1.55 E Rez changes




Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.55e Release Notes

Wednesday, November 20, 2002



- Fixed a bug where ground target messages would spam the client when casting spells.

- Fixed a bug where the client crashes after setting a ground target then casting a spell.

- Legendary crafting titles should now set and display correctly.


Due to the recent change where you now receive Realm Points for resurrecting your realm-mates in RvR battles, we've had to change some of the resurrection spells. Here's the list:

- - All resurrection spells now have a 6 second cast time (this is a little slower for the lowest level resurrect spells, faster for all others). All resurrection spells also have a fixed power cost based on a percent of your power pool (-20,-30,-40, and -50 for each respective level of resurrect spell).

- When casting a res spell, you receive a message and the spell cancels if the target is already considering a res from someone else.

- Power cost for resurrection spells is variable - as you go up in level, these spells cost more power.

- Resurrection sickness now goes from 100% to 50% when doing a "full res" on another player.

- Low level resurrection spells now give 5% RP's to the caster and high level rezzes do up to 15% of the RP's to the caster.



So the power cost on a decent rejuv cleric rez was substantially increased?

Faster spec-line rez would be a good change - but not if it means more power is used.


nerf bat......STRIKES!!!

except for this bit which is pretty nice

- Resurrection sickness now goes from 100% to 50% when doing a "full res" on another player.

old.Trine Aquavit

Originally posted by Fingoniel

Due to the recent change where you now receive Realm Points for resurrecting your realm-mates in RvR battles, we've had to change some of the resurrection spells. Here's the list:

- - All resurrection spells now have a 6 second cast time (this is a little slower for the lowest level resurrect spells, faster for all others). All resurrection spells also have a fixed power cost based on a percent of your power pool (-20,-30,-40, and -50 for each respective level of resurrect spell).

Hmmm, this is not great overall. I used to use my ghetto rez to reduce the time I'm stood like a pumpkin ready to be PA'd in RvR. Nice for those few people with the power-rez, though.

- When casting a res spell, you receive a message and the spell cancels if the target is already considering a res from someone else.

Yes. I believe this is the fix we asked for. Was a real pain for all but one of many simultaneous rezzers to lose power. Good job.

- Power cost for resurrection spells is variable - as you go up in level, these spells cost more power.

This doesn't make sense to me. I guess it's to prevent a perceived RP exploit/farming situation, but I can't work out what it would be.

- Resurrection sickness now goes from 100% to 50% when doing a "full res" on another player.

Lol. I'd be surprised if there was a Healer on Midgard on any server specced high enough in Mend to get the full rez. It just aint worth the points. Don't know what it's like with other 'main rezzers', but Midgardians won't be getting any 50% rez-sick durations any-time soon. Or is it a sliding scale?

- Low level resurrection spells now give 5% RP's to the caster and high level rezzes do up to 15% of the RP's to the caster.

Nice incentive to win battles. Get RP's from the win and your fallen comrades. Still not sure it's wise to give RP's for a down-time task, though.


Originally posted by Draylor

So the power cost on a decent rejuv cleric rez was substantially increased?

Faster spec-line rez would be a good change - but not if it means more power is used.


currently a ress of any kind costs 50% power (on an even con)

The top resses were halved in casting time. The bottom resses were increased, but now cost less power.

It did get cheaper to ress higher levels and more expensive to ress lower levels admittedly...


Wow, now even the NP and BC healers will give rezz, this is great!


Originally posted by Fingoniel


currently a ress of any kind costs 50% power (on an even con)

The top resses were halved in casting time. The bottom resses were increased, but now cost less power.

It did get cheaper to ress higher levels and more expensive to ress lower levels admittedly...

coo actually - reading from what people have tested... it's apparently still based on level - 50% is even con for the top level ress, 20% even con for lowest ress....


well in hibs there are a few druids spec high to do 100% hp rez. Takes 12 secs atm tho ;/

me for 1 and lower casting times will be spinkii


Originally posted by Fingoniel

coo actually - reading from what people have tested... it's apparently still based on level - 50% is even con for the top level ress, 20% even con for lowest ress....

pah, don't believe everything you read - the cleric TL tested it and it's 50% no matter what the con for the top ress... she's campaigning for that to be changed

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