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Dark Age of Camelot

1.65h Version Release Notes

October 1, 2003



- All self buffs with 15 minute durations have had their durations increased to 20 minutes.

- You can no longer /hood while dead. (Pendragon only)

- Monsters no longer have extended cast times when casting spells. (Pendragon only) (This was noticed mainly by necromancers whose pets suffered from trypanosomiasis).

- Nodrop/Notrade/Nodestroy items now display as such in delve.

- All NPC triggered teleports now should teleport players at the proper angle of arrival. This should primarily be noticed when using gatekeepers.


- The following AE DD lines have had their cast times reduced from 4s to 3s

Calefaction: Molten Earth line
Liquefaction: Simmering Cloud line
Pyromancy: Explosive Blast line
Runes of Darkness: Raven Drove line
Runes of Suppression: Field of Suppression line
Runes of Destruction: Odin's Ire line
Illusions: Deluge of Illusion
Vacuumancy: Lesser Kinetic Dispersal
Void Mastery: Lesser Null Squall

- The Minor Vitality Drain line in the Sorcerer/Cabalist Body Destruction list has had its damage increased slightly.


- Savage buffs have been halved in duration, and had their health cost halved.

- The Savage "Irreverent Gesture" line has been changed from a shout to a 2 second cast time.

- Savage buffs now subtract a percent of your maximum health, not your estimated health. Since estimated health was lower, this is an increase from what it used to be.

- We've toned down the damage that Savages do while wielding any weapon other than a Hand to Hand weapon (to be equivalent to Hand to Hand weapons).


- Added new earth summon spells in the Theurgist Abrasion list at levels 40 and 48.

- Added new ice summon spells in the Theurgist Refrigeration list at levels 32, 40, and 48.

- Reduced the hitpoints on earth elementals, but increased the duration of their summon from 30 to 60 seconds. Their offensive bonus and run speed increases with higher spec.

- Spells cast by Theurgist ice elementals have been tuned to cast faster, do more damage, and scale appropriately with level to help deal with resists.


- Mjolnir's Fury has been changed to have a medium attack bonus and no defense penalty.

- Ice Storm's growth rate has been adjusted upward.

- Demolish has been changed to have a medium attack bonus and a medium fatigue cost.

- Raider's growth rate has been adjusted upward and all penalties/bonuses removed.

- Poleaxe's growth rate has been adjusted upward.


Item Notes

- Siege weapons and their sub-components have received new models and icons.

- Many trinket items have received new icons.

- The Accursed Demon Scythe's proc has been adjusted so as to not conflict with the effect from the Firefox style.

- (Pendragon Only) The Superior Accursed Demon Scythe's proc has been adjusted so as to not conflict with the effect from the Firefox style.

- The Ghostly Cloak one-time drop reward can now be equipped by all three realms.


Item Notes

- We have changed the few Midgard items in the game that were slower than 5.5 seconds to restrict them from Savage use. Savages who already own one of these weapons at the time of this patch will not be affected by this change. However, any weapon that has a delay slower than 5.5 seconds has been replaced in all future drops in the game with an identical version that will not allow savages to equip the new item. Please note that this restriction from Savages will not show up in delve at this time.

- Nosdoden, Myrddraxis and Xanxicar will now drop more items when slain.

- The Vinebound Bladeblocker has had its effect improved to be equivalent with other effects of the same level.

- The cloak rewards from the Writhing Death quest are now dyable and will take an emblem.

- The Moonbound Protector now has a reactive effect instead of a volatile effect.


- The method of teleportation for the housing teleporters have been changed. All the housing teleporters, those that can be purchased and those that are in the markeplace on Mordred and Gaheris, have been converted to the scroll method of teleportation. Players will be able to purchase a scroll from the merchant and hand it in to be teleportetd to the desired location.


- Fixed an issue that could cause the Evil Keep Lord at Dun Crauchon to spawn more often than normal.


give it up for even more mid nerfs

the alb crybabies have won again...



Originally posted by klavrynd
give it up for even more mid nerfs

the alb crybabies have won again...




Originally posted by klavrynd
give it up for even more mid nerfs

the alb crybabies have won again...


cry me a river...
can you honestly say that savage's dont need nerf?
And yes, my main char is in midgard.


OMG :D They actually added a new spell to the Thuergist lines, first one in 2 years. 60sec pets are going to help a shitload for earth speccers.


Originally posted by horsma
cry me a river...
can you honestly say that savage's dont need nerf?
And yes, my main char is in midgard.

Nice 1, weird to see normal people in these forums.


Originally posted by old.cHodAX
OMG :D They actually added a new spell to the Thuergist lines, first one in 2 years. 60sec pets are going to help a shitload for earth speccers.

Added what new spell ? All theve done is added two new pets to the existing spell line - and as pets are what 3/4 of a theurg level anway theres not much point in this - unless they get a new model - mmmm :) can hope.

60 sec pets will rock - expect that to be nerfed before 1.65 goes final :) same with the necro changes, well im not leveling my earth theurg of SC-ing my necro armour just yet.


Woot :D About friggin time, then again.. H2H dmg is just as bad as 2H :/


Originally posted by -Nxs-
Added what new spell ? All theve done is added two new pets to the existing spell line - and as pets are what 3/4 of a theurg level anway theres not much point in this - unless they get a new model - mmmm :) can hope.

60 sec pets will rock - expect that to be nerfed before 1.65 goes final :) same with the necro changes, well im not leveling my earth theurg of SC-ing my necro armour just yet.

Hopefully there will changes over the older pets but all I meant was that it is the first new spell in those lines regardless of what changes it actually makes. Nice to see they actually looked at the Earth line although this is far from what is needed.


Originally posted by old.cHodAX
Hopefully there will changes over the older pets but all I meant was that it is the first new spell in those lines regardless of what changes it actually makes. Nice to see they actually looked at the Earth line although this is far from what is needed.

Yeah the mana drain on an earth theirg is going to make casting a stream of pets very unlikely - groups will scream for the 6sec PBT so using the pets will be a luxary, shame :(


Earth pets at lv48 spec though hmmm they could rock xD


Originally posted by old.mattshanes
Earth pets at lv48 spec though hmmm they could rock xD

Cabbage just told me that you smell.... IRL... :p


I smell better than a cabbage though chod:p anyway chod now we can make an earth theurg group pet spam galore with lv48 pets xD


Originally posted by old.mattshanes
I smell better than a cabbage though chod:p anyway chod now we can make an earth theurg group pet spam galore with lv48 pets xD

Thats true, Cabbage smells like unwashed old ladies. Anyway slut, what happened to your Savage? :)


Deleted last week got bored of mid and didn't like it much there was soloing all the time really :/

So time to try hib :D


Euro servers really need that patch :p

Just need hybrids to get loving now and determination sorted out in a right way not being removed from the game though i hope:eek:


Originally posted by -Nxs-
Yeah the mana drain on an earth theirg is going to make casting a stream of pets very unlikely - groups will scream for the 6sec PBT so using the pets will be a luxary, shame :(

I actualy find with my Earth Theurgist i can get off a stream of pets till im around 1/2 power, and if u got senerity (i got senerity one on my PBT-Bot) u can regain while running around like a headless chicken as all casters do anyway, + Sorc PoT will sort that as well.

I find earth pets are much better for interupting casters/healers than air pets. stun is over rated, BEHOLD THE DAWN OF EARTH GIMPS ROAMING THE LANDS!!!!


Originally posted by klavrynd
give it up for even more mid nerfs

the alb crybabies have won again...


Klavrynd stop talking out of your arse. Check the screenie in this post and tell me savages are not overpowered:


Fyi, Keriwin and I just left that albzerg at AMG odins. There were a lot of albs together, about 4fg. Count the number of mids killing...3 savages!

Ofc they would have support like Zapsi etc, but I don't recall hearing of stories of 1fg of albs taking out 4fgs of mids.

Tesla Monkor

Wouldn't it be nice to have some nice new things for Midgard without them being served with a side-order of heavy nerf?

Refreshing, really.

I mean, look at the Midgard servers in the US. Over HALF of them are already /level 30 and have serious player issues. And the nerfs continue regardless.

Makes you wonder what Mythic considers 'balanced'.


Originally posted by Tesla Monkor
Wouldn't it be nice to have some nice new things for Midgard without them being served with a side-order of heavy nerf?

Refreshing, really.

I mean, look at the Midgard servers in the US. Over HALF of them are already /level 30 and have serious player issues. And the nerfs continue regardless.

Makes you wonder what Mythic considers 'balanced'.

True of all realms in one way or another, so many 'redundant' classes because Mythic have no idea how to balance. Instead they add more classes and keep creating Fotm classes through poorly thoughtout patching.


Originally posted by uma_thurman
Klavrynd stop talking out of your arse. Check the screenie in this post and tell me savages are not overpowered:


Fyi, Keriwin and I just left that albzerg at AMG odins. There were a lot of albs together, about 4fg. Count the number of mids killing...3 savages!

Ofc they would have support like Zapsi etc, but I don't recall hearing of stories of 1fg of albs taking out 4fgs of mids.

the only thing i see if a bunch of people i don't know (except gelid) which makes the chance of them being

- not lvl 50
- low rr
- no sc (and therefor shite resistances)

or a combination of these 3

i can give you screenshots where my zerk kills tons of people (and considering she's the biggest gimp zerk on world daoc...)

i can give you screenshots of warders killing 2-3-4 fg with one fg np (and yes pre savage as well)

this doesn't mean shit

ps : MY, read it again , MY savage isn't overpowered so i can whine!

pps : its klavrynd with a lowercase k dammit


Nice patch, I actually like the savage nerf part the most :)

oh and cry more, IMO the nerf isnt big enough... (half the duration of the spells but half the cost as well...Eh wtf? So hmm savages need to push the button once every 15sec instead of 30 sec..so what?)


Originally posted by old.cHodAX
True of all realms in one way or another, so many 'redundant' classes because Mythic have no idea how to balance. Instead they add more classes and keep creating Fotm classes through poorly thoughtout patching.

apart from the fact that 2/3 of midgards classes are redundant, it makes you wonder if they really know where they're going with daoc


Originally posted by SilverHood
apart from the fact that 2/3 of midgards classes are redundant, it makes you wonder if they really know where they're going with daoc

2/3?? Ok Thane is a no brainer and Runemaster aren't the great all rounder they used to be now that bladeturn means nothing, they still have great utilty. Skald does seems a little underpowered and zerkers hit for less but still obliterate casters.

Shammy, Healer, Savage, Boner, Hunter, Spiritmaster are all perfectly viable under certain specs. Warrior hits damn hard and doesn't have to doublespec unlike Albions main tank. Shadowblades took the brunt of the last nerf and yes I will agree that Mythic overdid it when they nerfed left axe but they had to find a way to tone down zerkers. Sadly Mythic screwed up as usual when it comes to balancing.


Originally posted by Tesla Monkor
Wouldn't it be nice to have some nice new things for Midgard without them being served with a side-order of heavy nerf?

You really need the person who comes up with midgard ideas to be shot. The ideas are fine in principal, but the implementation is poor. You get very strong classes which eventually get nerfed.

If you had a surfeit of weak classes like theurgists etc then they would get loving.

Besides, thanes get loving this patch don't they? Maybe not enough but it's a step in the right direction.


Originally posted by klavrynd
i can give you screenshots where my zerk kills tons of people (and considering she's the biggest gimp zerk on world daoc...)

Pre LA nerf??


Originally posted by thegreatest
Nice patch, I actually like the savage nerf part the most :)

oh and cry more, IMO the nerf isnt big enough... (half the duration of the spells but half the cost as well...Eh wtf? So hmm savages need to push the button once every 15sec instead of 30 sec..so what?)

Read the patch notes again please before posting..

They have halfed the duration and halfed the costs...

but and this is the part you obviously missed.

"- Savage buffs now subtract a percent of your maximum health, not your estimated health. Since estimated health was lower, this is an increase from what it used to be."

So infact now Savagery buffs cost more than they did before.

Prior to 1.65H Savagery buffs say for instance the top buffs which cost 10% hp.

This 10% would have been taken from your base nakid hitpoints which for example is around 1000 hitpoints.

10% of 1000 is 100.

In 1.65H the cost is halved but it now takes the % from your buffed hitpoints.

so it would be 5% of 2400 = 120

So infact the buffs now cost more for less. which is imho a big nurf.

Ohh and fyi unless your a troll 2h Savage forget using 2H weapons at all. Weaponskill is completely crap now unbuffed weaponskill on a friends rr4 Norse Savage (50+14 Sword) is 1062..

Around the same a thrust infiltrator.


Oh no! Savages which are hybrids have hybrid weaponskill! How gimp. Excuse me if I don't cry you a river Emma. I dunno why people though savages, who have all sort of fancy tricks like buffs and such should also have the same weaponskill as a zerker or warrior, given those two classes have only their melee.


> IMO the nerf isnt big enough...

Seen the numbers coming from Pendragon? Using 3 of the last savagery buffs (dps, haste, evade), the current 30 s cycle will cost around 600 hp (buffed), which is about 230% when compared to current cost. Thats 20 hp per second, 40 hp per round assuming 2s attack cycle. Or self-damage about equivalent to damage output of a skald DDs. After they get upgraded 2nd shout and both shouts on 15s timer.

Actual logs show that average 1fg vs 1fg fight lasts somewhere around 1.5 minutes. Thats 90s. During that period, savage with 3 buffs up will sustain total self-damage of 1800 hp.

Positive effect of savagery buffs is increased damage done due to dps buff plus increased damage due to haste buff minus potential increased damage from healer Purity of Attack line haste, plus less damage taken due to evade buff.

In other words, to make it worthwhile at all to use or for that matter spec into savagery, a savage must take less and or/make more than 1800 hp more damage per fight with selfbuffs than he would have done without.. Thats the point where savagery buffs will -start- to pay off having specced 49 levels in a specline.

Too early to tell about 2h weaponskill nerf. Isnt known yet how the reduction is calculated. If its percentage-based, 2h savages might remain marginally viable. More likely tho that they just moved 2h savage to a hybrid damage table. Numbers that Ive seen so far seem to indicate a post-nerf 2h savage has about the same ws as skalds do.

So, all in all, another great victory for albion and hibernia. Keep up the good work.


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