1.66j - battlegroups - about fricking time imo




- Players from all three realms can now purchase new portal medallions at their primary portal location (Druim Ligen, Castle Sauvage, or Svasud Faste). Players who have the Shrouded Isles expansion can port there with the Medallion of Isles Passage. Players who have the Trials of Atlantis expansion can port there with the Medallion of Heroes Passage.

- In an effort to increase framerates during large scale raids like relic keep raids, we have converted many of the guards in the frontier to a new model which should increase framerate performance, at the cost of a little less variety in the guards looks.

- Delving items in the trade window will now correctly show left hand usable and two handed flags on weapons.

- Shields now display level on the mini-info window.

- Water in Raumarik and Vanera Swamp will no longer act like lava. (Pendragon only fix)


We have added a new feature to help large player groups coordinate and share credit for certain encounters. Battlegroups (similar in function to chatgroups) allow players to band together in large numbers (up to 200). Basically battlegroups behave just like chatgroups, with the added ability for the developers to set certain encounters to give credit to all the members of a battlegroup (instead of a single player or the group that gets the kill). Right now this is used throughout ToA for the Trial Encounters, so more than one group of players can get credit for participating in the encounter, whether or not they or their immediate group got the killing blow. Experience will still be given out based on your immediate group. We will be adding additional tools in a version in the near future that will allow battlegroups to allocate loot amongst the members of the group.

- bg = shorthand for battlegroup in all commands.

- bc = shorthand for battlegroup chat in all commands.

- Battle group sends and battle group leader sends each have their own chat channels now which are customizable on the client.

/battlegroup help : Displays all battle group commands

/battlegroup invite [playername] : Invites the specified player to the battle group

/battlegroup who : Lists all members of the battle group

/battlegroup groups : will display a group focused version of the /battlegroup who command. It will identify who is grouped within the battlegroup, who is grouped with people outside the group, and who is solo.

/battlegroup remove [playername] : Removes the specified player from the battle group

/battlegroup leave : Remove oneself from the battle group

/battlegroup listen : Puts the battle group on listen mode; only the leader and leaders can speak

/battlegroup leader : Declare another member of the battle group as leader; This player can invite other players into the battle group and speak when the battle group is on listen mode.

/battlegroup public : The battle group is public and anyone can join by typing /bg join

/battlegroup private : The battle group is invite or password-only

/battlegroup join [leader name] : Join a public battlegroup group by name of the leader

/battlegroup join [leader name] [password] : Join a private battle group which has a password set

/battlegroup password : Display the current password for the battle group (leader only)

/battlegroup password clear : Clears the current password (leader only)

/battlegroup password [new password] : Sets a new password


Midgard Monsters

- The Seer of Ancient Dawning's normal location has been shifted slightly out of the lava.


Albion Monsters

- Sarcodina should now have a chance to drop magical loot.


- Players with the Trials of Atlantis expansion can now use the Heroes portal scroll to port to Atlantis. As a result, the following housing teleporters have been renamed:

Svasud and Aegirhamn Teleporter is now Svasud, Isles, and Heroes Teleporter
Castle Sauvage and Gothwaite Teleporter is now Sauvage, Isles, and Heroes Teleporter
Druim Ligen and Domnann Teleporter is now Ligen, Isles, and Heroes Teleporter


- The teleporters on Gaheris and Mordred will allow players who purchase the Trials of Atlantis expansion to teleport to Atlantis.


they're just a cg at the moment though :)
(hrm then again it lets you have two cgs - /bg join outlaw for the emain battlegroup, /cg join someoneelse to chat with your pals)
makes the ToA quests a bit more sane, however.


The key thing is the ability to complete quests as a battle group.

So no more Ogre's Might fiascos.

The only other thing they need is to enable all loot to be directed to one person, and we're done.


new teleporters to the zones from borderkeep is good, missed it after playing on pvp :eek:


*currently praying, for the new incoming mmorpg*

*time by time curseing daoc gold stealer pack*


The thing that attracted me to DAoC was big battles. If I'd have wanted a one team vs one team game I'd be playing CounterStrike.


U get even a bigger cg witch u can use when zergin, great...
So fucking lame.
3 fg was killing our fg, and u still called for help, pathetic alb zerg =)


Originally posted by Gordonax
The thing that attracted me to DAoC was big battles. If I'd have wanted a one team vs one team game I'd be playing CounterStrike.

Yer but then it comes down to who has more people/population.
I personally hate the thoghts of zergs but incouraging benefits in pve.


Wheeeee bring it on :clap:

Great i love big battle's

the 1 group v.s. 1 group thought is something form c.s. orso.

i wanna see fg archers on the wall
lined up casters infront.

and in the middle of the battle some paladin/arms force is comming in from the left and right.

Take an everage movie about the cammelot period, i never see groups of 8 vs 8 tho. always massive amount of ppl running down the hill to other massive amount *(you think they could whine on bw in that time , the enemy got 4fg when they burned down our village ! :) )

So yes bring it on.
and if ppl don't like it well there are plenty of other game's around were you can fight 8 vs 8 or heck even 1 vs 1 ;)

Yep massive battle's will be cewl. :clap:


And now each battlegroup can have a treasurer, thank god. :p


Originally posted by poppamies
U get even a bigger cg witch u can use when zergin, great...
So fucking lame.
3 fg was killing our fg, and u still called for help, pathetic alb zerg =)

While your nice groups require skills to play. The other day i was in a group were paladin and then tanks were killed and clerics were left last. You no longer need skill in choosing an enemy. Click on someone random whatever class, gank with the savages and rinse and repeat :D

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