1.56C notes



Hope it hasn't been posted already :)


Dark Age of Camelot

Camelot 1.56c Test Release Notes

Wednesday, November 27, 2002



Due to the changes we introduced in 1.56b, we're giving the following respec options to the various classes affected by the changes:

- all primary healing classes over level 30 get a single-line respec (because of spread heal).

- all primary healing classes get a realm ability respec (because of heal battery).

- Hunters get a full respec (because of new wolf pets and melee combat changes).

- all Assassin classes get a realm ability respec (because of IP).

Please note that if you meet this criteria, but you already have a respec of the type listed here, you will not get an additional one - for example, if you are an Infiltrator with a Realm Respec that you haven't used, you won't get another one. But, if you are an Infiltrator who does not have a Realm Ability respec, you will be given one.


- Characters in the main menu will now perform an emote after being selected.

- Optimized river code that should only update the river reflection when there is a river in view. This will speed up the framerate when you have no rivers in view.

- You will no longer fall through the water in dungeons

- If you are a necromancer in shade mode, your pet's health should be transmitted to your groupmate's group windows.

- If you have a controlled pet and you have no target, if your pet is attacked, you should auto-assume your pets target (as if you were attacked).

- Characters from the expansion classes should now be able to join the Orders for the mundane trades. Necromancers, Bonedancers, Valewalkers, and Animists may be Tailors, Savages and Reavers may be Armor or Weapon crafters.


- The mini-info window (comes up when you right click on an item) is now a separate window and doesn't share a window with your target/health window.

- The Options Dialog and Command Window are also in the Classic Client, not just the expansion version. There are fewer tweakable items in the Classic Client, but they can set some of their options through there (name coloring, name visibility, etc).

- You can Shift-Left-Click buttons on the Command Window to make quickbar buttons out of them.

- There are no longer "white" con color items when you are crafting. When a crafting recipe was on a skill boundary (about to change from red to orange con), it would turn white for one skill point.

- We have added "Compass" and "Bind" to the command bar, and have removed "Anon".

- Fixes an issue where the classic client crashed when downloading the gates of frontier keeps.

- When you use a performance configuration slash command or popup command from in game, the changes are saved and should reflect in the main configuration window.

- Compass should now be on by default for new players

- In transparent interface, the font on the targeting window and on the backpack should now be shadowed and much more readable.

- Pressing "Sit" on the command window should now toggle sitting/standing


- We have added the new Shrouded Isles main menu, Realm selection, and character creator interface screens to the expansion client.

- The Bonedancer Commander Pet model is now in.

- Valewalker combat styles and animations should now work correctly.


The new sound options allow independent volume setting for each of the following:

- Sound Effects: gameplay sounds (combat sounds, spells, etc.)
- Music: basically, the MP3s (play when you enter the game, towns, combat music, etc.)
- Ambient Sound Effects: random non-music sounds (birds, wind, etc.)
- Ambient Music: self-explanatory

You should be able to set these options in the old Character Select options menu and in the new in-game options menu. Possible settings are: "Off", 1-9 (increasing volume) & "Full" (full volume).

Sound setting changes made in either the Character Select options menu or the in-game options menu should persist between play sessions.

Additional Notes:

In the Main Menu of the game, you can change the sound settings (via the Options button) but they won't take effect until you enter the game or exit and come back in. However, if you change the settings in the in-game options menu, the volume should change in real time giving an audible cue to the current sound level (if sounds or music is playing at the time).

In the original "classic" Camelot, you only have 2 sound options: Sound Effects and Music. In this case, the Ambient Effects use the Sound Effects volume value while music uses the Music volume value.

Currently, the Expansion client does not know the difference between Ambient Effects and Ambient Music - it treats all ambient sounds as Ambient Effects. That means, for the time being, it will seem as though changing the Ambient Music setting will have no effect while changing the Ambient Effect setting will change the volume of both Ambient Effects and Ambient Music. This will be addressed shortly.

Also, some sounds which should not be considered ambient are currently considered to be Ambient Effects by the game (e.g. rain sounds). This will also be addressed shortly.


- Fixed Bonedancer insta-cast lifedrains (for real).

- Set the recast timer on new Hunter summons to 2 minutes. It was originally set to 30 seconds, which is too fast for a pet summon spell that can be insta-cast in combat.

- The new Hunter summon spells can now be used in combat, as intended.

- Animist bombers now print damage and resists back to their caster.

- Renamed all Bonedancer and Savage spells to more appropriate names.

- Increased damage on Necromancer Poison Gasp line.

- Changed model for Necromancer Abomination (i.e. highest-level) pet to a more appropriately high-level model.

- Changed Agony Vortex line to be a short duration unbreakable snare.


- Frontier Keeps: The relic keep encounters have been revised and adjusted.

- It is now possible to kill Grand Lord Martel.

- "50 Glowing Dreaded Seals" is now a "Glowing Dreaded Seal" - note that this does not change the reward at the keeps, just the item name.


- Several new and/or updated monster models are in the game. Some of them may not be scaled correctly. This will be corrected later on in the day.


- The "Procession" in Domnann Grove is now equipped and has had its path modified slightly.

- Because the people of Hy Brasil are allies with the mantids, the guards will not attack them.

- The placement of some of the arbordons in Cailtte Garran has been adjusted.

- All of the monsters in Hy Brasil that went by the name "angler" are now "anglators." The name of their treasure has been updated to reflect this change.

- The "vigilant ones" are now fully equipped.

- The following monsters in Galladoria have been updated:
Spindler Broodmother
Olcasar Geomancer
Organic-Energy Mechanism
Uiamh the Lairmaster
Aroon the Urlamhai


- Lich Lord Sanguis has been updated. There is now one additional attack type to which is isn't completely immune.

- Every couple of hours, a couple of xanxicarian patrols will walk about the city of Avalon. Listen for the horns.

- Drakoran-raised winged serpents and masses of algae are now found in Avalon City.

- The thrawn ogre lookouts in Aldland have had their aggression radius reduced. In addition, those who were stationed immediately above the fortress have been removed. This should eliminate the difficulty of exiting the dungeon. The ones on the far side of the Outerward are still present, but you do have a chance to bypass or eliminate them (a stealthing scout could work wonders here).


- The Hrimthursa in Delling Crater now carry weapons.

- The avalanche in Gripklosa Mtns. should no longer evade attacks.


- Fixed the Skill value that the newer Albion Spellcraft gems were set to be more appropriate for what they are

- Split the new Albion weapons out to separate lists appropriately

- Changed the name of the wizened wood to wisened wood

-Added Soul Rending spec and focus gems to Albion Spellcraft: Steaming Fervor Sigil and Steaming Sigil


- Characters in the main menu will now perform an emote after being selected.

Nice to see Mythic have their priorities sorted now


Originally posted by PJS
- Characters in the main menu will now perform an emote after being selected.

Nice to see Mythic have their priorities sorted now

Yeah, Coder-Joe had three things on his plate today.

1. Put in the emote on the chargen screen
2. rewrite the entirety of RvR to make it more fun, stop zerging.
3. Fix all the class imbalances.

But it took him so long to fix 1 he couldn't work on the other two.


I always liked interface changes and these ones sound nice as well.

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