


50th level "bonus" sounds superb.
8 character slots is just EXCELLENT witht he SI expansion pack coming...
Speeding up levelling at 40+ is quite ncie but then again will it be such an achievement then? But this will give you more time to try out other classes... good.
Wider level range for grouping, nice addition imho. As long as we get a similar "guide" on what the range will then be...
RvR area improvement, nice... it is always nice to have more benefits from holding keeps but won't this "over-ride" the DF keep taking in a sense... keep taking will be even more hectic (good or bad, who knows?).
New server type is sort of... strange. PvP server without the PvP. For the female gaming community perhaps, just add some nice personl (one per account) houses and you coud place them like in UO. Wee ;)
Melee class changes/additions... some are just too much but then again. Casters are quite screwed.


nice additions indeed , but im a bit worried about spellcrafting

was a bit playing with that online spellcraft tester on http://www.camelotherald.com/documentation/spellcraft.html
and found out it becomes rather easy to get 4x 100% resistance

just make a full set of lvl 50 material cloth armor of 98% qua (ok ok, i know, thats not easy to make but it can be done) and use 4 100% quality gems and its possible to give each piece for example the following things:

+ Resists + 17 Slash
+ Resists + 17 Crush
+ Resists + 17 Thrust
+ Resists + 17 Heat

its possible cause according to the spellcrafter the capacity of the item is 23 and these things cost 21 points

dunno if the spellcraft prog on that website is correct (noticed that changing the quality of gems doesnt make any difference at all) but if this is true i think it will seriously damage the game (imagine casters with 100% resist to slash, crush and thrust, guess it means they barely get hit by tanks/assasins)

hope someone can correct me that im wrong though :)


2p Purge, decreased Determination? Yes ok they want tanks to be mezz immune.

8p Ignore Pain? This I saw no need for, it's an uber ability and most tanks opted to buy it at it's old cost. Decreasing it further will make it v.easy to get.

The new tank RA seems cool, but in comparison to their new uber cheap RAs it doesn't come out that interesting.

Overall I disagree with their choice of RA's to compensate for tanks shortfallings. As RA's was the one thing same for all, it's directly unfair that some classes gets to buy an ability for a fifth of the cost.


I'm sorry but *cough* I just have to *splutter* can't help myself......... CHARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*cough* good thats outta my system now ;p

I wont post what I think I've pretty much plastered it over the vault so go look see ;p


I love the Realm Ability changes. might actually be able to justify the huge cost for IP now lol, and can get Detirmination AND Purge lol.

Orin Askhammare

I'm a Thane, say a prayer for me...

(Yes I know it's version A but still :( )


WOOT WOOT !! new dungeon :) gonna go try find find it now . gona dabble i spellcraft also :)

hopefully some more good stuff in 1.53b


Well, at least ppl will stop bitching about our stun which will last less than it´s cast time weeeeeeeeee


dunno if the spellcraft prog on that website is correct (noticed that changing the quality of gems doesnt make any difference at all) but if this is true i think it will seriously damage the game (imagine casters with 100% resist to slash, crush and thrust, guess it means they barely get hit by tanks/assasins)

Well you are capped at max 26% resist from items. With a further + 26% from buffs, but thats another story.

The new spell craftting will allow you to cap all your stats without any compromises, but it will cost you a fortune. I would seriously doubt anyone will have the cash to do it. For the fun of i made this set for my Skald.

Helmet -+- Quality: 100%
+ Stat + 17 STR
+ Resists + 17 Cold
+ Hits + 60 HP
+ Resists + 17 Body

Torso -+- Quality: 100%
+ Stat + 19 STR
+ Resists + 17 Heat
+ Skill + 3 Hammer
+ Resists + 17 Energy

Arms -+- Quality: 100%
+ Skill + 3 Hammer
+ Resists + 17 Matter
+ Stat + 19 DEX
+ Resists + 17 Spirit

Hands -+- Quality: 100%
+ Stat + 11 CON
+ Resists + 17 Thrust
+ Stat + 19 DEX
+ Resists + 17 Crush

legs -+- Quality: 100%
+ Stat + 15 CON
+ Resists + 17 Slash
+ Stat + 13 DEX
+ Hits + 60 HP

Feet -+- Quality: 100%
+ Stat + 15 STR
+ Resists + 9 Body
+ Resists + 9 Thrust
+ Hits + 76 HP

Hammer -+- Quality: 100%
+ Skill + 5 Hammer
+ Skill + 3 Parry
+ Stat + 11 CON
+ Resists + 9 Cold


STR 51
CON 37
DEX 51

SKILL + 11 hammer. + 3 parry


HITS 196

Still missing from:
Cloak, ring1, ring2, bracer1, brace2, necklace,belt and jewel

+8 parry, (+ 11 BS)

+13 con
+50 qui
+50 cha
+ 9% spirit
+ 9% heat
+ 9% slash
+ 9% chrush

And since it easier to get STR/CON/DEX on items, i would probaply switch them with cha/qui on the crafted ones.

The total cost of all this would probably be somewhere between 50-100 Plat, assuming i could find any crafter willing to sell stuff like that to me.

/em starts saving his coppers :D

Otherwise its all good :D


With the new dungeon(s), as they are in the frontier, does this mean that Hibs and Mids can come in and find us in it?

Could be fun :)


- Arrows, bolts, poisons and thrown weapons can now stack to 100.

- Arrows, bolts, and thrown weapons are lighter.

Well its better than another nerf I guess ..


Poor Sorcs is right Linnet, not really sure how Mythic expect a cloth wearing, low hp, weak DD character to be viable in RvR. They've now ( or will in upcoming patches ) nerfed our mez, pets and DD.

Oh well, at least we get a purge mez spell shortly, although exactly when we'll get a chance to use it when the sorc is normally the first target is beyond me.

Still have run speed though, ph33r my running away ability !


Don't worry clive, you can run with me. Although I'm yet to be directly nerfed, being jack of all trades means I'm also jack of all nerfs. :( I can't wait to see my stun on a tank with their newly cheap det 5, or my DDs on them with their capped resists, plus a couple of levels of AoM, plus a resist buff... You hit for 58 (-184) here we come! :p


Hrm, coo I get to move in RvR now rather than stand around uselessly :)

I wonder if this 'prevent flight' will be good for stopping people running past you... i.e. if that troll starts gunning for our sorc, can I get behind it and stop it?


Originally posted by clive_dunn
Poor Sorcs is right Linnet, not really sure how Mythic expect a cloth wearing, low hp, weak DD character to be viable in RvR. They've now ( or will in upcoming patches ) nerfed our mez, pets and DD.

Oh well, at least we get a purge mez spell shortly, although exactly when we'll get a chance to use it when the sorc is normally the first target is beyond me.

Still have run speed though, ph33r my running away ability !

think how wizzies feel..they cant run away, they dont get purge.
fear their dmg...for about 3 seconds when they get nearsighted, mezzed, and eating grass:)


Don't worry people, I believe patch 1.55 includes The Gimpogrounds. Only gimped characters can get in, it will involve 5 mins of fighting ineffectually against other realms gimps - and then sitting around at PK moaning about how you've invested 30 days /played just for people to laugh at you.

Looking forward to seeing a few mercs, sorcs, smite clerics and scouts again.


Yeah training daggers all round! Probably increase my melee damage :p


Originally posted by Dannyn
You hit for 58 (-184) here we come! :p

I see you hit for 80(-120) pretty depressingly often on my friend's US lvl50 minstrel. (186cha, 44inst)


I've already had a 118 (-127) here... :(
The point is the resists were put in to scale down pure casters nukes... yet again minstrels get shafted by a nerf directed at another class and because we're never directly nerfed mythic doesn't recognise it has nerfed us so we get nothing back.


Originally posted by clive_dunn
Don't worry people, I believe patch 1.55 includes The Gimpogrounds. Only gimped characters can get in, it will involve 5 mins of fighting ineffectually against other realms gimps - and then sitting around at PK moaning about how you've invested 30 days /played just for people to laugh at you.

Looking forward to seeing a few mercs, sorcs, smite clerics and scouts again.

Clive i think any of those classes still have a chance in rvr it depends on the player really not the class.


Originally posted by SFXman
New server type is sort of... strange. PvP server without the PvP. For the female gaming community perhaps

For your information this is 2002 NOT 1902, we have the vote and everything. Just because a person happens to be female DOES NOT mean RvR is any less attractive.

What kind of retard are you anyway to come out with such a stupid comment. Do you really think we just PvE (but only on monsters that dont exist in real life *Oooh please... dont kill that horse, its so pretty!*) Then spend our time crafting in the hope that Mythic will bring out a server where we can all sit around and kill ugly monsters and make sandwiches for each other discussing lipstick and the shortcomings of men in the brain/trouser departments?

Wake up fool.



Originally posted by old.Noita
What kind of retard are you anyway to come out with such a stupid comment. Do you really think we just PvE (but only on monsters that dont exist in real life *Oooh please... dont kill that horse, its so pretty!*) Then spend our time crafting in the hope that Mythic will bring out a server where we can all sit around and kill ugly monsters and make sandwiches for each other discussing lipstick and the shortcomings of men in the brain/trouser departments?

Wake up fool.


You go girl! ;)

Although I do find it quite odd making a server where there is no PvP at all. It is .. after all .. a PvP based game ..

Would be quite cool if the battlegrounds were a PvP free-for-all though with no guards and the keep doors open.


I think the general idea came from a discussion forum proposed in part by Sanya Thomas at Mythic. There was a link to it on one of the main US sites. What Sanya basically proposed was a PvE server, where indeed there was no PvP, no borders and all players could go anywhere and kill anything they wanted (except each other of course :) )

I can understand that people play DAoC for many reasons and there are many people who play DAoC who do not enjoy the PvP aspect of the game (for whatever reason) so yes I can see the attraction of such a server for them.

However, from my point of view this would make DAoC like a watered down version of EQ with better graphics. Why watered down? Well in EQ I think the PvE encounters are much more challenging, especially at higher levels and require a great deal more thought and tactical co operation between classes than the encounters in DAoC. Perhaps they will alter the AI? Perhaps they will bring in spells to allow kiting? Who knows?

I must admit...it would be nice to hang out with people like Usp/Locomo/Araudry and so on without worrying about getting ganked. But I for one wouldnt change to this kind of server permanently.

Toodle pip :)

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