1.82 first part released


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003

Not sure what impact this'll have on RvR but from a tank/stealthers perspective it's gotta be good right? And FINALLY clustered guilds.../cheer


- Reactionary combat styles now provide a 3 second window in which the player may use the style. When a reactionary style is available for use (such as after you block your target and you wish to use a block reactionary style), the reactionary style will register as valid and trigger as long as you use it within 3 seconds. In general, this will make it much easier to successfully perform reactionary styles against enemy targets.

- With this version, cross server guilds and alliances can now be formed. Guilds created now have a "Home" server which matches the initial leader of the guild's home server. Players from other servers in your cluster will now be able to join your guild, and alliances including guilds from every server in your cluster are now possible. When necessary, the - format will be usable, similar to dealing with matching player names.

- It is now possible to add a guild or player from another server to your house's access permission list. Players and guilds will still only be able to claim homes on their home server.

- The restrictions on /bg grantcredit where a player less than master level 2 couldn't be granted credit for trial 5, a player less than master level 4 couldn't be granted credit for trial 7, 9 for 9, and 10 for 10, have been removed.

- /gc note now gives the player feedback on where it's trying to write a note to, and will prompt the note writer if the target of the note is unclear.

- A /worship emote has been added. (Test note: This animation may not currently work in all clients. It will work in all clients by the time 1.82 goes live.)

Art Changes and Fixes

- We have fixed an issue where most of the male Valkyn eye color options would show up green.


- The following Shield styles have a new animation: Shield Swipe, Mangle and Numb.

- The Sledgehammer Hammer Style has a new animation.

- The Arctic Rift Axe Style has a new animation.

- Spiritmaster pets have received a graphic upgrade. This upgrade is only viewable in Catacombs and Darkness Rising clients.


General World Notes

- Infernal powers have created a rift into each Realm's homelands. These breaches appear to connect to previously unknown portions of Darkness Falls. These uncharted caverns are rife with demons and undead adventurers from times past. Designed for characters level 1-4 and 5-9, these new dungeons allow new characters to be introduced to RVR combat in a dungeon environment, as well as provide an alternate leveling locale. Within each realm's portion of the dungeon, there is also a portal to the appropriate level battleground so that players can try out either form of RVR easily without much travel or hardships. Tomorrow's Realm Champions have to start somewhere.

- A small number of monsters have been made uncharmable to prevent abuse.

- King Constantine, enamored by the warmth of his citizens upon his return, has begun renovations of Cotswold. The layout in Cotswold has been changed to include the addition of new buildings. The town’s surroundings now accommodate a more welcoming approach. NPCs in Cotswold have been moved to new locations and horse routes have been adjusted. Please note - Under the Shrouded Isles or Trials of Atlantis clients, the bindstone and boulders may be missing some textures.

- King Eirik, enamored by the warmth of his citizens upon his return, has begun renovations of Mularn. The layout in Mularn has been changed to include the addition of new buildings. The town’s surroundings now accommodate a more welcoming approach. NPCs in Mularn have been moved to new locations and horse routes have been adjusted. Please note - Under the Shrouded Isles or Trials of Atlantis clients, the following structures may be missing some textures: bindstone, stable, town hall and boulders.

- Players will no longer swim above water in the Midgard housing zones.

- The bridge in Connacht has been updated with new art.

- The Alchemy Table, Lathe, and Forge for crafting have been updated with new art.

Quest Notes - Albion

- Newly inducted Clerics of the Church of Albion (level 5) are now gifted with a Mace of the Initiate that grants a Rejuvenation bonus, rather than the Crush bonus it was previously giving.

- Players on step one of the The Stolen Spells quest are now advised to bring along help.

- The Search at Snowdonia (Epic 3) quest now correctly advises player to see Bishop Kustan and not the Arawnite Envoy.

- Meran the Weaver now advises players on step 3 of the Cloak of Shades Part 1 quest to search for Brownie Nomads in Salisbury Plains rather than Camp Forest.

- The Stones of Power (Epic 1) quest was missing quest step 7. This was added.

- Players will now be asked to kill more level appropriate monsters for the Cloak of Shades Part 1 quest.

Quest Notes - Midgard

- The quest reward for certain classes completing Ota’s Quest has been adjusted to include a bonus to Darkness, instead of Runecarving. The classes affected: Spiritmasters, Runemasters, and Bonedancers.

- Step 10 of Ota's Quest now correctly takes the griffon claws from Warlocks and Valkyries.

Quest Notes - Hibernia

- Players completing the West Wind quest will now receive a more level-appropriate quest reward.

- Directions to Taskmaster Praest as part of the quest journal entry for step 1 of the Service to the Realm quest have been modified to direct players to the correct Tir na Nog exit.

- Directions to Rhedoc as part of the quest journal entry for step 4 of the Flagging Morale quest have been modified to direct players to his new location in the recently-renovated Mag Mell.

- Advanced classes (Warlocks, Vampiirs, and Valewalkers) can now receive their reward and complete the Nuisances quest.

- Druids and Wardens will now receive a scale version of the reward offered for the Sea Shell Sleeves quest.

- Players will now be able to progress past step 4 in the Sraoi's Heart quest.

- Level 41 players will now be able to properly receive the Task Mastering quest from Lieutenant Mauvere again.

Item Notes - General

- The following items may now be placed in personal vaults: Coin of Earth, Coin of Water, Coin of Fire, Coin of Wind, Coin of Body, Coin of Mind, Coin of Spirit, Gem of the Despoiled, Hand Crafted Music Box, Golden Tuning Fork, Guri's Wand, Hunter's Report, Guard's Report, Speech Script, Map to Rebel Recruiter, Nymir's Head, Rebel Speech, Erhael's Head, Servant's Livery, Drugged Dinner and Wine, Secret Rebel Plans, Athaecyn's Dinner and Wine, Powdered Medicine, Key with Rebel Mayor's Insignia, Sheaf of Documents, List of Reagents, House Findias Robe, Map to Rebel Recruiter, Rebellion Tunic, Bjorn's Head, Rebel Plans, Gamanborg Map, Recruiter Map, Dwarf Skin Scroll, Maniacal Fighter's Dagger, Maniacal Shadow's Pendant, Erellala's Quiver, Outcast Strong Fist Seer's Staff, Note for Sentry Vudi, Vudi's Map, Togda's Map, Gymyr's Head, Second Piece of Crystal

Monster Notes - Midgard

- Sentry Thomas in Jordheim will be recognized by other nearby sentries now so it should be easier to locate him with the /where command.

Monster Notes - Hibernia

- A number of monsters have moved or shifted in response to the improvements made in Mag Mell recently. Please be aware of the new traffic patterns and be prepared!


Oceanus Encounter Notes

- All Hibernian players eligible to activate the Egg of Youth will be able to activate it once again.

- All Albion players eligible to activate the Egg of Youth will be able to activate it once again.

- Fixed a rare case with ML 1.5 that would cause the champions to get stuck in a casting loop.

Volcanus Encounter Notes

- The faction messages received for killing the appropriate monsters for ML 7.2 have been modified so that you can easily tell when you have completed the requirements for each faction. As well, the additional messages that were added will now stop once you have learned as much as can about a particular faction.

Aerus Encounter Notes

- Cyrek will now grant encounter credit only to players who are eligible for the Jacina's Sash encounter.

- ML 9.6: Katri shall no longer heal herself; only her personal guards will heal her now.


Instanced Adventuring Notes

- Players will now be able to leave The Pit of Despair without issue.

- A number of spawns were adjusted to allow them to show up prior to a player entering their area to prevent players from being overwhelmed by a sudden pop when an ambush was not the intent.

Quest Notes - Albion

- Lur'tai will no longer roam and respawn outside of his home location for A Single Soul quest.

Quest Notes - Hibernia

- Valewalkers and Nightshades will now be able to complete the In the Mouth of the Labyrinth quest.

Item Notes - General

- Shields dropped from Lefilam for the Hibernian and Midgard Realms now properly have the higher metal level.

- The Villianous Darkspire Barbed Sleeves now correctly grant Composite Bow bonuses.

- The Villianous Darkspire Bow, Malevolent Darskpire Bow, and Maleficient Darkspire bow now correctly grant the Arrow Recovery bonus.

- The Orbs of Exploration (Catacombs gift) now have an attack delay of 30 seconds instead of 1 second.


- Players will now be able to teleport without issue in the Summoner's Hall.


- Only one Taskmaster Sevinia NPC will now appear on Gaheris.

- Additional merchants that accept Dreaded Seals have been added to the Shrouded Isle capital cities and the Border Keeps (Home Realm side). The names of the merchants and their locations - Rosella (Castle Sauvage), Idone (Svasud Faste), Rae (Druim Ligen), Beth (Caer Gothwaite), Gunilda (Aegirhamn) and Faella (Domnann).


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 14, 2004
Nice! looking forward to the clustered guild part.
when will this be released? 2007? :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Nowt in there that really stands out tbh, apart from maybe the reactionary style change. Doubt it's really going to effect much though (at least from my standpoint).


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Skaven said:
Nowt in there that really stands out tbh, apart from maybe the reactionary style change. Doubt it's really going to effect much though (at least from my standpoint).

Then again its 1.82A
and we gotten a HEAVY change last 2 patches if you ask me


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
cant they change the fucking style animation or color trail of blinding rain already? QQ.


Dec 23, 2003
r0x valkyn eye colour changes <3 :p

3 second reactive styles, sword hunter pwns! qq its breoing though


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Not sure what to think of that reactionary thing...could turn out REALLY bad...or not since its only 3sec....too early to tell really :)



Fledgling Freddie
Oct 22, 2004
the 3 second reactionary thing is gonna make it alot easier for slow weapon users to pull off reactionaries. i.e. polearm/LW/2-Handed etc etc. no longer will fast weapon users be able to benefit from being able to pile another hit on right after they been evaded to avoid reactionaries being used on em.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Neffneff said:
the 3 second reactionary thing is gonna make it alot easier for slow weapon users to pull off reactionaries. i.e. polearm/LW/2-Handed etc etc. no longer will fast weapon users be able to benefit from being able to pile another hit on right after they been evaded to avoid reactionaries being used on em.
Such a WoW ripoff though, Works like that kinda there

Have fun vs those polearm users stealthers

Guess Sir Kagato will like that change


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Xajorkith said:
Hunters use slow 2h Sword or Spear.....so it's an iccle boost to them too.

Is indeed. But they are fodder in melee usually
Plate tank with spec af isnt ;)


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Does this mean all assassins will get their evade chain off easier?

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Chimaira said:
Such a WoW ripoff though, Works like that kinda there

Have fun vs those polearm users stealthers

Guess Sir Kagato will like that change

i thought polearms highest hitting style was defenders rage and request you to be hit by a style or do it still tricker if you evade/parry?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Lejemorder said:
i thought polearms highest hitting style was defenders rage and request you to be hit by a style or do it still tricker if you evade/parry?

Im not quite sure. However I do know that the highest hitting LW style is the parry style not annihialation. :) so beware xD


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Wonder how long it will be before the first person gets a holiday for /worship spamming :D


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Bracken said:
Wonder how long it will be before the first person gets a holiday for /worship spamming :D

I would be more concern about the bannings for /rofl animation in 1.80 xD

Oh joy on us I can spam it on noobs. :twak: GoA


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I am pleased that they are starting to refresh the old areas, since that is what new players see straight off.

I an interested in anything that makes the crafting appear more interesting, since it is the most lameass area in the game.

The guild joining from other servers in the cluster is useful.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 5, 2005
In general, this will make it much easier to successfully perform reactionary styles against enemy targets.

lol, easier for naabs to fight, they shouldnt make it easier , ppl with skill should have a advantage anyway imo,


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
hope they dont make the numb style too different from slam :)

numb....(target purges)...slam :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2004
to me, the patch name is much more interesting than the details we got so far..

Test Version 1.82a Release Notes
Class Changes and Cross Cluster Guilds and Alliances


Dec 24, 2003
- We have fixed an issue where most of the male Valkyn eye color options would show up green.

Wohooo, äntligen.. finally.
We have all ofc been waithing for this and are bubbling with joy..


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
xxManiacxx said:
Will be alot easier to land DF and DB now :(

yup, tons easier actually :) but, also easier to land frosty gaze aswell.

will be crazy hammychainspam aswell which I dont know what to think of really.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Shike said:
yup, tons easier actually :) but, also easier to land frosty gaze aswell.

will be crazy hammychainspam aswell which I dont know what to think of really.

I don´t think they should make things easier then it already is tbh


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
I don´t think they should make things easier then it already is tbh
I mean. a tank is already hard to take down (and 2h hurts big time)
which will make tanks go FoTM and r0x0r every1 with 2h weaps :p


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 27, 2004
omg at the reactionary style changes....
they should increase the option of pre-choise styles from 2 to 3 imo .... but increase the time a reactionary style needs is like ..... pwn boost to classes that use speclines with high dmg output styles!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Jarroman said:
omg at the reactionary style changes....
they should increase the option of pre-choise styles from 2 to 3 imo .... but increase the time a reactionary style needs is like ..... pwn boost to classes that use speclines with high dmg output styles!
yeah its a bit to much imo
i dont realy care about assasins performing DB/DF easier. as they will evade and stun you @ some point no matter what.
but a 2h tank (like champion).. they A) debuff you to buggery.. B) they smack the shit out of you with parry/evade styles. C) oh there is no C because the B was so good :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Yeh lol be able to land ultimate recovery versus mercs with decent parry for example whereas atm its almost unviable as they have already done 2-3 hits before your next swing. 9 sec stun followed by devastate, ouch! Its a good change for 2h users, might mean less reliance on shield which is not good vs dual wielders with high evade. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 25, 2004
rampant said:
hope they dont make the numb style too different from slam :)

numb....(target purges)...slam :)

its being changed because of NS's whining about this, so i expect it will be quite different looking yes.

good patch for heavy weapons though, and maybe some of the Reaver chains?

just hope they dont feck the coding up so you cant land multiple beartooths off the 1st one anymore.

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