1.54 H... this will be great :)



Patch notes below...

First the main points I like


We've made a few changes to make taking and holding frontier keeps much more attractive. The changes are designed to make it slightly easier to defend keeps, as well as give you more reason to control them. We will be making more enhancements to this system over time.

- Now, when a guild claims an outpost, all guards from that outpost raise one level. Additionally, as the keep is upgraded - one level is added to every guard for every upgrade level on the keep. Note that the named guards at the relic keeps are "from" these outposts and enjoy the same upgrades.

- Heal spells now receive a bonus from the power relic - finally healing classes will benefit by their Realm controlling power relics.

- Now, when the outer door of a keep is destroyed, all scouts from the outpost still alive will converge on the keep door to attempt repel all attackers.

- Players now receive an exp bonus when fighting within 16,000 units of a keep controlled by your realm or your guild. You get 20% bonus if your guild owns the keep or a 10% bonus if your realm owns the keep.


Can anyone say Crimthainn + fins? ;D
A guild keeping it and powerlevelling everyone there.. whoa.. insta 50's
And making it worthwhile to upgrade the keeps.. finally keeps will be hard to take.



Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.54H Test Release Notes

Tuesday, October 29, 2002



We've made a few changes to make taking and holding frontier keeps much more attractive. The changes are designed to make it slightly easier to defend keeps, as well as give you more reason to control them. We will be making more enhancements to this system over time.

- Now, when a guild claims an outpost, all guards from that outpost raise one level. Additionally, as the keep is upgraded - one level is added to every guard for every upgrade level on the keep. Note that the named guards at the relic keeps are "from" these outposts and enjoy the same upgrades.

- Heal spells now receive a bonus from the power relic - finally healing classes will benefit by their Realm controlling power relics.

- Now, when the outer door of a keep is destroyed, all scouts from the outpost still alive will converge on the keep door to attempt repel all attackers.

- Players now receive an exp bonus when fighting within 16,000 units of a keep controlled by your realm or your guild. You get 20% bonus if your guild owns the keep or a 10% bonus if your realm owns the keep.


- Negative effects (such as mesmerize, stun, root, snare, debuffs, etc.) have been modified so that casters of these types of spells will now receive Realm Points for using these types of spells in RvR. Please note that the amount of RP these classes get for these spells is less than directly damaging the enemies.

- Instruments should now calculate to the correct amount of bonus points for

- Pieces of Spellcrafted armor have been reduced from a 20% proc chance to a 10% proc chance.

- Monsters will no longer wiggle back and forth across a path-point if they are traveling fast.

- Monsters in formations in dungeons with multiple levels should no longer have creatures drop through the floor.

- When crafting objects, stat bonuses will display both the 100 and 150 percent amounts.

- Focus gems now delve the correct amount.

- When self-crafting, the combine status should print properly.

- You can now turn off the spell queuing feature by using the new "/NOQUEUE" command

- When you enter stealth or camo and you are sprinting, your sprinting is halted.

- Heroes can no longer enter stagform while dead.

- Imbuing items thorough spellcrafting should now result in the correct number of bonus levels - this was offset by 1.


- Trade Skills: Have added extra dialog to the NPCs that assist with changing to the spellcraft and alchemy trades. The extra dialog should now indicate changing will result in the loss of all siegecraft and the ability to repair doors.

- Quests: We have added one quest per realm to provide an introduction to the new races that will debut in the Shrouded Isles expansion.


1) Spellcrafted items are now no longer "one imbue point short" of their correct value.

2) Bard instruments should now have the correct amount of imbue points.

3) Items given a proc or reactive proc through Alchemy should no longer apply charges when crafted. Charged items should still set charges.

4) The damage for the DoT available through Volatile, Stable and Reactive tinctures was increased to a level appropriate value. Note: this affects other items that have this spell.

5) The duration for Volatile and Reactive Armor factor buffs is now 1 minute. The Stable versions retain their 10-minute duration.

6) The duration for debuffs (str/con, dex/qui) available through Stable tinctures now last one minute. Note: this affects other items that may have this spell.

7) The Stable Celeric tincture now has a 10-minute duration haste effect. This replaces the 30-second duration effect.

8) The Stable Shard tincture now has a 10-minute duration effect. This replaces the 30-second effect.

9) The Stable Honing Tincture now has a 10-minute duration effect. This replaces the 30-second effect.

10) All dropped component recipes are now set to require a 1000 skill.

11) Tincture recipes should now display the correct number of catalysts required to execute the recipe.

12) The dropped component recipes should now exactly match the name of the dropped component.

13) When self-crafting items using Spellcraft the item should not display the number of imbue points.

14) There is now a combination text message when dealing with stat gems. Essence gems will display the point cost in (point cost) and the actual stat value beside it. I.e. (11) 16

Salvaging Darkness Falls Objects

Many objects in the Darkness Falls dungeon were set to have a salvage value far too high relative to their worth (in gold). In order to keep the game's economy in balance, we've had to adjust the salvage values of some items found on Darkness Falls vendors. Now, all objects purchased from vendors in Darkness Falls have a consistent salvage value based on the seal cost of that object. This means that for those items that were adjusted you will get less salvageable material than you previously did.

Note: we did not adjust the actual seal cost of any item, only the salvage settings on the items.

Note: this change is retroactive, so clear your vaults if you were storing any of these items for later salvage.


Rp's for rooting and mezzing, about time, now we need some for rezing too. but very nice anyway :)


New keep changes sound good, I espically like the exp bonus near keeps, will actually mean there is some incentive for at least some people to stay near keeps.


Originally posted by mavericky
Rp's for rooting and mezzing, about time, now we need some for rezing too. but very nice anyway :)

Veru much so. Death to the smite cleric!!

old.Gombur Glodson

Didnt someone here on BW suggest something like the Keep holding and xp'ing?


Nice to see CC classes getting some RvR luv.

Now perhaps all the retired healers etc. will return and actually get some results from their RvRing other than mezzing for other people to enjoy farming rp.


yay @ RPs for crowd control classes
yay @ the various totally minor fixes

gah @ no more uber gold for diamond seals....
OMG@ lvl10 keeps will now have lvl60+ guards. Erm, bullshit?


yay @ crim+fins for hibs
yay @ more power relic bonuses for hibs


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
Didnt someone here on BW suggest something like the Keep holding and xp'ing?

Yupp, someone did.
It took europeans to push the game in the right direction :clap:


Originally posted by Novamir
yay @ crim+fins for hibs
yay @ more power relic bonuses for hibs

Yay@Knowing where people will be Plvling for some easy RP farming
Yay@... no wait, no more power relics for the hibs, you nuke hard enough already :p

Big Yay@Mezzing, Etc giving me RP
Yay@no more keeps that can be taken with 2groups of lvl 40-50 people
Boo@no more monser boogie

Boo@copying other peoples funny little 'Yay/Boo@' style :D


They should add Rp's for rezzing ppl too, maybe some % from the last 5 enemys the Dead Guy killed before.

Makes rezzing much more attractive. :)

Icebreaker <Celtic Fist>


Woot!!! Druids get rp's for rooting!!! The fact that it still breaks mezz and is therefore only used on a small scale, especially in a group with bard/druid, does dampen the joy however :(

I DO Like the increased healing resulting from having more powerrelics though :)


Hmm rps for rezzing?

Druid1:" NO! I saw him first i want the rps for rezzin elesias!"
Bard1:"STFU! I already started rezzing before you got here!"

Healer1 casts a spell
Druid1 + Bard1: "DAMN MEZZ!"

Druid1 has been Killed by Hamster1
Bard1 has been killed by Hamster1




Originally posted by Whandall
Hmm rps for rezzing?

Druid1:" NO! I saw him first i want the rps for rezzin elesias!"
Bard1:"STFU! I already started rezzing before you got here!"

Healer1 casts a spell
Druid1 + Bard1: "DAMN MEZZ!"

Druid1 has been Killed by Hamster1
Bard1 has been killed by Hamster1



well, I guess if it went in people would tend to rez more with the 3 sec rezz ... guess they would need to make it so you cant cast rez if someone else is already casting it on the target.

Also, would this result in the rezzed person losing some rps for being rezzed ... or would extra rps be created ... would you be willing to lose 200 ish rps in order to be rezzed :)

And finally:

When you enter stealth or camo and you are sprinting, your sprinting is halted.

Means you dont end up with no end when you sprint away and restealth (as any evasive action you take when you stealth still results in end use, and there is currently no way to end sprint without destealthing again)


Originally posted by old.LandShark
OMG@ lvl10 keeps will now have lvl60+ guards. Erm, bullshit?
A much needed improvement IMO. Guards have mob AI, they need higher level to compensate for this. They're only going to be red con ffs, not like one guard will wipe a FG or anything.
On the other hand relic guards from claimed keeps could be nasty, they also gain the 10 levels after all... ;)


maybe 1grp wont take keeps couse they are bored if the keep is claimed and upgraded :)


So after a few patches that increased the salvage return from diamond seals Mythic bring out the nerf bat again.

Anyone surprised?

The crafting TL posted return rates from seals after this patch:

FYI -- Specific conversion rates are 1.5 gold for emerald, 5 gold for saphire, and 15 gold for diamond seals.

Thats better on emerald/sapphire than we get in 1.50, and only very slightly down on diamonds.


the main change was to even it out over the items...

if you picked one diamond item over another you could make far more money.

They've just evened it out, fair enough :)


Originally posted by Fingoniel
the main change was to even it out over the items...
Nothing about the current loot/salvage/crafting system is consistent - I dont believe this was ever the main goal here

if you picked one diamond item over another you could make far more money.
There are multiple ways of doing everything in DAoC - some more efficient than others. Why would this be any different? The salvage values are consistent with the item type/level of the items - the "problem" is that the cost of the items (in terms of seals) has no relationship with the value of the items (in terms of gold).

They've just evened it out, fair enough :)
I still think they only realised the significance of the other recent crafting related changes after the fact - and decided that raising the "value" of a diamond seal from 16g to 22g+ was a mistake.
The more patch notes I read the more I believe that Mythic are struggling badly at the moment. Many changes are being made that they do not understand the full effect of.

From the patch notes:
In order to keep the game's economy in balance
anyone want to tell me when the economy was EVER balanced?

1.54 certainly looks way better than what we have now - sadly it'll be a while before we see it.


how about rps for crafters.

They get a percentage of the rps anyone using their ITAMZ get?



The VN thread on this patch is full of healers moaning about "wheres my rp for healing then?", looks like ours arent bothered because they never use them in rvr :D

Wont this cause in realm fights over who gets to claim Crim for +20% fins? I can see it now, a guild logging in Crim lordroom because they dont own it, swapping to their Alb 2nd accounts, taking the keep, log back in, gank the lord and claim it themselves. :D


Originally posted by old.Mirandalia

- Heal spells now receive a bonus from the power relic - finally healing classes will benefit by their Realm controlling power relics.

- Negative effects (such as mesmerize, stun, root, snare, debuffs, etc.) have been modified so that casters of these types of spells will now receive Realm Points for using these types of spells in RvR. Please note that the amount of RP these classes get for these spells is less than directly damaging the enemies.

Woot, maybe I should reactivate my bard :D


I was always for CC classes getting RP for doing there job, but now I'm not so sure. Bottom line is a realms CC classes are only doing their job well if they are in a good group. If they are in a good group, they will get RP anyway. The problem with rewarding CC cast in combat is that will inevitably end up with the CC classes clamouring to spam CC on the zerg to farm RP. This could be a black day for CC.....

And RP for heals and ress, don't even go there. A few people have detailed why above, but the idea of rewarding healers for healing in battle is a really bad one if you think about it for a moment. And RP for ressing is an even worse idea...

The fundamental problem is that RAs can only be brought from RP. Some classes will always be better than the support classes at getting RP. The idea shouldn't be fudge it so support classes get more RP, but to make RAs for support classes that bit cheaper. Remember, if you roll a support class to challenge the top dog RP holders on your server, you are not natural support class material. If you want to be an uber farmer, roll one of Mythics uber classes (currently assassins).


I have to agree with the above from Chesnor. I was initially for the idea of getting RPs for mezzing/debuffing, but it will indeed lead to mezz spamming of everything in sight. RPs for rezzing? NO RPs for healing? NO

The only examples I can give (from personal experience) is the following:

Scenario A
I see an Alb stealther legging it from a strike. Nobody is going to catch him, until I manage to mezz him, whereupon he is ganked by pursuing Mids. I didn't get a single RP for that. Any other player who managed to damage him did. Not really fair (sez a disgruntled me).

Scenario B
I'm in the middle of a real bunfight. My group members are scattered far and wide. I see, on my screen, that I'm getting RPs for kills I had nothing to do with. Mind you, I'm healing anyone near me that needs it, group members or not, and I don't get a share of the rewards of a battle that I helped win.

Not exactly 'swings and roundabouts', and possibly I lose out on some deserved RPs. It certainly isn't as unfair as a lot of people think though.

Mind you, if Mythic doubled the range that Healers can get RPs, I wouldn't complain :)


Maybe make it so that in any battle, "bad" mezzes (i.e. ones where you mez a person already mezzed count as negative (not possible for you to get overall negative though) while "good" mezzes count as positive. Maybe make it so that if someone lands a superior mez on top of yours or on top of the immunity timer due to yours (whereby you mezz really counts as bad) also counts as "bad" mezzes. The problem overall is that it is difficult to quantify when a mez is not useful and it would be almost impossible to get the game engine to figure it out.

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