasts for 60 seconds.

- Minor Searing Wind, Lesser Searing Wind, Searing Wind and Minor Searing Gust now have a 15% debuff component.

- Searing Gust, Minor Searing Wave, Searing Wave and Searing Blast now have a 20% debuff component.

- Greater Sheet of Lava now has a 150 Radius.

- Sheet of Magma now has a 250 Radius.

- Greater Sheet of Magma now has a 350 Radius.

- Trembling Earth, Quaking Earth and Buckling Earth have been moved to the Liquification line and renamed to Chains of Frost, Chains of Ice, and Chains of Permafrost. The level at which Chains of Ice is granted is now spec 33 instead of spec 32 (Quaking Earth's prior spec level).

- Lesser Ensnaring Haze, Greater Ensnaring Haze, Potent Ensnaring Haze, Minor Entangling Haze, Entangling Haze, Greater Entangling Haze and Potent Entangling Haze have been moved to the Calefaction line and renamed to Lesser Ensnaring Earth, Greater Ensnaring Earth, Potent Ensnaring Earth, Minor Entangling Earth, Entangling Earth, Greater Entangling Earth and Potent Entangling Earth. The spec level at which these are attainable has been adjusted in the following manner:

3: Lesser Ensnaring Earth
13: Greater Ensnaring Earth
21: Potent Ensnaring Earth
26: Minor Entangling Earth
32: Entangling Earth
42: Greater Entangling Earth
50: Potent Entangling Earth

- Minor Ensnaring Haze and Ensnaring Haze have been removed.

- Minor Combustion, Lesser Combustion, Combustion, Greater Combustion, Major Combustion, Minor Conflagration, and Lesser Conflagration now have a 10% Heat Debuff which lasts for 20 seconds.

- Conflagration, Greater Conflagration and Major Conflagration now have a 15% Heat debuff which lasts for 20 seconds.

- The cast time on the Earth line direct damage snare is now 2.8 seconds.


- Artwork has been updated on numerous structures throughout the world.

- All remaining dungeons now have mini-maps associated with them.

- Winners of the latest haiku contest have had their winning works memorialized in-game at the following NPCs: Matennon in Tir na Nog, Kuldebar in Camelot City, and Hrodvitnir in Jordheim. Again, congratulations to our winners!

- New pets have been added as Trifecta rewards.


General World Notes

- The Orc Lasher is no longer able to be equipped in the left hand.

- Various Daring and Fearless armors now display the correct icons and armor values.

- Daring Padded Sleeves in Midgard now have bonuses to Piety instead of Intelligence.

- There have been numerous terrain updates made for the Rilan, Brisworthy and Holmestrand housing zones.

- Art updates have been made to various existing world structures.

- Players will no longer experience lighting oddities in the Vale of Mularn.

- Boat routes have been added to the Midgard realm for the classic zones as part of the underwater upgrade. The boats function similar to the boats available in the frontiers. Dockmasters can be found at Vasudheim, Audliten, Dvalin, Ft. Atla, and Naliten. The dockmasters sell tickets for the following boat routes:

Audliten to Vasudheim
Audliten to Ft. Atla
Vasudheim to Audliten
Vasudheim to Dvalin
Vasudheim to Ft. Atla
Vasudheim to Naliten
Dvalin to Vasudheim
Dvalin to Ft. Atla
Ft. Atla to Vasudheim
Ft. Atla to Audliten
Ft. Atla to Dvalin
Ft. Atla to Naliten
Naliten to Ft. Atla
Naliten to Vasudheim

- Along with tickets to the new boat routes, the dockmasters also sell a new water potion that will work for characters of any level. This will allow players to explore the new underwater content at their leisure without worrying about drowning (at least for an hour). The effect of the 'standard nereid potion' will last for 60 minutes and the potion has 20 charges.

- New tinderboxes have been added to certain humanoids in the Classic zones. These tinderboxes create campfires that will regenerate your health, endurance and power if you are not in combat. These cannot be used in the Frontier zones. The campfires currently come in five tiers and increase in effectiveness accordingly.

- (Midgard) Two new horse routes were added: Mularn to Ft. Veldon, and Ft. Veldon to Mularn.

Quest Notes - General

- A Hero Desires a Sword - Players will now be able to clear this quest from their journals.

- A Hero Desires a Sword - The experience rewards for this quest were increased slightly and modified to be more in line with the level of the quest.

- Capturing the Keep - This quest was prohibiting players from being able to repeat it at subsequent levels after the first time it had been completed. Players will now be able to complete this quest in the battlegrounds once per level.

- Child’s Play - The experience rewards were increased slightly and modified to be more in line with the level of the quest.

Quest Notes - Hibernia

- The ghost of Goronowy will no longer spawn in the incorrect zone.

- What a Guard Wants - The pathing for Guardian Dou'lass has been modified so that he moves properly between his positions to allow players to complete this quest.

- Pest Control - Directions given in the quest journal for players on various steps now more accurately direct players to the leprechaun settlement near the Dun Scathaig Outpost.

Quest Notes - Midgard

- A Chore of Heikki - Directions given in the quest journal for players on various steps now more accurately direct players to the location of the bone-eater slayers, south of the Mjollner Faste milegate.

- Telltale Ale - Directions given in the quest journal for players on step 3 now more accurately direct players to Barkeep Banak in the Teetering Tomte in Jordheim.

Quest Notes - Albion

- Yucky Mucky Yuck - Players will now receive credit when killing mucky yucks.

- Making Friends the Old Fashioned Way - Players on the final step of the quest who were having difficulty giving Captain Hemrick in Caifelle the Marsh Crud Corpse, should now no longer have any issues.

- Rest for the Dead - Players on step 6 will now be redirected to the correct NPC if they go to the incorrect Guild leader.

Monster Notes - Albion

- The aggression range on some of the lower level bandits has been reduced.

Monster Notes - Hibernia

- The aggression range on some of the lower level Villainous Youth has been reduced.

- The majority of the low level Dergan monsters in the Mag Mell area have had their aggression radius decreased.

- Sentinel Thomas will now be able to be located by using the /where command.

Dungeon Notes - General

- Mini-maps for the Forgotten Sepulchre and Hounds of Arawn have been updated.

- The aggression radius of the Realm guards within the Demons' Breach dungeons has been increased.

- The AI for 'Grand Summoner Govannon' has been modified to prevent a rare occurrence in which the monster would be semi-invulnerable for longer than intended.

Item Notes - Albion

- Godeleva Dowden now sells tradeskill items that are more appropriate for beginning crafters in Cotswold.


Monster Notes - Hibernia

- Corrected an issue with Astraspora where an incorrect emote was fired upon the monster's death.

- Grounded a 'writhing mass' monster that was roaming through the air.

- Modified the Galladoria monster Easmarach's path when in panic mode so it so that it ends up below the water.

Item Notes - General

- Necklaces and Armor from Galladoria, Tuscaran Glacier and Caer Sidi will once again function correctly when all pieces are worn.


Quest Notes - General

- Proof of Integrity - A problem was fixed that prohibited some players from accumulating the 20 setian ears.

Encounter Notes - Oceanus

- Fixed an issue where harpies in Oceanus Hesperos would sometimes flicker.

- The Skyros Order: Cvinda can no longer be attacked by players unless they are on the proper quest and carrying the proper item.

- The generators with the 'Melos Weapon Master' and 'Melos Guardsman' monsters have been modified so that these monsters will spawn more frequently.

- Reduced the spawn radius for the Eternal Plant to make it easier for the seekers to find the plant and start the encounter.

Item Notes - General

- The Eerie Darkness Lighting Stone now has an icon for the use and use2 abilities.

- The Salamander Tail is now able to be dyed.

- Moirai will now correctly drop treasure for all three realms.

- All quests concerning artifact activation and encounter credit have been reviewed to ensure that the levels of these quests are consistent with the actual levels of each artifact.

- Valkyries are now eligible to receive the Shield of Khaos. Valkyries who meet the appropriate requirements to receive this artifact should speak to Loremaster Sverrir or Loremaster Pahr.


Instanced Adventuring Notes - General

- Arch Mage Auros's power orbs were modified to allow them to be hit properly from floor level.

- The Muire lady-in-waiting in the Steward's Crypt will no longer BAF with the Maid, Butler, or servant guards. The servant guard no longer has an aggression rating but will continue to defend the Maid and Butler as needed.

- A number of the task dungeons available with the 'long corridors' option have been rebuilt to make them more 'caster-friendly'. This means that the layout will have changed from what some may remember and the monsters will have been moved accordingly to match these new layouts. The dungeon sets for each realm are as follows: Albion - "The Funerary Hall", Midgard - "The Gossamer Grotto", and Hibernia - "The Accursed Caves".

Quest Notes - Midgard

- Lomira’s Brother - Players stuck on step 2 will now be able to find Thevgen to complete the quest.


General Notes

- Fixed a distance discrepancy between Crom Cruiach, Utgard-Lok and Azazel. Crom Cruiach has been fixed and now all three can be attacked in melee from the same distance.

- Added region announcements to each of the 'Circle of 5' bosses. These are set to 2000 units around the spawn of the monster. This is to help identify that you should be within 2000 units of the boss when the boss is defeated in order to receive credit for the encounter.

Quest Notes - General

- Ogre Threat - The keyword [Aldland] now works.

Quest Notes - Midgard

- Killing in a Far Land - Level 49 characters interacting with the Midgard Commander to obtain the quest who were having trouble with the [Iarnvidiur] keyword will now no longer have trouble getting the Midgard Commander to proceed.

- Race to Hagg Dalur - Players who were not receiving quest credit for defending Sergeant Malagin will now receive credit appropriately.

- Dark Development - Players who were not receiving quest credit for defeating the demonic version of Keeper Iraeda will now receive credit appropriately.

Quest Notes - Hibernia

- Race to Clocha Liatha - Players who were not receiving quest credit for defending Captain Fearghus will now receive credit appropriately.

- Dark Development - Players who were not receiving credit for defeating the demonic version of Keeper Garran will now receive credit appropriately.

Quest Notes - Albion

- Race to Kings Crossing - Players who were not receiving quest credit for defending Sergeant Connelly will now receive credit appropriately.

- Dark Development - Players who were not receiving credit for defeating the demonic version of Keeper Anataeus will now receive credit appropriately.


General Notes

- The hasteners at the secondary border keeps (Cain, Vindsaul, Snowdonia) have been moved down the hill to match the location change made to the hasteners at the primary border keeps.

- Tightened and slightly moved the location where players are ported to if they are teleported from the primary border keeps. This should prevent the rare case in which a player would be ported into an object.

- We have modified the mechanism that moves players from the primary border keeps if they remain in the area for too long. If a player now leaves the general area around the primary border keep, the new mechanism will reset the proper timers. The timers will then restart properly when the player returns to the primary border keep later. This will solve the issue of a player returning to a primary border keep and being moved sooner than expected.

- Caradawc has finally made the trip to the New Frontiers to join his ravenclan brethren.

- (Midgard) Fjall and his friends will no longer path all the way up the hill to Vindsaul Faste. This should prevent them from attacking unsuspecting players.

Battleground Notes - General

- Added hasteners to all levels of the Battlegrounds.

Battleground Notes - Leirvik

- The battleground, Leirvik, has been redesigned. Three additional landmasses have been added with terrain height variations. Bridges now connect from each realm's starting island to the new landmass as well as connecting to the center island. The size of the center island has also increased slightly.

- Additional landmark towers have been added to the center island of Leirvik.

- Several adjustments have been made to the monster camps in Leirvik to make it easier to navigate.

- The mini-map for Leirvik has been updated.

- The wretched hagbui on the central island in Leivrik are now hostile instead of aggressive.


General Notes

- Players may now turn Prince Abdin's and Prince Ba'alorien's Remains in to the appropriate Taxidermists to receive the trophies.

- Horse merchant Pelladir's tickets have been corrected so that they will take the player to the proper destination.

- Adjusted the locations of a number of forges and alchemy tables so that the new models do not collide with nearby walls or geometry.

- (Classic servers Only) All Apprentice Taxidermists that accepted Barracuda Remains have been removed.


Quest Notes - General

- Beeches of Braemar - Players on Gaheris will no longer be prompted to receive this quest.

- Tasking in the Glory - Players on Gaheris will no longer be prompted to receive this quest.

- Into the Lion’s Den - Players on Gaheris will no longer be prompted to receive this quest.


General Notes

- Fixed an issue with the postern doors at Arvakar Faste so that they work properly on the PVP ruleset.

Quest Notes - General

- Beeches of Braemar - Players on Mordred will no longer be prompted to receive this quest.

- Tasking in the Glory - Players on Mordred will no longer be prompted to receive this quest.

- Into the Lion’s Den - Players on Mordred will no longer be prompted to receive this quest.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004

"Art Upgrades and Underwater areas: To ensure that Camelot remains the most visually beautiful MMO on the market"



Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Looks like they are giving quite a bit of Valk love.

Also will the different pets for the SM/BD etc have certain pets that are way better than others? It will be interesting to see if they are all the same or whether a troll + hammer is the ultimate :> Hmmm ML9 Pet Troll+Hammer o_O

I couldn't find the I-win button for SB's :/ I want a PA to instakill casters :) I know 2handed crtiblade SB's do it all the time, but I want my kobbie with 1h to be able to do it :> Or I want a kobbie only ability that you can use on female enemy casters that makes them go into a trance for 10 seconds like they are listening to a siren, and then I can escape or re-stealth and PA again :> kobbie-powah 15min RUT 10second Mezz :>

Also I couldn't find the Bainshee nerf :/ Bainsheeeeeee's must dieeeeeeee :> Apco I'll get you soon :p It's nothing personal, just bainshees :>

Oli - Illu


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
illu said:
General Notes

- Buff shears for all three main healing classes will no longer cause damage. However, all buff shears will now correctly grant realm points.
Since when did shaman become midgards main healing class? :x


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003

Item Notes - General

- Necklaces and Armor from Galladoria, Tuscaran Glacier and Caer Sidi will once again function correctly when all pieces are worn.

anyone got any information on this ? :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
dub said:

Item Notes - General

- Necklaces and Armor from Galladoria, Tuscaran Glacier and Caer Sidi will once again function correctly when all pieces are worn.

anyone got any information on this ? :)

You know if you had the full galladoria or whatever epic dungeon armor set and the necklace you'd get perma end/power regain 3 or so, dependant on your class. I guess it stopped working at some point, and then, after 1.83 it works again.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 25, 2006
woot? they changed leirvik? :> wonder how it will look like o_O


Can't get enough of FH
Oct 20, 2004
illu said:
Looks like they are giving quite a bit of Valk love.
Oli - Illu
Its nice to have Charge and all that , but still missing Evaid 1 and i want that bleed off odins madness for teh PvE , Malimus must DIE 1!1! now he will just resist the proc and ill pull passing agro :<


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
I had Mirani hitting me today in a zerg.....I was laughing my ass off at the damage.

Ok, Valks really need some more than this, but from what I've heard the new spear styles had major bugs and they wanted to get out 1.83 for the other classes....

but sometimes I think some Valks just hit for crap dmg cause they have crappy templates =)

Can't wait to get charge myself though :p


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
15 % heat debuff on 219 dd delve for Wizards..... 251 dd delve...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Did i miss 1.83f ?

Love the way Necro's have been asking for the ability to summon differing pets so we can tell the difference in RvR, and Mythic always said 'it's not possible'
Now they give Mids and Hibs the ability, and still nothing sorted on Necros & Cabalists :(


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
Drusus said:
Did i miss 1.83f ?

Love the way Necro's have been asking for the ability to summon differing pets so we can tell the difference in RvR, and Mythic always said 'it's not possible'
Now they give Mids and Hibs the ability, and still nothing sorted on Necros & Cabalists :(

Mythic /ignores necromancers, as they see them as a farming tool so they don´t have to spend their precious time on improvements.


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
fettoken said:
15 % heat debuff on 219 dd delve for Wizards..... 251 dd delve...

and still less utility than a cabby, although the cabby can debuff his baseline nuke and deal about the same damage and stay alive at the same time....the Wizzy fixes were not well thought imho. It was all about dmg, not about utility

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Wizards shouldn't have gotten a damage increase. All the other casters should have gotten a damage nerf. >_<


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
illu said:
Also I couldn't find the Bainshee nerf :/ Bainsheeeeeee's must dieeeeeeee :> Apco I'll get you soon :p It's nothing personal, just bainshees :>

Oli - Illu
if u want me in ur movie or so, try finding me w/o a warden next to me :D
anyhow respect to u and dwera, only mid sb's i can respect these days
rest is too crappy or relying on their fotmness (and cylian aint skilled, just good in taking easy things and running)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Edlina said:
You know if you had the full galladoria or whatever epic dungeon armor set and the necklace you'd get perma end/power regain 3 or so, dependant on your class. I guess it stopped working at some point, and then, after 1.83 it works again.

ye but they seem to work fine in current patch , giving bonusses according to waht neckie it is not class dependant , was wondering if any had seen one that actually didnt work or if they were sposed to work differently.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Enli said:
if u want me in ur movie or so, try finding me w/o a warden next to me :D
anyhow respect to u and dwera, only mid sb's i can respect these days
rest is too crappy or relying on their fotmness (and cylian aint skilled, just good in taking easy things and running)

cant argue with the crappy part i guess , but still quite amused by a bainshee telling sb's they rely on their fotm'ness :)


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
liloe said:
and still less utility than a cabby, although the cabby can debuff his baseline nuke and deal about the same damage and stay alive at the same time....the Wizzy fixes were not well thought imho. It was all about dmg, not about utility

They have to spec lower in their lajftap spec then.. plus they have a lower delve so its not near the damage of a Wizard.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
pip said:
?another patch where mids get raped?:(

do u try hard to make every reply make u look like a retard or does it just come naturally?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
At least hunters get "something" from it....

- Resistance of Ancients - grp 20 min buff
- Pet swims under water.
- Razors edge 7 sec stun instead of 5
- Odins Wrath follow up has a bleed added

Last 2 only coz Valk's got it...


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
Enli said:
if u want me in ur movie or so, try finding me w/o a warden next to me :D
anyhow respect to u and dwera, only mid sb's i can respect these days
rest is too crappy or relying on their fotmness (and cylian aint skilled, just good in taking easy things and running)

bitter for missing out some easy RPs ? :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Cylian said:
bitter for missing out some easy RPs ? :p
seen my rps during the day?
think i'm a kid?
big nono
Lets put it like this, ever tried developping skills in fighting or earning respect in rvr? the only thing u're known about in hib is that u use the waterbug, the running rr10 thats u
ever seen urself in a film by others? they can't include you, u never finish a fight unless on casters or lowbies

and ofc u'll laugh this away thus proving my point that u are a kid with an epeen :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
dub said:
cant argue with the crappy part i guess , but still quite amused by a bainshee telling sb's they rely on their fotm'ness :)
np with it :) wont deny that the nerf wasn't a nerf ;) but i'll reply like arumi did ---> i'm having fun and sticking to it

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