


- With great ado, we now support 10 hotbars with 10 icons each.

YEY! :clap:

guess that was the only really good news I found :)

old.Gombur Glodson

Albion: The pygmy goblin tanglers should no longer chase players forever.

That was one of their prime features :(
Now most alb will get fat with the new lack of running.
Yeah thanks for making us fat mythic.


This is all well and good, but what gets me is, for a sometime now Mythic have made a big deal about having Class Team Leaders who will advise them on the problems various classes have and what needs to be fixed and balanced, and im sure you have all read the various reports from the TL's on your own class and most likely agreed with what they say needs fixing. Have Mythic yet addressed one single issue put forth to them from these TL's yet ? I keep reading patch note after patch note but still nothing implies that they have even looked at the reports yet alone plan to act on any of them.


Same Kagato - Nothing has been done for eldritches at all, other than full mana spec - it will be a dead class. Even though Aphexplotz has been shouting for the same fundamental changes for the past 6 months.


Kevin the Theurgist team leader left because they were not listening to the team leaders and had completly ignored the ideas put forward for Theurgist since the 1.34 patch that went live over 12 months ago on US servers. Seems alot of the other team leaders are feeling the same as well.


Ever hear of the Duma? Russian party of sorts created to make people happy, were supposed to okay laws that the Tzar wanted to pass, but had absolutely no power in essence as the Tzar didn't actually need them...Same With Mythic and the Team leaders really...They put them there for someone to direct whines at and don't actually listen to because, well, they don't have to..

Shame really, Team leaders are actually useful for looking at the classes they're assigned to and suggesting things that might be broke or otherwise just shite :)


Please note that when you hide names (using Shift-N or the new /hidenames slash command), they are no longer clickable. Previously, if you hid them they could still be targeted, leading to some problems of selecting yourself when you were trying to select another player.

Wohoo! Finaly!

And about the team leaders... very true, ive been checking at the champion team leader report and basicly... they havent really fixed anything on those reports and the few fixes that were made are universal fixes that apply to other (if not all) classes.

How hard can it be for example to fix the champion epic armor so it has some additional bonuses to shield champions? As it is now it has 3+ LW.. totaly useless to shield champs. I mean, they could add 3+ shield to it and it wouldnt imbalance anything... how long or much effort could such change need?


Where can i get this TL reports ??

have not put m,uch into it since my main class Warrior never get any luv at all :(

ooh thats right we can block/parry more in next patch... like all other shield/parry spec classes...


i only read Origen0's reports (warrior TL ;)) and he does an outstanding job of testing (and logging) results in hand to hand combat vs most other classes, detailing dmg ouptut efficiencies etc etc, and listening and analysing the input he get from his fellow warriors.

And THEN takes it all and puts it in an extremely well put report, listing all facts and issues, possible solutions (no oberpowering solutions or nerfs) putting forward what the ppl that actually play the warrior to 50 an beyond (not like that twat Sanya :() but still nothing gets done about it...

And lately hes been posting less and less.. no wonder the last 4-5 reports has been a copy from the month before.. same issues same suggested solutions :).


Originally posted by old.Krusha
same issues same suggested solutions :).

and still nothing is made for us poor warriors... :(


One of the main problems really are that hardly any classes are happy with their class, I know individuals may disagree, but as a whole, everyone has something to complain about.

At first mythic made alot of changes to alot of classes, but that has slowed down lately.

Now it's basically down to not daring to change classes :) As some sort of compensation they added respec to help with some of the "gimpyness".

And their standard excuse now is "wanting logs", because they know most are just too lazy to make those and will give up. And even if a small amount of players do make the logs, they ignore them.

I think they spend all their time on finishing the expansion and tweaking the PvP servers, and have stopped looking at the basic char imbalances.

I'm not saying all classes should be equal strength of a similar class in another realm, but all should have an equal amount of strong and weak sides, which they currently do not all have.


Originally posted by Kagato.
This is all well and good, but what gets me is, for a sometime now Mythic have made a big deal about having Class Team Leaders who will advise them on the problems various classes have and what needs to be fixed and balanced, and im sure you have all read the various reports from the TL's on your own class and most likely agreed with what they say needs fixing. Have Mythic yet addressed one single issue put forth to them from these TL's yet ? I keep reading patch note after patch note but still nothing implies that they have even looked at the reports yet alone plan to act on any of them.

1.51 - earth wizard issues, based on TL feedback
1.53 - paladin issues, based on TL feedback :)

camoflague was in response to TL feedback.. (which should be the filtered community feedback backed up with testing in theory)

They don't do everything that all the TLs ask for... a lot of it doesn't fit with the class as Mythic sees it, or is too overpowering, or too difficult to code rightthisminute, or whatever...


Originally posted by Fingoniel

1.51 - earth wizard issues, based on TL feedback
1.53 - paladin issues, based on TL feedback :)

and both are albion classes ;) (just being annoying ;))

But all classes agree that the bottom of the "heavy tank" pile is the warrior, it has nothing to compete with armsman/heros (the heavy tank counterparts). And sanyas blurting about how
"[01:32] <Sanya_Mythic> A head to head to head comparision doesn't result an any obscene disparity " just shot the last shred of credibility to shit she had regarding knowledge of the game.

Now can any hero or armsman say they EVER had any problems dealing with a warrior? (1 vs 1), compared to a hero vs armsman fight?

Maybe in 1,53 the warrior will be a viable class IF they specc defensively... unless they go up against DW/CD classes and dont switch to 2h....
[edit: found this thread on vnboards about blocking/parrying in 1,53 (on mordred, but still its p1.53 ;))http://vnboards.ign.com/message.asp?topic=37879111&replies=16 ) /edit]

(and PLEASE dont come with the old "you got 1h AND 2h in one specc line" we all know the price we pay for that "luxury" kthx)


Warriors do just the same (unstyled) damage with 50 axe as a polearmsman does with 50 polearm and 50 base weapon...

it's 40% more damage than a 1h base weapon.

The only difference is the styles. And last I checked two handed styles weren't worth writing home about ... polearm ones are nice - but they're not that much better than the basic axe/hammer styles (cept for the defender's chain ... that's sweet :))

Warriors are a good class - they're just dull... they're not much worse off than any other tank in RvR (i.e. eating dirt) but these problems need to be fixed across the board - no little fancy trick that they give to warriors will suddenly make them viable in RvR as a Warrior (they could give them stealth and turn them into something that isn't a Warrior to do that ;))

They need some cool things to play with... armsmen get polearms (people always quote plate - but since you object to 2h/1h split not being unique plate ain't) which are just a slow high damage style set.. it is something to call their own. Hero's get celtic spear and moosemode. Warriors get... erm.... hmm 10m endurance buffs :) *drool* shame it's a shaman skill :)


yes the basedmg is derived from the weapon itself .. but hib/alb tanks have separate 2h/lw/Pole/spear styles that go up with lvl giving a much higher bonus dmg (upto 140%) .. whereas mid doesnt and only receive a 1h bonus (upto 125%) on styles even when using 2h, miles of logs and testing by the TL's (mostly Origen0).

And the end regen will be sweet indeed.. to bad i have to get a buffbot to count on having it with me all the time :)
(unlike mooseboy and tincan with pole ;))

But i dont want to make the warrior über, just equal to the other tanks, so its the skill of the player has and difference... then again the ones that kill me 9 out of 10 times is a caster ... :D


thats what i think also something to make them "special".

Like someone posted on another thread.. give warrios a style like throw their weapon in a 180 degree radius or something like that :) just give us someting as u say: to call our own :)

I am not whining or something i mean i know what a warrior was when i started the char.. (played on in beta)... but still...


Originally posted by old.Krusha
yes the basedmg is derived from the weapon itself .. but hib/alb tanks have separate 2h/lw/Pole/spear styles that go up with lvl giving a much higher bonus dmg (upto 140%) .. whereas mid doesnt and only receive a 1h bonus (upto 125%) on styles even when using 2h, miles of logs and testing by the TL's (mostly Origen0).

And the end regen will be sweet indeed.. to bad i have to get a buffbot to count on having it with me all the time :)
(unlike mooseboy and tincan with pole ;))

But i dont want to make the warrior über, just equal to the other tanks, so its the skill of the player has and difference... then again the ones that kill me 9 out of 10 times is a caster ... :D


Oh and to do the _same base damage_ they need to spec two lines to 50 instead of 1...

If there is any benefit to the albs having to spec two lines to get their two handed damage, it's in the style lines having higher damages.

e.g. if you have a 50% axe style, the polearm style _might_ be a 75% style so they get 50% on their two handed damage.

Need some albion logs of style %ages from two handed and polearm specs (also some logs of Celtic Spear and Large Weapon styles)


one of the cooler suggestions/ideas i saw was:

-Shield Fighting, through spec or basic class ability the chance to also attack with a shield during a combat round (similar to dualwield/left axe) for supplemental damage.

-Use 2h in 1h

-Specialized Warrior only armor which would be improved over chainmail

-Allow Warriors to throw throwing weapon on the run.

-Allow the Power Bar to be used as 'sprinting endurance' and the normal end bar only for styles.

none of those would outclass any other heavy tank but would make them abit more equal....

then again why do i bother.. i shelved my warrior a while back .. ;)


Shield fighting is interestng... but I guess that's what the 'shield' spec line is anyway... be nice to have some funky extra abilities though :)

2h in 1h - would have to be just normal 1h damage (but with very slow weapons) for that to be fair - otherwise you get 40% extra damage + shield defence... ouchie

improved armour... sure.. why not..

I like the throwing weapons :) maybe a special ability that lets you instathrow yer axe, but once every 5m or something.

they've given mid/alb endurance regen now so probably not gonna happen


Originally posted by Fingoniel


Oh and to do the _same base damage_ they need to spec two lines to 50 instead of 1...

If there is any benefit to the albs having to spec two lines to get their two handed damage, it's in the style lines having higher damages.

e.g. if you have a 50% axe style, the polearm style _might_ be a 75% style so they get 50% on their two handed damage.

Need some albion logs of style %ages from two handed and polearm specs (also some logs of Celtic Spear and Large Weapon styles)

Thx for finding a board with logs ;) (btw tyrs fury is a lvl50 style incase you didnt know ;))

and you get higher min.dmg and higher max.dmg when speccing 2 lines (like CS for assassins)

trust me if i could i would love to specc 2 lines to get better dmg... but were stuck with 1h styledmg on 2h'r.


yeah, I think it's basically you're using a gimpy style set for your 2h weapons :(

(they've probably coded it so that two handed gives you a base damage bonus of 40%, but not applied to the style, then improved the polearm/two handed/celtic spear/etc styles to compensate... same way left axe styles are higher to compensate for the left weapon not getting any bonus)

With 1h weapon spec your min and max are affected by your 1h weapon :)

with 2h your max is the advanced spec, min the lower spec... so you can leave your slash/crush/thrust at 39 or whatever, but I still think you'll get variance (if you have polearm 50+11+4 and only slash 39+11+4 that's 65 vs 53 variance... i.e. still a bit)

whereas your level 50 axe/hammer spec with bonuses will have no variance at all :)



yes the shield specc is for doing shield styles.. but none has 2hit bonus and the only usable eats endurance :D, but

the 2h would be hard.. but i think the thought behind it is to get high dps 1h weaponry.. not 2h dmg ;)

armor for "classdefining"

and the throwing weapons.. (i refer them to sponges.. because thats what they hit like :)) i'd see it as a possibility to interrupt casters... as you move in on them.. lets say it takes 6 seconds to move in.. how much nukage can a lvl50 caster dish out in 6 sec? then add in a stun/mezz somewhere ... with the possibility to interrupt would even it alittle wouldnt you think (and besides .. casters are never alone ;))


Originally posted by Fingoniel

with 2h your max is the advanced spec, min the lower spec... so you can leave your slash/crush/thrust at 39 or whatever, but I still think you'll get variance (if you have polearm 50+11+4 and only slash 39+11+4 that's 65 vs 53 variance... i.e. still a bit)

whereas your level 50 axe/hammer spec with bonuses will have no variance at all :)

goiung over 50 gives diminishing returns (think its 1% per 5 pts) so 65 2h 53type would be as variable as 50 weapon(mid).

But i guess its no point discussing it here, doubtfull Mythic visits these boards :D
but to fix mid 2h they must do it individually per class.. if they fix it as a realm... omg the Shadowzerkers would be .... pure evil :)
But its been a nice (flamefree namecalling) discussion Fingoniel.. Respect :)


tis worrying :) expected someone to jump in at any moment and go

"nooooooo midgard 2h does -50% damage! and is suxxors! j00 are a gimpy merc! sodoff talking about warriors!"

but they didn't which was good...

Not sure the 'to-hit' bonus is as good as it's hyped up to be ... something to test there too :) people used to think that was what made block/parry naff in RvR.... but apparently it's because it thinks you're in combat with 8 times as many people as you are...

Someone posted that each point over 50 gave them +10 weaponskill... so 50-60 is +100 weaponskill..

What's your normal weaponskill?

(weaponskill is directly proportional to damge - you'll notice when ress sick your weaponskill halves, as does your damage... if you up your weaponskill by 20% your damage ups by 20%)


yeah its a refreshing new way of posting on Barrys Whine ;).

errm looking back the above cap (1% per 5 pts) is stat related sorry bout that :)..

but i dont know the exact amount of raise each point over 50 gives you in any skill (some does nothing like stealth) but you get bonusdmg if your specc(pluss items+rr) is at lvl (1 to 2/3rds of level = 25-100% dmg, 2/3rds to 100% of level = 75-125% dmg, 100%+ = 100-150% dmg )
but theres no bonusdmg over that.. and weponskill is also used in weapdmg calc (Damage = WeapDmg (which is a possibly capped weapon DPS) * Delay * Quality * Condition * (WeapSkill / Target's AF)) and hardcap for str is 350, going over that doesnt change weapskill.. but i cant find if its affected by weapspecc (tho it is clamped by weapdps, equip a 1.0dps weap and awe at your weapskill :D ;))

A sidenote.. i know alot of other classes are severely gimped (as much or worse as the warrior maybe) but as i dont play them i cant speak up for them.. only on how warrior compares to its counterparts (and my only lvl50 char is a warrior :))


i only found an inkiling on weapskill at stats above 50

but +1 sword skill gives me 17 more weapon skill.

to bad i dont got daoc installed at work then i could test it at once ;)



Just wondering if anyone could post the full 1.54 patch contents here, silly firewall in work has blocked access to all 'Games' sites.

Thank F BW hasn't been blocked :)


Some of these have already been posted - I'm reprinting them just to be sure we're all on the same page. Those of you in the Shrouded Isles Beta have already seen some of these. The section labeled "C" is where all the truly new goodies are stashed:


Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.54a Test Release Notes



Merchants in the three capital cities have been combined for your convenience. If you can't find your usual merchant, click on the merchants nearby to find the items you need.

Spellcrafting and Alchemy are now turned back on for additional testing.


Albion: Starved of their normal prey, the bone snappers have grown weaker.

Midgard: Hill Scrags are now correctly classified as giants instead of humanoid (matching the other types of scrags).

Hibernia: The poison merchant in Druim Ligen now sells both low and high level poisons.


The Ghastly Mendicant Frock (Albion) can now be dyed.

The Tactician’s Belt (Albion) should now buff matter, body and spirit.

The Boots of Favor (Midgard) can now be dyed with the appropriate dye.

The Berolig shield (Midgard) now buffs mending.

The Skogfru Skin Bracer (Midgard) now buffs composite bow.


Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.54b Test Release Notes

(note that a number of these were read file fixes, and are currently live)



Albion Quests:

Bounty Quest - (peallaidh) - Thule Ruthic wasn't taking peallaidh hides. This has been fixed, he takes them now.

Legend of the Lake AND Barbaric Tales - Players couldn't turn in the second goblin tome - this has been fixed, they can turn it in now.

Willing Sacrifice - The quest reward tells the player they're going to get a belt. The rewarded object is now correctly set to a belt.

Midgard Quests:

Tomte of Doom - Yandu wouldn't respond to players trying to choose a circlet. This has been fixed, players can go back and talk to Yandu. The journals now have the trigger word: [inventory]

The Partial Map is no longer equippable.

Hibernia Quests:

Unnatural Powers - Invisible Green Maws were killing the players. This has been fixed, players can attempt this encounter again now.

The Moonstone Twin - Giant Caithor was spawning briefly and then despawning. Players couldn't continue.
This has been fixed, players can attempt this encounter again now.


RvR Dungeons: The innocents all now operate under the undead damage tables.


The Dragon Stun used by all three dragons will now trigger a stun immunity timer.

Albion: Dartmoor - the granite giant pounders in the southeast should no longer be "too far away to attack"

Albion: Camelot Hills - the river sprites south of Cotswold have returned.

Albion: Merchants dressed in foreign armors have changed their clothes.

Albion: The pygmy goblin tanglers should no longer chase players forever.

Midgard: Merchant Tig is no longer aggressive.

Midgard: Several of the missing factions, notably Pack Drakulv and the Bounty Hunters, have been restored.

Item notes:

New RvR dungeons - the few instances where loot usable by the wrong realm were dropping have been fixed.

The few instances where the wrong realm's stats were added to items have been fixed.

The shade of Aelfgar now is dropping loot correctly.


- Fixed the long dirk blade to have the correct icon

- Fixed the needle mace head to have the correct icon

- Fixed the base value for the long dirk and needle mace so they sell back to merchants for the correct amount

- reinforced kite shields will start at the appropriate skill level (instead of 100 points higher)

- The weighted bearded axe, reinforced round shield, reinforced kite shield, and reinforced tower shield are listed in seperate lists in midgard now

- reinforced round shield fittings in hibernia will start showing up on the appropriate list at the appropriate skill value now

- Hibernian reinforced shields now will ask for the correct ore type, instead of a metal type

- The final recipe for the barbed mace, in Hibernia, will now ask for the correct material types for the final two components -The whistle and toy sword will now ask for the correct type of wood not "WOO10" for the 10th material versions


Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.54c Test Release Notes

October 8, 2002



- Added new interface for Self Crafting of items. When you quickview an item (in the lower right summary window), you can currently hit SHIFT-I to delve the item. We've added a new key (default is SHIFT-R) to "craft" an item directly from the player's backpack. A small MiniCraft window appears when you press this key with three options: Repair, Salvage and Craft. Currently, the Repair and Salvage buttons should work.


- With great ado, we now support 10 hotbars with 10 icons each.

- There has also been a new slash command added, /qbar which allows you to pick a quickbar with a slash command. Example: /qbar 2 switches to your second quickbar, the same as pressing Shift-2. This change allows you to assign /macro commands that will select between different quickbars. The current quickbar page will now persist across zoning and quitting.


We now support an alternative scheme to display the names over all in-game models (player, monster, and enemy player). There is a new slash command: "/colornames" that enables the new name coloring scheme:

Monsters: Names are colored by con color
NPCs: Cyan
Realm Enemies: Red
Guild Members: Dark Green
Players: Normal Color (light blue)
Graves/Dead People: Brown
Selected Target: White

Note that when you turn this on, selected target is no longer yellow, it is white. Yellow names are yellow-con level monsters.

To restore the game to the old system, type "/oldnamecolors", which restores the original name coloring. Your name coloring preference will persist across zoning and quitting.


There is another new slash command used to hide player, monster, and grave names. The command is as follows:

/hidenames players | monsters | self | graves | all
/shownames players | monsters | self | graves | all

players - any normal player characters
monsters - any NPCs, any monsters, any pets
graves - gravestone names
self - your own name
all - all names

Shift-N effectively acts like a toggle between "/hidenames all" and "/shownames all".


/hidenames self graves

Will hide your name and any grave names, but show monster names and other player names. Name filtering (including Shift-N) will persist across zoning and quitting.

Please note that when you hide names (using Shift-N or the new /hidenames slash command), they are no longer clickable. Previously, if you hid them they could still be targeted, leading to some problems of selecting yourself when you were trying to select another player.

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