1.82 Live on 29th!


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 9, 2004

[24-03-2006] The Camelot Reporter

This week's Reporter is mainly dedicated to version 1.82 that will be up on our servers in less than one week. In this news, you can find the links to download part of the updates, an insight to the additional features of version 1.82 (which completes last week's presentation of version 1.81), a reminder about the possibilities available to those who own unactivated artefacts that will become useless. And the possessors of the Necyomancers artefacts will at last be able to access the 9th recipe.

Final tests and release of version 1.82
The last tests are almost complete and we have now validated all language versions. So, nothing prevents us from releasing version 1.82 next week and Wednesday, the 29th is the date that has been chosen. As usual, servers will be shutdown early in the morning and for a good part of the day.
Schedules and additional information will be published the day before. In the meantime and if you haven't done it yet, do not forget to download the greatest part of the updates before Wednesday, in order to gain time on D-Day. These updates are available in the Downloads page, in the 'Update 1.80 -> 1.82' part.
We remind you that you must not install these files before the released day of version 1.82. However, by downloading and saving these files now, you will benefit from much faster download speeds.

New things in 1.82, the conclusion
After our review on the significant changes and additions in version 1.81 last week, here are those of version 1.82. While there are less general changes than in version 1.81 many character classes benefit from enhancements :

- More possibilities are available for guilds on clustered servers : it is now possible to invite characters from another server to a guild and to create alliances made of guilds from different servers. The only remaining restriction is the impossibility to purchase lots and houses in the housing zones of another server than one's home server.
- All characters on an account (provided that one of the characters owns a house) now have owner permissions in their house.
- A new game within the game - that you might enjoy especially if you liked the Royal Lottery we proposed for the 4th anniversary of Dark Age of Camelot in Europe - appears with this version. This game will stay permanently on the servers : the Trifecta. The game runs as follows : You choose 3 cards from 3 different decks. If these three cards are also chosen by the croupier, you win a valuable prize. With one or two identical cards you also win prizes, but you win no prize if none of the cards matches. Betting is at 1 Gold piece and you can play as many times as you wish.
- Infernal powers have created a rift into each Realm's homelands. Designed for beginning characters (level 1-4 and 5-9) these mini-dungeons enable new players to familiarize themselves with RvR combat in an environment inspired by Darkness Falls. Their access is located near Cotswold and Ludlow, Mag Mell and Ardee, Mularn and Vasudheim.
- The secondary border keeps of each Realm (Snowdonia Fortress, Vindsaul Faste, and Druim Cain) now host teleporters, healers and smiths. These characters can be found on the Realm side.
- The number of kills necessary in order to earn titles for the Realm dragons and Shrouded Isles epic monsters has been standardized and reduced.
- Titles have been added for players who participate in killing Legion.
- The following classes will benefit from a full respec upon their first connection : Bainshees, Friars, Infiltrators, Nightshades, Shadowblades, Thanes, Wardens and Warlocks.
- Reactionary combat styles now provide a 3 second window in which they can be used.
- If the object has a /use or /use2 ability, these will display beneath the buttons in the mini-info window. The icon and name of the spell will be listed, and the icon can be clicked and dragged to the quickbar. This can then be used to active the /use or /use2 ability directly (warning : if you use a customized interface, this feature will require an update of your interface).
- Bonedancers and Spiritmasters pets have received a slight graphic change.
- All Shrouded Isles portals have received new art updates.
- Characters can now have only one brittle guard summoned at a time.
- Line of sight issues have been improved for all towers in New Frontiers. This fix also addresses many of the 'cast through walls' issues that Bainshees had on towers.
- The majority of quest items will now be able to be placed in personal vaults.
- Mini-maps have been added to most of the dungeons (more than 200 new maps have been added since version 1.80).
- The Royal Expeditions have been changed so that players between levels 46 and 50 (included) can accept all the missions available between levels 46 and 49.
- The aggression radius of NPCs summoned at hookpoints and that can detect stealth has been decreased.

For the character classes, the main changes concern Friars, Wardens and Thanes as well as the assassin classes of each Realm. You can of course find all the details about these changes in the release notes that are now updated, in the Test notes page of the website.

Necessary precautions when you respecialize a character
Let us remind you of an important point that is common to each respecialization : their expiry. Whether it is a purchased respec, the respecs granted at levels 20 or 40 or a respec done thanks to a stone, the respec must be used before you gain a level.

So, in the management of these respecializations, do not forget the free levels - except for those granted at levels 20 and 40 - since you will need to go and see your trainer to respec your character. And if you are eligible for a free level, you will gain it as soon as you click on your trainer, which will make you lose your respec.
So, you need to monitor the time left before the next free level available - click on the experience points bar to see it - and the best to do is of course to use your respec as fast as possible when you get it. If you forget to do so, you can still bypass your trainer by using the '/respec < name of the skill > command. You will then be able to visit your trainer and assign your skill points as you wish.

What to do with unactivated artefacts ?
The changes operated in the artefact system will make any unactivated artefacts you might still possess completely useless. Two possibilities are offered to you to offset the loss of these items :
- You are not interested in this artefact, you can sell it to a merchant. Since the selling price is not the same for all of them, do not forget to appraise the object before you sell it. You need of course to carefully think about it before you sell an artefact for you will not be able to retrieve it afterwards.
- If you whish to activate the artefact, you can trade the non-activated one for the complete story of this artefact with an Artefact Scholar in the Hall of Heroes. You will then only have to complete the encounter if it's not already done.

Note concerning area effect spells though doors
Some area effect spells can sometimes, because of a graphical bug, hit enemies through walls and towers. The users of these spells in defence or attack of a keep/tower will have to make sure they are facing a loophole if they want to be able to hit enemies without exploiting a bug. We thus remind you that this 'technique' whether it's used on purpose or not is forbidden on our servers and that it will therefore be sanctioned as such.

Ninth Necyomancer Recipe
The Necyomancer Apprentice is now able to guide you to a 9th recipe if you possess the Necyomancer artefact.

Fixes of the Week
- The Salamander Incinerator (ML6 step 5) can once again be used at level 40.
- The "Strange powers" quest (Midgard) can now be completed by all classes.
- It is no longer possible to delete the following quests from the quest log : "Truce or Treachery ?", "The War Council" and "Terracite Truce".

Do not forget to view the release notes if the classes of characters you play have been changed, also to download the update files for version 1.82.
Have a nice weekend and a nice game !


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I think this will be the first time ever that we will be on the same version as the US. Nice going GOA :clap:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
- English - said:
is this the patch with easy mode rps?

qq :(

at least i can write ''i got 8L9 before 1.81''

dosent have the same ring to it as rr9, qq :(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Penlid said:
For the character classes, the main changes concern Friars, Wardens and Thanes as well as the assassin classes of each Realm. You can of course find all the details about these changes in the release notes that are now updated, in the Test notes page of the website.

I thought this was the patch they nerfed Warlocks a lot? I guess that is not a change :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Mavericky said:
I think this will be the first time ever that we will be on the same version as the US. Nice going GOA :clap:

no you wont :) we should get 1.83 i next week :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Lejemorder said:
no you wont :) we should get 1.83 i next week :)

doubt that consider there are atleast 3 more versions that will come on pend before going live

Q: So, what are the 1.83 classes?

A: From the Moderately Evil Overlord:








1.83 has at LEAST three more versions, and to my knowledge, we are not entirely done with any of the classes.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 9, 2004
Can't remember where i read it but 1.83 goes live first week in april.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
doubt that consider there are atleast 3 more versions that will come on pend before going live

Q: So, what are the 1.83 classes?

A: From the Moderately Evil Overlord:








1.83 has at LEAST three more versions, and to my knowledge, we are not entirely done with any of the classes.

me to read grab bag more often :)

nice to healers will get some love too :)

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