



Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.65c Test Release Notes

Thursday, August 28, 2003



- Many of the items that can be found in Darkness Falls have been reviewed and determined to be weaker than what is appropriate to the level of the item. To correct this problem new items have been created based on the original item design, but with more level appropriate magical bonuses. These new items can be found both available for purchase with seals and dropped from important monsters around the dungeon. The original items will no longer be available for purchase nor will they drop from monsters. Combined with the new items, the Darkness Falls merchants have had their stores reorganized. Due to this reorganization, the Albion merchant imp Daro is no longer necessary and has been removed.

- Melee resistance bonuses on items worn by the Necromancer will now be inherited by the pet.


Item Notes

- The Mildewed Tunic (Albion) should now be dyable.

- The Death Servant's Staff (Albion) should now be usable by Necromancers.

- Icestriders found in the Midgard frontier now have unique drops.

- Many common objects are now stackable.

- Some dragon dropped items have had their magical bonuses slightly redistributed. The power level of these items have not changed, nor will existing items receive the redistribution. The items affected are:

Hibernia: Buckler of Crystalline Mist, the Shield of Tornadic Fury, the Protector of Weary Souls, Ram's Folly, the Ring of Tarka'oz, the Frigid Azure Crusher, the Semi-ethereal Robe, Netherworldy Scale Hauberk

Midgard: Brutish Brawler's Armguards, the Ensorcelled Draconic Shield, the Bewitched Draconic Shield, the Staff of Ageless Power, the Dragonscale Bracelet, the Azure Soul Quencher, Runed Saga Etched Shield

Albion: Staff of Perfect Incantation, the Diamond Spiked Vest, the Dragonscale Buckler, the Defender of Scorched Dreams, the Dragonflame Protector, the Ring of Arcane Strength, the Robes of the Magus, Timeless Indigo Mail


Horse routes

- All known issues with the new flying mounts have been corrected. (Pendragon only fix)

Item Notes

- The Vine Wrapped Bladed Crystal (Hibernia) will now have a particle effect like other weapons dropped in the area.

- The Wulfen Night Fang (Midgard) should now have a chance to proc.

- The named items dropped by Snemel den Forsumlig (Midgard) should now drop with an appropriate Quality and Bonus % for their level. These items include: Snemel's Sleeves, Snemel's Dancing Mug, Snemel's Mug of Cheer and Snemel's Bladed Moon Fang. Please note that this will only effect newly dropped items.

- The named items dropped by the various "animate" weapon mobs (Midgard) should now drop with an appropriate Quality and Bonus % for their level. These items include: Animated Kite Shield, Animated Great Bow, Animated Great Spiked Hammer, Animated Dwarven Great Sword, Animated Double-bladed Axe and Animated Spear. Please note that this will only effect newly dropped items.

- The named items dropped by Alchemist Phorzbreg (Midgard) should now drop with an appropriate Quality and Bonus % for their level. These items include: Phorzbreg's Cap, Phorzbreg's Hooded Mantle, Phorzbreg's Gift Ring, Phorzbreg's Constitution Ring and Phorzbreg's Mending Staff. Please note that this will only effect newly dropped items.

- The named items dropped by Overste Callejo (Midgard) should now drop with an appropriate Quality and Bonus % for their level. These items include: Callejo's Pants, Callejo's Gloves, Callejo's Moon Claw, Callejo's Bladed Moon Claw and Callejo's Bladed Fang Greave. Please note that this will only effect newly dropped items.

- The rewards from Crace's Desire will now be given with a higher bonus as appropriate to the level of the items.

- Monsters in Modernagrav should no longer drop low level unique objects.

- The Griffon Slicer Axe will now grant axe skill instead of slash skill.

- The Griffon Seeker's Knife will now grant a dexterity bonus instead of throwing skill bonus.

- Arr will now drop bows of the correct realm.


- The Nosdoden's Head wall trophy (Foundations - Midgard) has been increased to a more impressive size.



Roo Stercogburn

Interesting. I use a DF staff for PvE hunts. Will be nice to get a beefed up version :)


- Melee resistance bonuses on items worn by the Necromancer will now be inherited by the pet.

thank god i didn't make my set :p, but this way i don't even need it, i can wear the epic now :)


Ah well lets spare you some odd german text work. ^^

Emerald Jewellery


Malign Scarab Jewel - +7 Dex/Qui/Int
Malign Scarab Necklace - +7 Str/Qui/Dex
Malign Scarab Cloak - +6 Cha, +7 Con, +8 Str
Malign Scarab Belt - +6 Dex/Piety
Malign Scarab Bracer - +10 Con/ +8 Dex
Malign Scarab Ring - +30 HP, +11 Str

Sapphire Jewellery


Accursed Bone Belt - +8 Con/Dex, +6 Qui/Str
Accursed Bone Bracer - +8 Dex, +2 Shield/Parry, +2 HP
Accursed Bone Ring - +5 Piety, +2 Both Skills
Accursed Deamon Necklace - +6 Cha, +9 Con/Str
Accursed Scroll - +22 Int, -2 both skills
Accursed Deamon Cloak - +4 Cha/Piety
Accursed Daemon Bracer - +6 Str/Piety, +2% Crush
Accursed Daemon Ring - +24 HP, +14 Dex/Str
Accursed Necklace of Devotion - +3 Int, +3% Body/Spirit
Accursed Jewel of Arms - +1 Crush/Slash/Thrust/2Handed
Accursed Cloak of Shadows - +2 Stealth, +6 Dex/Con
Accursed Belt of Might - +2 Str, +2% Crush/Slash/Body
Accursed Bracer of Skill - +1 DW, +1 Stealth, +14 Dex
Accursed Ring of Devotion - +16 Piety, +12 Dex

Diamond Jewellery


Avernal Necklace - No Changes
Infernal Black Diamond - No Changes
Infernal Diamond Dusted Cloak - +3 Str / Cold/Heat +2%
Infernal Black Diamond Belt - +53 HP
Infernal Black Diamond Bracer - +12 Con/Cha/Dex
Infernal Black Diamond Ring - +6 Str/Con
Infernal Black Diamond Necklace - +12 HP / +1% Body/Energy/Thrust
Infernal Jewel of Venom - +8 Dex/Str
Infernal Pyre Walkers Cloak - +2 Dex/Qui



Am I the only one upset about Daro's impending doom?



Originally posted by old.Twonker
Am I the only one upset about Daro's impending doom?


Start "Save Daro(tm)" petitions now !!!!!!

edit: spelling

Tesla Monkor

Plucked from the IGN board:

If this works anything like the spiritmaster pets, this really should concern you.

Let's assume it's a level 50 necro, with fully sc'ed armor and a cleric buffbot with MoA2.

Baseline buff 44 con + 6% (MoA2) = 46.64 (Assume round to 47)
Spec buff 69 con + 6% (MoA2) = 73.14 (Assume round to 73)

Total Con is 120. 4 con = 1% absorb, so you get +30% absorb from 120 con.

Pet absorb is equal to his level, so a level 50 necro will have a lvl44 pet. 44% absorb

+75 con from sc items = 18.75 absorb, round to 19.

From Con buffs: 30%
From Pet Level: 44%
From Necro sc items: 19%
Subtotal = 93% absorb.

Resistances transfer too, so 26% resistance to all melee damage on the 7% unabsorbed damage = 1.82%, round to 2%

Total reduction in damage: 95%

THAT'S INSANE! What genius thought this up?

Source: http://vnboards.ign.com/message.asp?topic=55552990&replies=20

Hmmm. :)



Too bad that +75 con from SC only adds hits, not absorbtion... it was tested on Pendragon


Originally posted by Tesla Monkor
Plucked from the IGN board:

If this works anything like the spiritmaster pets, this really should concern you.

Let's assume it's a level 50 necro, with fully sc'ed armor and a cleric buffbot with MoA2.

Baseline buff 44 con + 6% (MoA2) = 46.64 (Assume round to 47)
Spec buff 69 con + 6% (MoA2) = 73.14 (Assume round to 73)

Total Con is 120. 4 con = 1% absorb, so you get +30% absorb from 120 con.

Pet absorb is equal to his level, so a level 50 necro will have a lvl44 pet. 44% absorb

+75 con from sc items = 18.75 absorb, round to 19.

From Con buffs: 30%
From Pet Level: 44%
From Necro sc items: 19%
Subtotal = 93% absorb.

Resistances transfer too, so 26% resistance to all melee damage on the 7% unabsorbed damage = 1.82%, round to 2%

Total reduction in damage: 95%

THAT'S INSANE! What genius thought this up?

Source: http://vnboards.ign.com/message.asp?topic=55552990&replies=20

Hmmm. :)

Plus the 9% absorb buff that deathsight necros get, that makes 102% absorb. Somehow I think that this guy's sums are wrong.


That absorb calculation is way off. I mean way way off. Even the buffs give more than he listed which would mean more than 100% absorb.

Surround Sound

Originally posted by mucking_fuppet
Flying mounts??!

From 1.65a Patch Notes:

We are proud to introduce a new free zone expansion to our customers who have Shrouded Isles. Each realm has a new zone available for use by anyone who has Shrouded Isles installed. These zones are targeted for players who are level 35 or higher. The new zones can be reached by either swimming to them or by using one of the new flying creatures routes available from the nearest faction based creature tamer.



Originally posted by Sarnat
That absorb calculation is way off. I mean way way off. Even the buffs give more than he listed which would mean more than 100% absorb.

as thundercat_pryd said

+con from sc gives hp not absorb

So knock 19% off that total

And as the necro TL described it ... a necro is currently a class that casters drop easy and tanks cant kill. They have no real damage output (except in a long fight) so stop whining and let the patchs get finished. It will all change yet i suspect


Originally posted by solothores
Infernal Black Diamond Ring - +6 Str/Con

So does this now make the ring

18 Str
18 Con
10% Cold Resist

UV = 44 Whereas Before it was 36? If so it will make my SC template easier :eek:


Originally posted by Tesla Monkor
Plucked from the IGN board:

If this works anything like the spiritmaster pets, this really should concern you.

Let's assume it's a level 50 necro, with fully sc'ed armor and a cleric buffbot with MoA2.

Baseline buff 44 con + 6% (MoA2) = 46.64 (Assume round to 47)
Spec buff 69 con + 6% (MoA2) = 73.14 (Assume round to 73)

Total Con is 120. 4 con = 1% absorb, so you get +30% absorb from 120 con.

Pet absorb is equal to his level, so a level 50 necro will have a lvl44 pet. 44% absorb

+75 con from sc items = 18.75 absorb, round to 19.

From Con buffs: 30%
From Pet Level: 44%
From Necro sc items: 19%
Subtotal = 93% absorb.

Resistances transfer too, so 26% resistance to all melee damage on the 7% unabsorbed damage = 1.82%, round to 2%

Total reduction in damage: 95%

THAT'S INSANE! What genius thought this up?

Source: http://vnboards.ign.com/message.asp?topic=55552990&replies=20

Hmmm. :)

as thundercat_pryd said

+con from sc gives hp not absorb

So knock 19% off that total

And as the necro TL described it ... a necro is currently a class that casters drop easy and tanks cant kill. They have no real damage output (except in a long fight) so stop whining and let the patchs get finished. It will all change yet i suspect


From Con buffs: 30%
From Pet Level: 44%
From Abs. Buff: 9%
Total: 83%

Resistances transfer too, so 26% resistance to all melee damage on the 17% unabsorbed damage = 4.4%, round to 4%

Total: 87%

So which tank want a duel now? :p

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