1.62b is notes are up




Shaman players - we adjusted yesterday's change. Everyone - read very, very carefully these notes hot off the dev team keyboards:


Dark Age of Camelot

Test Version 1.62b Release Notes

Wednesday, April 23, 2003


We realize that this will be one of the more controversial test patches that have been put on Pendragon. We are reducing the damage of Left Axe combat styles, which will lessen the damage done by Berserkers and Shadowblades ("Shadowzerks" - who rely on Left Axe damage) when they use those styles. Because of a series of past changes to the class, an imbalance was introduced where these combat styles do far, far too much damage. We do not make this change lightly. In general, we try to find ways around directly reducing the damage done by specific classes by introducing counters usable by other classes, but in this case the imbalance is just too great. We are seeing an RvR situation where the battlefield is being increasingly dominated by Berserkers and Shadowzerks who are using this increased damage to take over battles. As part of our ongoing focus to balance classes in RvR, we have to take steps to ensure that one ability (Left Axe) does not totally overwhelm every other class.

Also in 1.62b, we are taking steps to enhance Blademasters and Mercenaries, which addresses a longstanding set of complaints from players of those two classes. Additionally, we are making more tweaks and updates to Hibernia; in this case opening up some new class/race combos.

In future 1.62 test patches, we still plan to address some Archer issues, as well as possibly some more Hibernia spellcasting/hybrid class tweaks. Stay tuned to a future 1.62 test patch note for details.

As always, the changes in these notes are for Pendragon testing, and we'll make tweaks and adjustments to them as appropriate.


There's been a lot of discussion, controversy, and misunderstanding about light tanks in Dark Age of Camelot. One of the main requests we get is an explanation for what purpose a light tank serves in a group (both in PvE and RvR). In our definition, light tanks are Blademasters, Mercenaries, and Berserkers. There is a fuzzy line in some places (the Savage can also be considered a light tank) but for the purposes of this discussion, we're only talking about Blademasters, Mercenaries, and Berserkers.

The purpose the light tank was designed for was to be a damage dealer, but not have much defense. Because of this, they should not be a good one-on-one class, but they should be able to do a great amount of damage when not holding aggression from an enemy player or monster.

A way of illustrating this is that a Blademaster should not be able to go head to head (one on one) with an Armsman or Warrior (primary tank) and reliably win. However, a Blademaster and a Hero working together should be much more effective in dealing damage than two Heroes working together. The same holds true for the other Realms - A Mercenary should not be able to take on a Warrior head to head and win reliably, but a Mercenary/Armsman team should be quite effective. This is why the primary combat style chains for these light tanks are positional in nature - they assume that someone else is holding a monster or enemy player's aggression.

>From reading this description, everyone familiar with these three classes will know that they deviate from the design goal in several different points. Berserkers do more damage, as they can (usually) go head to head with a same-level primary tank from an enemy realm and win. Those who play Blademasters and Mercenaries know that in RvR they can not only not go head-to-head with an enemy tank, but they are not even as effective as intended in tandem with another primary tank - two Armsmen or two Heroes are more effective than working with their Realm's light tank.

In light of this, we are making some changes in 1.62b to even the playing field. Mercenaries and Blademasters do less damage than they should, so in this update (1.62b), we are increasing substantially the bleed damage on their high-spec level styles that have a bleed component, as well increasing the damage on some other styles. In addition, we're making some changes to Blademaster and Mercenary special abilities in this version - check out the "Class Updates" section below, for more details.

The Berserker being overpowered comes from the fact that Left Axe combat styles do too much damage overall, which makes them - as well as "Shadowzerks" - do more damage than they should. So, Left Axe style damage is being reduced. Even with the Left Axe reduction in damage, the Berserker will still be able to take on an enemy primary tank and win more often than not - which is a departure from the light tank concept, but is essential in keeping the spirit of the class that is familiar to those players who are longtime Left Axe users.

When 1.62 goes live, we will offer a free single line respec to all Berserkers and Shadowblades because of the changes to Left Axe style damage.


Blademaster Changes

- The Blademaster Triple Wield special ability has been updated. It is now on a 7 minute re-use timer (it was previously set to 30 minutes). It now will stack properly with other damage adds - it will always increase damage no matter what other buffs or damage adds are currently affecting the Blademaster. Triple Wield also now makes Blademasters immune to critical melee damage.

- The Ice Storm -> Tempest -> Supernova chain has been modified for Blademasters only (i.e. Rangers and Nightshades are not affected by this). The damage for each has been increased, and Ice Storm now has a short stun component.

- Increased bleed damage for Celtic Dual combat styles Tempest and Twin Star. This is a Blademaster ONLY change - other classes that receive Celtic Dual will not see increased bleed effects on these styles.

Mercenary Changes

- The Mercenary Dirty Tricks special ability is now on a 7 minute re-use timer (it was previously set to 30 minutes), and has changed in effect. It now activates a 30 second offensive proc effect on the Mercenary that applies a 10 second debuff on the Mercenary's target every time it is hit. This debuff gives the target a 50% chance to fumble all their melee attacks while under the debuff's effect.

- The damage for both styles in the Flank -> Shadow's Rain combat style chain has been increased for Mercenaries only (Infiltrators are not affected).

- Increased bleed damage for Dual Wield combat styles Dark Tendrils and Dual Shadows. This is a Mercenary ONLY change - other classes that receive Dual Wield will not see increased bleed effects on these styles.

Left Axe Changes

- Reduced the damage done by Left Axe Combat Styles. This will affect both classes that can specialize in Left Axe (Berserkers and Shadowblades).


- Hibernia: Celts can now be Nightshades.

- Hibernia: Elves can now be Blademasters.


- Increased range of the Animist Dancing Spark line to 1500.

- Changed the Shaman Minor Earth Invigoration line (fatigue regeneration buff) to take significantly fewer concentration points. This is a Pendragon-only adjustment.


- Shrouded Isles only: The model for the Dreaded Frost bound Fang has been changed to better reflect the area it comes from.

- Shrouded Isles only: The Mayor's Ruby Ring (Midgard) can now be equipped in the ring slot.

- Shrouded Isles only: The Griffon Slicer, Dark Weaved Vest, and Dark Weaved Leggings (Midgard) now have a proc chance set.

- Camelot Classic: Most of the boss mob loot in the frontier dungeons has been upgraded. The old stats were compared to SI's boss mob imbue points and brought up to par. The only items that were not increased were already equal to or above equivalent SI boss mob loot in bonuses. In addition, a few new items were added for the Reaver, Necromancer, Animist, Valewalker, Savage and Bonedancer.


OMG....Archer love coming..... <crosses fingers and legs and any other thing thats handy>



*waves* byebyetoall zerkers hitting me for 1k+ dmge :) about frikin time to ,


Sits and waits for all the Mid kiddies to come crying...bwut I wub de weet ubder man and I wants it bawcks.


hmm, nerf left axe but increase duel wield? gg :)



I've canceled my subs anyway :)

Just pray that GOA are slow to implement this future patch

The Kingpin

hell yea..

DW/CD hit for beans next to LA


if you nerf LA and boost duel wield, the situation will just reverse :)


I always thought DW and CD were fine, from a Thanes perspective.

Just that LA was a little bit uber.

Bet Mythic have done an over the top change again :)


Originally posted by old.Elrond
if you nerf LA and boost duel wield, the situation will just reverse :)

Elrond GIMP


er they give em respec for a slight reduction in damage like any zerker is going to spec out of left axe ~? SBs might but alb just had some HUGE changes and they never gave those classes a respec did they ?

Mythic are a complete bunch of muppets

and to Optical : HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAaaaaaaaa how much more of a tit have you made yourself look...


TBH I'd hold the freaking out for a while ... im sure the zerkers on the test server will be whining the same . and it will nerf the nerf so to speak ^^


Gahhh left axe nerf.. Dunno about zerkers but i think sbs really are fine, i'd change left axe anyday to thrust. And wtf is the point to make those new dw/cd styles only merc/bm usable lol??


Seems like a pretty crap patch overall, the CDW changes were very weak, increased damage on a single chain that isn't anytime and boosted bleed damage.. wooo.. their specific abilities got nicely boosted but becoming MORE reliant on abilities wasn't what the classes needed.

Their motivation for why Zerks should still be able to take maintanks whereas Light Tanks as a whole shouldn't really stinks.


Their motivation for why Zerks should still be able to take maintanks whereas Light Tanks as a whole shouldn't really stinks.

So much so.."erm well people are used to being overpowered so were gonna leave it that way"

They say light tanks shouldnt be able to take a warrior type class 1v1 but because they are used to it well let em do it anyway...


Did no one notice the hint of Archer loving there?


- In future 1.62 test patches, we still plan to address some Archer issues, as well as possibly some more BLAH BLAH BLAH OVERPOWERED REALM BLAH BLAH BLAH. Stay tuned to a future 1.62 test patch note for details.

<takes deep breath>

:clap: :clap: :clap:


/cry ....
just read VN boards albion rogue ... /cry more



level50 scout with 50 bow crit shotted a merc for 80 dmg... :(

Tesla Monkor

Whee. Another patch full of ALb and Hib loving and Mid nerfs. :/


Originally posted by SilverHood
Bet Mythic have done an over the top change again :)

Not that midgard was particularly sympathetic when smite clerics caught it in the neck ;>


Hmmm guesses it time to let MYthis know.. they can suck my hairy behind.. ohhh and nice berzerkers get a respec..so now they can specc.. WHAT instead of LA ???? and its also nice that sb's get shafted in the same go..if they want us to play crit blades fine.. then give us VANISH..guesses they where just to uber compared to infil's with DF.. and did I mention VANISH..ahhh well..someone come help me pull's Mythic's head out of there own arses plzz.

Any one know when WOW is schedueld for ???


To all those mentioning this little snippet...

In future 1.62 test patches, we still plan to address some Archer issues

It doesn't mention Archer love, just issues.... could be yet another nerf. ;)

Tafaya Anathas

Hehe there will be any archer nerf, I will press the magic Y E S combo. Btw archers, minstrels and clerics need respec, and they won't get any, zerkers doesn't need it, and they'll get.


Originally posted by Zordo
Gahhh left axe nerf.. Dunno about zerkers but i think sbs really are fine, i'd change left axe anyday to thrust. And wtf is the point to make those new dw/cd styles only merc/bm usable lol??

Erm how many critblade SBs are there these days compared to SZs? All the ones I come across are SZs, which goes to show that LA >> CS.

Stealthers are supposed to get kills from stealthiness, not zerker spam doublefrost :rolleyes:

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