1.54 !!!



well 1.54 is here its fun its funky it was a much needed little injection of delight into my cam vein

i was gonna end post at that but... erm well its a stafford post so i gotta have a little whinge not so much a whinge as an insightfull observation ;)

CHAT LOGGING enabled to file pwnedgreyalbs.txt

GenericRunie: Well..... 1.54s in what u wanna do skald number 15055055

TrollSkald15055055: im not sure i just made this alt not used to him yet

GenericRunie: But your 50 !

TrollSkald15055055: Yer whats your point ?

<TrollSkald15055055 waves to TrollShaman19939445594>

AnotherLeftAxeSB: Hey guys wassup !

GenericRunie: Hey l'ft axe like the new patch ?

AnotherLeftAxeSB: yer i like it tried alchemy on my buffbot

GenericRunie: Cool so we have this new dungeon in the frontier wanna go take a look ?

AnotherLeftAxeSB: Hmmm dont the albs get 1 aswell ?

GenericRunie: I think so, in the pennines

TrollSkald15055055: Wheres that ???

GenericRunie: its like the alb version of emain

TrollSkald15055055: Ah right !

AnotherLeftAxeSB: wow a dungeon in an RvR zone freaky, i know ! lets round up the guild and go camp it !

TrollSkald15055055:Camp it ? you mean exp kill ppl while there explorin these new features, spoil there fun and be generals bastards ?

GenericRunie: Yes

TrollSkald15055055: Hibernia medallion of passage ?

AnotherLeftAxeSB: Albion.....

TrollSkald15055055: cool lets go !
<insta speed>


FFS mids r there again
not 1fg
but a ****in army of em

tell me plz,
is midgard played entirely by frustrated middle aged married couples who cant get laid/pregnant/promoted so they feel the need to ruin this game for the whole of albion

i havent even seen the new dungeon cos of mids
maybe a truce shud be called (but never adhered to as we know mids lack of honour its legendary)

(edited due to me realizing my rise in profanity recently)




join ekskalibur.

We can crush them with the bodies of 1000 l33t d00ds dropped from the top of sursbrooke tower.


LoL Owned by a 48 Skald, a 36 Aug Healer (no instaMezz) and a 50 Skald (later joined by a 38 critblade SB) :D Had great fun yesterday afternoon ganking groups of albs who forgot they were in RvR for some reason :D

[edit: my bad 48 not 47 skald]


After the amount of posts here about grey ganking and anything that moves in rvr killing did u really think any realm wouldnt see it as an opportunity to wipe each other out ?


48 skald ? lasttime i went up against a 48 skald he bit the dust in 3 hits....
need a name ?

fancy a duel ?
oh no sorry w8 your zerging !

i understand the hall of the corrupt is an RvR dungeon
but none of us have ***in seen it yet cos theres always an army of 1337 limp wristed eurotrash wankers like yourself camping the entrance
RP whores after a quick rr3L4 so u can go buy IP without actually having to fight any1 on your own


<Dons bad Liverpudlian Perm Wig also known as 'The Keegan'>

Eh! Eh! Calm Down! Calm Down!

Its new so it will be crazy for a while - I'd wait till after the weekend for a sensible look around.

Generic Poster

It was the same with Darkness Falls, when it first came out.

They'll get bored eventually and return to milegate-camping in Emain.


Yeps, REAL bad by the sounds of it. :mgwhore2: :lol:


ZERG !!!!!
of course im gonna get "pwned owned ganked slapped etc"
im not gonna ****in solo 12+ mids !!!!

ill gladly take them 1 at a time with time to rest and buff between each
but when im mezzed DoT'd stunned rooted lifebaned debuffed nearsighted
wtf am i sposed to do ?
i dont have an "i win" button like zerkers or most tanks (cheap IP)


Oh if you're talking about the 12+ "zerg" that was warders, I think they may have had over a group there (OMG!) our 3 Man "Zerg" had been camping it for a while before, hate that immunity timer though, got us killed a couple of times, trying to attack the one who came out and being beaten on by the 7 other immune ones popping behind him, but we got a few RP ourselves and we annoyed a bunch of Albs (obviously ^^^^^^) so it was well worth it.

Had already seen our own dungeon before and was so unimpressed by the tiny tunnels with boring brown walls that we thought we'd see how the others had it. And if you never got a chance to see it I can report that the first couple of tunnels seem much nicer, unfortunately the 4 albs coming behind us were too busy trying to kill our poor aggroed asses to look at the walls *sigh* Still was a great day all round :D


My shaman was chased by 2 tincans outside Dödens Gruva, nice to see them trying to catch me, sprinting away with end regen. Shame on you to try catch a lvl 24 shaman :)


Bah. get used to it, been to all 3 on excal, and the same thing.

Jamtland, camped by 1fg albs, they got ganked by 1fg hibs, got ganked by 1.5 fg mids, got ganked by 2fg albs....etc etc

Pennines, ganked 2fg inside, waited, 1fg hibs showed up and camped outside, ganked them, 1fg albs came, ganked them, got bored waiting, ran around some, killed soem guards for the luverly cash, killed a few more albs, got zerged (well I did, my group legged it shouting "run away! run away!"), suicided on a keep, went SCing.

Hib lands.....you get the picture.

Basic rule, go there, eventually youll get ganked. Hint, dont go there :p


Savage Conclave was down in Hall of the corrupt wednesday, killing loads of people until we got killed by loads of albs, who finally found out to come more than 1fg at the time :D

We then went to hibs version, and did the same there, where finally we got killed by their grand summoner army.

Then we went to hadrians, and had some very nice fights there with albs guarding mmg (thumbs up), and loads of other albs came. Finally we went to Hall of the Corrupt again, and it ended in us getting zerged (yes, that was a zerg)

Shatzia, runie number 4000, specced in darkness liek 1000 others, i am sorry Stafford, im respeccing to full dark soon, to look like the rest!
SB, specced in left axe, sorry, but 2-handed weapons isnt the best vs infils
Glyph, specced for slam, used respec, sorry


Glyph you forget the fun part.. we where actylly waiting for guild some guild member so we could go further down .. but heck ppl see what they what to see anyway so who cares


Originally posted by Gallak
we annoyed a bunch of Albs (obviously ^^^^^^) so it was well worth it.

What sort of an attitude is that ?
its people like you who ruin this game for a great many people
internet trash


Its the attitude of a Midgard Thane dedicated to protecting the citizens of his realm, and advancing its causes, at the expense of the competing realms. Read the game notes pretty sure its all in there...


Lol very nice post Stafford, made me laff. Few too many people round here seem to have had a sense-of-humour-octomy or triple-wit-bypass surgery, and the old, predictable and slighty robotic response of 'Someone got owned' drivel comes out again :)



gallak if its an attitude of a thane i dont really care :p

*You begin casting a swirly hammer odins mortal puppet spell*
*stafford casts an incense spell*
*stafford is attacking you and your spell is interupted*
*you prepare to sprint*

and myddrin ty its nice to see sum1 who can understand the sarcastic plight of a lowbie trying to survive in an overpowered mids world

stay tuned for the adventures of Stafford FrostBoots

Staff does yggdra !

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