


Battlegroups! Cool!


Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.66j Test Release Notes

October 23, 2003



- Players from all three realms can now purchase new portal medallions at their primary portal location (Druim Ligen, Castle Sauvage, or Svasud Faste). Players who have the Shrouded Isles expansion can port there with the Medallion of Isles Passage. Players who have the Trials of Atlantis expansion can port there with the Medallion of Heroes Passage.

- In an effort to increase framerates during large scale raids like relic keep raids, we have converted many of the guards in the frontier to a new model which should increase framerate performance, at the cost of a little less variety in the guards looks.

- Delving items in the trade window will now correctly show left hand usable and two handed flags on weapons.

- Shields now display level on the mini-info window.

- Water in Raumarik and Vanera Swamp will no longer act like lava. (Pendragon only fix)


We have added a new feature to help large player groups coordinate and share credit for certain encounters. Battlegroups (similar in function to chatgroups) allow players to band together in large numbers (up to 200). Basically battlegroups behave just like chatgroups, with the added ability for the developers to set certain encounters to give credit to all the members of a battlegroup (instead of a single player or the group that gets the kill). Right now this is used throughout ToA for the Trial Encounters, so more than one group of players can get credit for participating in the encounter, whether or not they or their immediate group got the killing blow. Experience will still be given out based on your immediate group. We will be adding additional tools in a version in the near future that will allow battlegroups to allocate loot amongst the members of the group.

- bg = shorthand for battlegroup in all commands.

- bc = shorthand for battlegroup chat in all commands.

- Battle group sends and battle group leader sends each have their own chat channels now which are customizable on the client.

/battlegroup help : Displays all battle group commands

/battlegroup invite [playername] : Invites the specified player to the battle group

/battlegroup who : Lists all members of the battle group

/battlegroup groups : will display a group focused version of the /battlegroup who command. It will identify who is grouped within the battlegroup, who is grouped with people outside the group, and who is solo.

/battlegroup remove [playername] : Removes the specified player from the battle group

/battlegroup leave : Remove oneself from the battle group

/battlegroup listen : Puts the battle group on listen mode; only the leader and leaders can speak

/battlegroup leader : Declare another member of the battle group as leader; This player can invite other players into the battle group and speak when the battle group is on listen mode.

/battlegroup public : The battle group is public and anyone can join by typing /bg join

/battlegroup private : The battle group is invite or password-only

/battlegroup join [leader name] : Join a public battlegroup group by name of the leader

/battlegroup join [leader name] [password] : Join a private battle group which has a password set

/battlegroup password : Display the current password for the battle group (leader only)

/battlegroup password clear : Clears the current password (leader only)

/battlegroup password [new password] : Sets a new password


Midgard Monsters

- The Seer of Ancient Dawning's normal location has been shifted slightly out of the lava.


Albion Monsters

- Sarcodina should now have a chance to drop magical loot.


- Players with the Trials of Atlantis expansion can now use the Heroes portal scroll to port to Atlantis. As a result, the following housing teleporters have been renamed:

Svasud and Aegirhamn Teleporter is now Svasud, Isles, and Heroes Teleporter
Castle Sauvage and Gothwaite Teleporter is now Sauvage, Isles, and Heroes Teleporter
Druim Ligen and Domnann Teleporter is now Ligen, Isles, and Heroes Teleporter


- The teleporters on Gaheris and Mordred will allow players who purchase the Trials of Atlantis expansion to teleport to Atlantis.


w00t, looking promising, give 2fg linked RPs and XP imo :)


Aye would be nice but I don't think that will ever happen. It's just to help quest rewards and things like that imo. They said xp will still be based per group


Imo best change/addition ever made to the game:


- Players from all three realms can now purchase new portal medallions at their primary portal location (Druim Ligen, Castle Sauvage, or Svasud Faste). Players who have the Shrouded Isles expansion can port there with the Medallion of Isles Passage. Players who have the Trials of Atlantis expansion can port there with the Medallion of Heroes Passage.


was really needed tho, nice one :)

Roo Stercogburn

Battlegroups and the portal additions are both very welcome. Nice :)

I notice that now they are making lava hot and burny that they need to move one of the epic quest mobs out of it (Seer of Ancient Dawning). Would have been amusing to see peeps attempting this quest without getting burnt. Sometimes you can get the seer onto the bridge but mostly peeps have fought it in the lava previously :D


I fancy medallion part the most! Tis really cool!


Would be interesting to see how Battlegroups effect XPing in places like Malmo (non-Plvl groups). Still yeah, the SI/ToA portals are probably the best thing they put in though. :)


Originally posted by Archeon
Would be interesting to see how Battlegroups effect XPing in places like Malmo (non-Plvl groups). Still yeah, the SI/ToA portals are probably the best thing they put in though. :)

so far on pendragon, quoted from VN:

"Okay heres your info about what the new nice things about it are.

#1) Everyone / Group inside the battlegroup shares experience, its not split 50/50 however, it is based on how much damage each person / group does.. but no one will be left with 0.

#2) It seems it takes the battlegroup as 1 big group, mobs will add onto anyone in the battlegroup from what we have seen. We are going to test this theory some more and make sure it is this way to prevent huge powerlevel options that will be exploited.

#3) Realm Points tend to be the same as experience, they are split more evenly than 2 groups that are in the same battle but not in a battlegroup.Making it nice for the group that doesn't have a AE damage caster or something like that.

#4) As stated, yes now when you go to kill a named mob for an item.. everyone inside the battlegroup recieves it. Rather than just everyone in the one group that got the killing blow.


All in all, battlegroups are a pain in the arse to set up, but are nice in situational positions.

It allows for better multi-group experiencing ( No group left in the dust but doing all the work IE: tank group vs pbae group add on )

And it allows for better multi-group Realm Versus Realm combat in the realm point splitting department.

Enjoy! "


alb love again, now they can zerg and all get equal rp :<


Yey, Zergaholics get more outta zergin!

Long Live Zoyster & Outlaw!


All battlegroup will do is increase zerging.. not my cup of tea tbh

Tafaya Anathas

Originally posted by klavrynd
alb love again, now they can zerg and all get equal rp :<

roflmao, whinegard strikes again... that 6 fg yd in og was a sightseeing grp then?


Battlegroup features have existed since release. They've just got round to turning them on :p

(go in game and type /bg ;))

Roo Stercogburn

Anyone who has ever had to organise a large scale raid will appreciate battlegroups a lot.

Ok, so zergs benefit. They existed before, they'll exist after and even the lack or existance of battlegroups doesn't change this.

Its unlikely that general zergs will benefit much. Most zergs are random people and few will want to share RP with those not part of their immediate team, be it one or several groups.

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