1.62 PvE Bugs Still Existing on US servers - Need your help!!!



First off, I'm assuming these are the general message boards for the Euro servers.. if they're not, please accept my apologies and give me a swift mental kick to the rear. Also, I'm assuming you don't have 1.62 yet. If you do... ugh. Ok, here goes:

In case you all are not aware, 1.62 introduced a number of PvE bugs including, but not limited to...

1) Unusually large miss rates with melees in every realm.
2) Massive resist rates (around 70%+) on casters everywhere.
3) Casters unable to cast the same amount of spells post patch.

Which subsequently effects:

1) Keep takes - Lords, named guards, high lvl keeps harder.
2) Relic raids - very close to impossible for most without MASS zerg. (As in, way more than usual)
3) PvE raids - "Epic" dungeon raids, smaller high level encounters. Need roughly 30% more people than pre-1.62.
4) PvE groups - Must now take oranges and low reds instead of high reds-purples. (Has an effect on PBAE groups as well as mezzing groups because of the way the "fix" was designed - see link below for full explanation.)
5) Soloers in PvE - Higher misses and higher resists, notably on yellows or higher.

As you can tell, this effects everyone, no matter what realm or server or level you play.

I've been logging and keeping track of the infamous "PvE Bug" since 1.62 went live, and wrote up an HTML version of all my testing, all the comments and threads I've seen, all the patches from Mythic, etc. If you've never heard of the bug before now, or never saw any numbers, this should help clarify:


Now, here's the part where I need help. I've done a lot of testing on my own, but without anything to compare it to, the tests are all but useless. Mythic can claim (if they so desire) that there is no PvE bug... unless we have proof otherwise. So, I need logs, and as many as you can stand to take. I don't care what level you are, what class you are, what realm rank you are... the bigger group of pre1.62 tests the better.

I'm not asking for the actual logfiles themselves, as a good test would be run over roughly an hour or more, and that's a lot of text to scan through to omit /gu, /tell, etc. If possible, I'd like for people to take their logs, and parse them with both of the below parsers, to avoid any inconsistancies with either parser. (The parsers are web-based, so there are no programs to download, nothin' fishy like that.) If you're a caster showing casting logs of resist rates, the first parser only works for melee. Then, if possible, drop me a PM here, or post here, when you have the results. Stick them up online somewhere - even, like, Yahoo will do - or e-mail them to me (will give you the address to send it to if you request in a private message, hate slapping my email all over the web).

Any logs of miss rates or resist rates I'll add to my growing HTML Documentation on the PvE bug, which I've already sent to Mythic. Any other logs - logs of you repeatedly casting your self shield, for example, till OOP - I request that you hang onto until you get 1.62, and send me both logs then. Only have one log of that type on my Documentation page atm, would help to get a lot more.

The two log parsers can be found here:


In the log, or in your message/email/etc, try to get your stats, what classes you had in your group, and what con mobs you were fighting as well, if you can.

I know this is a lot to ask, and I apologize. Many people asked, when Sanya requested in a post on the Dev Boards for players to submit logs, "Why are we paying to still beta test a game?" It seems apparant that, if we don't, this "bug" will rapidly become a feature, if it hasn't already.

Thank you all for reading this, if you even finished the whole thing. ;)


edit: wah, wah, new users can't post url's. <sigh> ok, the url's above are still correct, just take out the spaces between the "h t t p" part. If someone can post the clicky versions of the URL's above in a reply, I'd really appreciate it! Would make it easier on anyone else trying to read 'em ;)


bah, someone beat me to it. :p
nm, i link-ified the adresses.



Got some epic quests to run tonight , will ask the team members to log our session tonight.


Finally got an official topic started on the Dev Boards about the PvE bugs post-fix. If you'd like to post your results there, specify that you're running pre-1.62 and have at it.

Thread can be found here:

h t t p://vnboards.ign.com/message.asp?topic=52878124

Thank you guys who have sent me stuff. Making this a lot easier to compare :)

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