1.69B:Teh Pet Purge! (BD Love!!)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004

As the 1.69 turns:


Dark Age of Camelot

Test Version 1.69b Release Notes

March 10, 2004



- (Pendragon only) We have adjusted the values of the buff shearing spells. There are three tiers of buff shearing spells. The intention is for the first tier to strip up to mid-level concentration and timered buffs of the appropriate type. The intention for the second tier is for it to strip even the highest-level concentration and timered buffs of the appropriate type. The third level is the same as the second tier, but is an area effect version.

On Pendragon, this is an example of how the spells should test out: If you cast the Cleric’s tier 1 strength buff shear spell, Brawn Reflux, on an enemy player that has a blue con strength buff, that buff will be stripped and the enemy player will take some damage. If, however, you cast Brawn Reflux on an enemy player that has a red con strength buff, that buff will not be removed and no damage will be taken. However, if you cast the Tier 2 version of the Cleric’s strength buff shear spell, Brawn Appropriate, it will remove the strength buff from the target and do damage to him. If you cast the tier 3 version of the Cleric’s strength buff shear spell, Brawn Unloose, it will remove the strength buff from the target (and all his nearby friends since it is an Area Effect version) and will do damage to any character who is in the area of effect who had a strength buff removed.

Also note: If you cast a shear spell that is lower in level than the buff, it will be treated as though the shear was resisted, and cost half of its power.

- We’ve added pet cure mesmerize spells for Necromancers, Bonedancers, and Animists. Necromancers will receive Dead Awakening in their baseline Painworking line. Bonedancers will receive Free Spirits in their baseline Bone Army line. Animists will receive Purifying Rain in their baseline Verdant Path line.

- Increased the buff spells for both Hunters and Rangers to bring them more inline with those available from buffing classes. Hunter’s Frenzied Spirit and Heart of the Lynx lines have been adjusted upwards, as has Ranger’s Sharpened Senses line.

- The absorption buff on the Snakecharmer weapons has been set to the correct value of 25%. The damage shield and absorption buff have been set to a 30 second duration.

- Corrected a problem that caused some buff shear spells to remove self-cast buffs.

Like bd's needed that, cause they died a lot in battles because of their pets getting aoe mezzed all the time...1 of the few tactics to kill a bonedancer (and even then it would be very difficult) was aoe mezzing the healer pets and now mythic has made that also impossible...Good thing for the necro purge tho, but I think animists are also a bit 'overpowered' now...


Dec 25, 2003
Except animists have their pets capped at 15 at one time now...


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Gotta love cure mez for a necro - one of the main gripes of me keeping my necro away from rvr.. not anymore :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Thegreatest said:

Like bd's needed that, cause they died a lot in battles because of their pets getting aoe mezzed all the time...1 of the few tactics to kill a bonedancer (and even then it would be very difficult) was aoe mezzing the healer pets and now mythic has made that also impossible...Good thing for the necro purge tho, but I think animists are also a bit 'overpowered' now...

remember it r on a 15 sec cast timer :D means if he moc he can only cast that or he can ofc quickcast but then he cant cast a root or what ever he could use the quickcast for :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Lejemorder said:
remember it r on a 15 sec cast timer :D means if he moc he can only cast that or he can ofc quickcast but then he cant cast a root or what ever he could use the quickcast for :)

why does a bd need quickcast anyway, like the insta lifetap will be cast faster when quickcasting ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
from someone who has tested this on the vn boards:

BD version is 2.0 sec cast (fastest possible) and it is NOT AE. You have to demezz each pet. I hope this is a bug...

The animist version is supposedly 5.0 sec cast and the Necro version is 15.0 sec cast. Keep in mind that Necros don't have access to purge, so this is completely fair. It pretty much makes necro pets Det 5 tanks for the purposes of mez in exchange for them not being able to purge.

I see the bd's already, demezzing their pets in 2 sec (1.x sec with +dex) and pressing the insta lifetap button at the same time, mythic did a fine job there :eek6:


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Thegreatest said:
I see the bd's already, demezzing their pets in 2 sec (1.x sec with +dex) and pressing the insta lifetap button at the same time, mythic did a fine job there :eek6:

heh. that was almost funny... :rolleyes:

aparently u didnt read what it said.. it said 15 second cast timer......

and no u cant get a 15 sec cast down to 1.x so yes Mythic know what they are doing..


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
you probably cant QC them either like the stormlord MAs.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Ctuchik said:
heh. that was almost funny... :rolleyes:

aparently u didnt read what it said.. it said 15 second cast timer......

and no u cant get a 15 sec cast down to 1.x so yes Mythic know what they are doing..

apparantly you didn't read what it said either. 15 second cast time is for Necros, the 2 sec one is for BDs....


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
BD boost?????


ah well its a good sign cuz we know how mythic works: make a class overpoweredly fotm then nerf it to shit xDD


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Ctuchik said:
heh. that was almost funny... :rolleyes:

aparently u didnt read what it said.. it said 15 second cast timer......

and no u cant get a 15 sec cast down to 1.x so yes Mythic know what they are doing..

Did you read my post at all? Or are you just reading the last line and giving such stupid comment? Read again imo...

Lol btw still some people whining on vn boards that they are single cast and not aoe...Yeah right even sorcerers mezz remove spell isnt aoe considering them being the primary cc class, why would mythic give bd's a 2 sec aoe "Insta Win aka Never Die" spell? Cry more, you will get nerfed one day and then you will be crying even more :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
lmao... 2sec on bd cure mezz, this better be a joke ffs. It should be 5sec at least or something, i can understand the necro one as it cant be interrupted so its like a free purge for a class that doesnt have access to it, but hey at last we see some necros in rvsr. Animist one 5sec (is that AE or something, better be or its useless otherwise), but the bd 2sec is xDDDDD


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Thegreatest said:
Did you read my post at all? Or are you just reading the last line and giving such stupid comment? Read again imo...

Lol btw still some people whining on vn boards that they are single cast and not aoe...Yeah right even sorcerers mezz remove spell isnt aoe considering them being the primary cc class, why would mythic give bd's a 2 sec aoe "Insta Win aka Never Die" spell? Cry more, you will get nerfed one day and then you will be crying even more :clap:

dont compare cure mezz to cure PET mezz couse its not the same. AE cure mezz on pets is less dangerous then AE cure mezz players, that would mean grp - purge for albs backed up with sos + bof :d (QC ae cure mezz, lol :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
And Mythic didnt think to give this to cabalists because?
Good grief if theres a toon out there that needs love its cabalists.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
heh, its so funny to see how some whines bones and demezz when necro beat easily bigger numbers solo what bone.
necro is pet like so many albs say, so when necro whit 1 pet get mezzed, shade behind start demezz cast and in time end that cast, when necro is again back in business 100%.

offcourse mezz breaks whit 1 hit, and what happend to necro? he is again 100% working when bone still have min 3 pet behind mezzed because he never! have time demezz pets + bones resists dont move from armour to pets so cc last full duration on pets.

well, its good to see atleast 1 class in mids what give little work to 1 inf kill, when 1 sb cannot even scratc 1 necro.
sadly these fotm infs run these days whit fotm minstr who can offer infs some candy to survive, infs are soo gimp alone :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Oh my.... there goes the PvP server...... >.<

Like if balance wasnt fekked up already

Tuppe said:
heh, its so funny to see how some whines bones and demezz when necro beat easily bigger numbers solo what bone.
necro is pet like so many albs say, so when necro whit 1 pet get mezzed, shade behind start demezz cast and in time end that cast, when necro is again back in business 100%.

offcourse mezz breaks whit 1 hit, and what happend to necro? he is again 100% working when bone still have min 3 pet behind mezzed because he never! have time demezz pets + bones resists dont move from armour to pets so cc last full duration on pets.

well, its good to see atleast 1 class in mids what give little work to 1 inf kill, when 1 sb cannot even scratc 1 necro.
sadly these fotm infs run these days whit fotm minstr who can offer infs some candy to survive, infs are soo gimp alone :D

FYI necromancers die in 3 nukes.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 30, 2004
Ssera said:
apparantly you didn't read what it said either. 15 second cast time is for Necros, the 2 sec one is for BDs....

necros carnt be interupted as no1 can hit them ffs and with the risists there pets get they can afford a 15s cast time where as a bd with out his pet die alot quicker and can be interupted i his casting


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Rookiescot said:
And Mythic didnt think to give this to cabalists because?
Good grief if theres a toon out there that needs love its cabalists.

Armsmen also, they've had 'fixes' tweaks twinks the lot but no :wub: .


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Mavl said:
Oh my.... there goes the PvP server...... >.<

Like if balance wasnt fekked up already


FYI necromancers die in 3 nukes.

1-2 bolt and bone eat dirt, same when archers shoot so whats different here?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Tuppe said:
1-2 bolt and bone eat dirt, same when archers shoot so whats different here?

The diffirence is that necro pet is treated as blue con while calculating nuke damage.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
and how much fully buffed blue pet has con? spread heals whit bot from pk?
bof from pk?
whit 2 bolts, deathly against casters, its allmost 100% sure kill to caster against bone (bones htp is ~1200 fully buffed/sc set).

if you say necro is easy kill to caster, i am happy they have even 1 predator because melee isnt any threat to necro.
if bone survive against 2 melee, necro survive allways 2x those numbers.

bones predators is archers,
casters whit aemezz/bolts/ns etc etc,
2 melee is allready hard if melee´s know what to do,
1 assasin whit succesfull cs,
any class who is capable cc pets + bone
or do good dmg fast enough.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
tasaroca said:
necros carnt be interupted as no1 can hit them ffs and with the risists there pets get they can afford a 15s cast time where as a bd with out his pet die alot quicker and can be interupted i his casting

No no you got the wrong idea. My comment was in response to someone (mistakingly) thinking that bd's had the 15 sec timer for the purge not the necro's. Ofc the necro is gonna have the longer timer - he can't get interupted (like you said).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Tuppe said:
bones predators is archers,
casters whit aemezz/bolts/ns etc etc,
2 melee is allready hard if melee´s know what to do,
1 assasin whit succesfull cs,
any class who is capable cc pets + bone
or do good dmg fast enough.

You are a bad player if you happen to die to:

an archer: /face and sprint, insta lifetap once and they are dead. They cant kill you within that 500 range bonus, except of course if you have your bladeturn/af buffs down

2 melee: No melee can dish that much damage to give you more damage than you get back from your lifetap and your healer pets (prob. except savage but as you guess they are on your side so...)

1 assasin: Fully buffed assasin against unbuffed bonedancer = assasin has more chance to win...But, as you prob. see almost every bd has a buffbot these days (what do I say, almost every player has one) so really an assasin cant beat a fully buffed bonedancer if the bd is paying attention...

Any class with aoe mezz: Lets take a sorcerer for example, he aoe mezzes you and your pet...Oh wait, he needs 1500 range to nuke...Do you know what this means? That you can insta interrupt him as he begins to cast his nukes on you...So if the sorc doesnt have moc, you will be able to kill him easily (again, if you are some kind of skilled bd and actually know what you are doing). But that goes for any class with moc actually, they can beat you easily.

Or do good damage fast enough: Sadly, there is no alb or hib class that I know of which can do more damage than a bd gets from his lifetaps and his 2 healers...

So what would work against a bd?
)2 Nukers, 1 with aoe mezz
)Bolter, if he happens to get off both bolts without the bd interrupting him and even then they dont have a 100% chance to kill you...
)Savages on pvp servers
)(Air) Theurgists, if the gimp aoe mezz doesnt get resisted by the bd

Such shame this topic turned into a bd discussion, just wanted to state bd's dont need more cause I'm sure when you get more now you'll be nerfed hard one day....But people still complain and compare them to the "UBER RVR" necro who gets 2 shotted by any caster and who cant interrupt like bd's can :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
The pet demezz thing is handy, but in the middle of a battle I am not sure I would waste time demezzing my healer pets. Maybe 1.

The pets are handy, but in most combat nowadays, nothing stands up to an assist train.

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