1.52F on Pendragon




Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.52F Test Release Notes

Tuesday, July 30, 2002



We're wrapping up the changes for version 1.52, which consists of changes that will affect players will want to respec - i.e. we've made lots of changes to spells, abilities, combat armor tables, as well as lots of other specialization-specific updates. We don't plan on putting any more changes into 1.52 that will change skills, abilities, or specializations, so we currently plan to take 1.52 live on Tuesday, August 6 with the changes that have been included in 1.52 up until this time. Of course if we find that we need to re-address an issue or find problems with the version, we'll take the steps necessary to fix them.

We're doing this so that we can get the respec out to players as soon as possible - there's no need to wait for respec while we work on Spellcrafting and Alchemy, the next two big items on the plate.

So, 1.53 will start testing internally next week as soon as 1.52 goes live, and will contain Spellcrafting and Alchemy, as well as any other melee fixes and RvR tweaks that will not require specialization changes. Expect to see these items up on Pendragon for testing soon after that.

Of course if, in the future, we decide that we need to make changes of such a large magnitude that they will require a specialization change, we'll add in a respec option for those classes/specializations that are affected by the change at that time.


A quick note of explanation about bolt spells. As every "robe" caster knows, bolt spells are intended to hit targets that are not in combat. They do much more damage than direct damage spells, but they are usable only in certain situations. A bug was fixed in 1.52C which changes how the game determines if a player or monster is "in combat" - now to be truly flagged as in combat, you must actively be attacking someone (or something) else. Previously, large numbers of players would be flagged as "in combat" when they were in fact not actively engaging someone. So, theoretically, that change made bolts easier to use in RvR, although they still will not be usable in all situations. Please test this on Pendragon.


- The Flurry ability for Blademasters and Mercenaries is no longer resistable. This fixes a Pendragon-only bug.

- Staves are now repaired by Fletchers instead of Weaponcrafters. There was a bug where Fletchers could make staves, but not repair them.

- Some spell and ability icons had the wrong "widgets" on them. These have been fixed. These fixes are to Pendragon-only bugs.


Based on player, tester, and Team Lead feedback, we've made some additional changes to armor tables, which specifies how damage from different weapons is assessed against different armors. With these changes, you'll find that there is no one best weapon to specialize in - there is a good one that will work in most situations, but judicious use of another may result in better damage in some situations.

- First and foremost, you no longer get a double defensive bonus base on your armor's resistance to an attack. You get the standard bonus, but nothing extra. This will even out the damage allotment.

- Now armors are set to "vulnerable", "resistant", or "neutral". If an armor is neutral to a damage type, it will literally have no bonus or negative.

- We've added specific armor tables for Norse Chain, Norse Leather, Norse Studded, and Hibernian Leather to spread out the damage options.

Here's the table:

[Edited table out because you can't do HTML on the forums. You can find the table here: http://www.camelotherald.com/more/438.php ]


- All targeted spells should now properly print their damage type when Delved.

- Increased radius of Healer "Allay Area" line to 350, which is more consistent with the radii of analogous lines in the other realms.

- Fixed the Bard and Warden spec healing line's spell characteristics to match the Druid's as originally intended. This affected casting time and power cost.

- Lowered casting time on the Wizard "Summon Fire" and "Minor Combustion" single target direct damage lines to make them more consistent with the casting time of analogous lines in the other realms.

- Put the Wizard's Calefaction "Bolt of Lava" line on a separate recast timer from the Pyromancy "Minor Fire Streak" line.

- Changed the Spiritmaster "Gloom Wave" line to have a casting time of 3 seconds and a range of 1500. This rounds out Midgard's ranged area effect Crowd Control capability.

- Fixed the Warden pulsing bladeturn line (starting with "Nature's Guard") to be castable in combat as originally intended.

- Increased the run speed of Theurgist air and earth summons.

- Reduced the chance of the stun proc on Theurgist air summons. The high chance of these procs going off, combined with the lack of re-cast timer, was able to chain stun targets with no hope of escaping.


- The name regions on the cities have been adjusted.

- A few horse routes have been changed so you are dropped off closer to the stable master. They are:

Snowdonia Station to Caer Witrin
Gna Faste to Hugginfel
Adribard to Castle Sauvage
Caer Ulfwych to Cornwall
Tir na mBeo to Drum Ligen

- Paladin trainers will now give a thrusting weapon choice when you join your guild. Armsman trainers will now give a two-handed choice when you join your guild. Infiltrator trainers will now give a thrusting choice when you join your guild.

- Realm V. Realm - Battlegrounds: You will no longer take faction hits from monsters that are killed in the Battlegrounds.

- Albion: The spiritual advisor room in Stonehenge Barrows has been revisited and slightly tweaked again.

- Midgard: Tomte Runners are no longer set as Scouts in Nisse's Lair.

- Hibernia: The Koalinth bouncer in Koalinth Caverns that kept walking through the wall after he finished his patrol has been fixed.

- Hibernia: The rocky golems in Treibh Caillte should now react in a more consistent manner.

- Midgard: The two windswept wraith camps in Jamtlands have had their spawn rate increased.


- In Hibernia, the Mischievous Greenbriar set of armor should now have an appropriate 25% magical bonus instead of 15%.

- Nightshades wishing to exchange their weaker Moonlit Leggings for a more useful pair of Leather Moonlit Leggings should speak to Blathnaid's assistant, Nona, in the Chamber of Stealth in Tir Na Nog. You may only exchange the item one time.

Mordred Specific Notes

- There is now an alternate means to complete the Departed Fellowship Quest. Search the druid groves near Keltoi Fogou.


So, 1.53 will start testing internally next week as soon as 1.52 goes live, and will contain Spellcrafting and Alchemy,


:clap: :clap: :clap:


Humm most intresting is the damage table...

Strange thing I get bonus on scale wearers. Stop nothing more for me. Just scale wearers.

Feels a little wrong but we will have to see how it turns out.


Ok now 1.52 looks like a good patch. I wasn't happy at all with the 'double resists in RvR' part of the last patch. In this patch, crush seems like a worse choice for mid than slash.

There are now different armour types for midgard chain, leather and studded plus hibernia leather.

(following only from the midgard side)

As a hammer user I'm not perfectly happy since now I get penalty on albion chain and studded and hibernia scale. Bonuses are on plate, reinforced and leather.

As slash user I have penalty on reinforced and hibernia leather (only 2 and no tank armour!). Bonus is on scale only.

As a thrust user... no wait, I can't spec in thrust!

Now it looks like slash is the way to go in midgard, since most armour doens't have a resist on your damage type, and those who have are pretty rare anyway. However you do not gain as many bonuses, either.

Well, no longer is any damage type superrior compared to the others. Now it's more of a choice between penalties and bonuses or no penalties and no bonuses (didn't bother to analyze other 2 realms properly, someone else can do that).

Other tweaks in this patch not much worth mentioning... How ever the whole patch 1.52 looks awesome, except for nerfing my hammer (but I'll try not to whine too much).



- Increased the run speed of Theurgist air and earth summons.

Cool, interested to see how much of a boost this is.

And my friars leather armor will have better resisits, ie not giving those pesky stealthers a bonus :)


Originally posted by old.Iunliten
Humm most intresting is the damage table...

Strange thing I get bonus on scale wearers. Stop nothing more for me. Just scale wearers.

Feels a little wrong but we will have to see how it turns out.

crush gets a bonus against reinforced and scale not just scale.

what feels wrong is thrust getting 4 resists where as the rest get 3. oh well, noone will complain to much as there isn't many thrust users out there, and I don't use thrust on any of my chars anyway :p But this means that ns' will get a bonus against chain wearing tanks :)


Re: Re: 1.52F on Pendragon

Originally posted by deadparrot

Cool, interested to see how much of a boost this is.

And my friars leather armor will have better resisits, ie not giving those pesky stealthers a bonus :)

The run speed increase will do bugger all for theurgists. If you think about it, casting our elementals on a target you're basically casting a DoT (be it a 30s or 25 sec one). You cast 4-5 ellies on a target they can still get stunned, rooted mezzed till they die. How many casters can use up 1/3 or even 1/2 of their mana bar on a target and not even scratch it or even how many half mana bars worth of DoTs would not touch anyone (even cons here we are talking about). Basically ellies are worthless in RvR, the most usefull ellie is the ice one where you can use it to interupt casters and snipers. The other useful ellie the air pet used to chain stun chars when the lvl modifiers are brought in is nerfed so thats useless too.

Also this was supposed to fix all the melee issues and they have done bugger all on this too. Oh well enough whining from me, you would never have guessed my 2 main chars are a theurg and an armsman :rolleyes:


I would like soem hubrid Love.

I am meant to be a caster/tank and my Stormcalling Spell line is lamo.

Its been essentially untouched since release day back in October 2001 cept for indirect nerf of 50SC Str buff.

Every singe caster spell line has been tweaked with new spells, changes to timers, damage types and all sorts.

Even Paladins have got some lov in Chants, and Champs got a sickly Str/Con buff.

Why are the Thanes ignored still?

could it be related to something Ardrias said in inr?

"I Break mezz, therefore I am"

All I can say is The People are not happy :(

Kinda sucks only casters and healers can spellcraft tho.


erl - a sincere question here, do you honestly want more melee boost instead of bringing your archery capability in line with scouts' or rangers'?


Lots of changes. It's gonna take a while to get used to once it arrives on our mortal servers.


lol. I do so love the neverending whinging from void eldritches. "Oh, our bolts are so weak, oh wizards own so much, oh oh"
For crying out loud, give wizards stun, AE mezz and nearsight, and then you can fucking complain they're too good or that you're too weak! If void eldritches wanted spec DD's they should have specced pure light, or better yet made a flipping enchanter!
*CASTERS* whinging when this patch was meant to address the general weakness of melees in RvR. Hah.

edit: well, that's half a patch gone without any kind of loving for stealth minstrels. gg! Won't happen in 1.53 either, I can see that coming. After all, fixing minstrel stealth would probably cause people to respec differently; if 1.53 is the not-affecting-spec changes, how tf can minstrel stealth be in it?


Re: Re: Re: 1.52F on Pendragon

Originally posted by old.Hamish

The run speed increase will do bugger all for theurgists.

It will for me I use earth/ice pets for together maximum annoyance, its hard to mess pets when you have a earth one beating you and a ice one casting from afar.
The poor earth ones have a hard time getting to their target if they decide to run away.
Im sorry you dont seem to have much faith in your pets, i've killed archers defending keeps by casting 3-4 pets(ice) before they dissapear, the pets continue to nuke thro the walls - dead archer. They're also great at taking out groups of low cons, or any groups for that manner.
Works best in a good group tho.


yeah. just cast a few pets on hibs bard so they can't mezz. But then I just go and cast confusion. They die straight away from that :p


wtf a thane complaning?? ;)

Thanes have always been the best hybrid class (exepton for skalds offcourse)

Champs got some vell deserved love to bring them up to par, but now the true gimps are Pallys.


Originally posted by Sarnat
Ok now 1.52 looks like a good patch. I wasn't happy at all with the 'double resists in RvR' part of the last patch. In this patch, crush seems like a worse choice for mid than slash.

There are now different armour types for midgard chain, leather and studded plus hibernia leather.

(following only from the midgard side)

As a hammer user I'm not perfectly happy since now I get penalty on albion chain and studded and hibernia scale. Bonuses are on plate, reinforced and leather.

As slash user I have penalty on reinforced and hibernia leather (only 2 and no tank armour!). Bonus is on scale only.

As a thrust user... no wait, I can't spec in thrust!

Other tweaks in this patch not much worth mentioning... How ever the whole patch 1.52 looks awesome, except for nerfing my hammer (but I'll try not to whine too much).

How many chain wearers in albion do you fight?

There's Minstrels Clerics and Mercenaries...
Apart from the Mercs they're quite easy to kill...
The other two Albion tanks wear plate...

So you can either kill tin cans, or kill the limescale.


There's Minstrels Clerics and Mercenaries...
Apart from the Mercs they're quite easy to kill...

I'd say it is the opposite.

Cleric : come to close ..*poosh* pbae mezz , smite smite smite and you're dead

minstrel : zap zap *annoying song* zap zap *omg you cant do anything ... again* prod prod you're dead



This would mean that thrust get...

bonus against 3 armourtypes,
neutral against 3 armourtypes and
resisted by 4 armourtypes (not looking as good as before I'd say *gulp*)

Crush on the other hand would get...

bonus against 4 armourtypes,
neutral against 3 armourtypes and
resisted by 3 armourtypes

Finally slash, the used-to-be-very-gimpish-in-RvR, get...

bonus against 3 armourtypes,
neutral against 4 armourtypes and
resisted by 3 armourtypes

Of course, the choice will differ very much from one realm to the other as we all have diffrent armourtypes.

<looking forward to each and every patch even if I would get nerfed in all of 'em>

wonder what damagetype I will choose when 1.52 hits Europe :eek:


Re: Re: Re: Re: 1.52F on Pendragon

Originally posted by deadparrot

It will for me I use earth/ice pets for together maximum annoyance, its hard to mess pets when you have a earth one beating you and a ice one casting from afar.
The poor earth ones have a hard time getting to their target if they decide to run away.
Im sorry you dont seem to have much faith in your pets, i've killed archers defending keeps by casting 3-4 pets(ice) before they dissapear, the pets continue to nuke thro the walls - dead archer. They're also great at taking out groups of low cons, or any groups for that manner.
Works best in a good group tho.

Sigh: I write a whole paragraph about why I think it amounts to bugger all and all you do is quote a sentance out of context. What I was trying to say (maybe badly) is that run speed does bugger all without solving other issues aswell. ie. mezz, stun, root etc.

How many other casters can cast half of their mana bar on an even con (offensive spell) and have none of the spells land if the other char has his/her head screwed on? Yes faster run speed might help but its got to be in conjunction with something else.

As far as I know the other realms have insta mezz, and as you wrote correctly our ellies are an annoyance and not much more. Yes you maybe able to kill keep archers but npcs are stupid and the average RvR player is not. Woopie you can kill lower cons, I would think a player that cant must be either stupid or seriously gimped, it just doesnt prove anything.


Originally posted by old.LandShark
erl - a sincere question here, do you honestly want more melee boost instead of bringing your archery capability in line with scouts' or rangers'?
Yes, because that is and has always been the intention of the hunter. Our bow-skills aren't far behind the others, especially not after heavy duskwoods were introduced. But this is all a discussion for an other forum :)


nice to see that shades go from -15% to 15% on attack, and getting neut instead of a 15% pen to SB:s :/. didnt like that the infs vs sb changed tho :(. oh well, one day ill get rich and powerfull and then ill nerf mythic employes sparetime :)


Originally posted by klavrynd

I'd say it is the opposite.

Cleric : come to close ..*poosh* pbae mezz , smite smite smite and you're dead

minstrel : zap zap *annoying song* zap zap *omg you cant do anything ... again* prod prod you're dead

Well OK :) I meant in terms of hp... amount of damage required to kill them etc..

then again cleric has two instas so takes lots of damage to kill em...

oh well :)


Originally posted by old.Demerzel
wtf a thane complaning?? ;)

Thanes have always been the best hybrid class (exepton for skalds offcourse)

Champs got some vell deserved love to bring them up to par, but now the true gimps are Pallys.

The best hybrid class:
-They die from pure tanks.
-Now even a champion can kill them without trouble.
-Thrust assasins own them. (If they cant then they just run away)
-Mage classes...well they kill them too.
-Thrust mercs own them and if DT sticks even a cruch merc can kill them.
-Archers can kill them and if they cant they just slam/run or speedbuff away.
So the "best" hybrid class can succesfully kill a cabby, a pally and a bm, which have long been considered the gimped classes.
Yay im the best of the gimps :p


Originally posted by Tasans

The best hybrid class:
-They die from pure tanks.
-Now even a champion can kill them without trouble.
-Thrust assasins own them. (If they cant then they just run away)
-Mage classes...well they kill them too.
-Thrust mercs own them and if DT sticks even a cruch merc can kill them.
-Archers can kill them and if they cant they just slam/run or speedbuff away.
So the "best" hybrid class can succesfully kill a cabby, a pally and a bm, which have long been considered the gimped classes.
Yay im the best of the gimps :p

Hmm, are you gimped :p

Seriously, pure tanks probably should own you 1 on 1.

Champions specced in LW may kill you, but it will be an interesting fight. Sword and board champs will die to thanes imho.

Thrust assassins (I presume you mean Infiltrators, as I doubt an NS could take a Thane down unless they were afk :p ) can take alot of people down because they are overpowered :)

Mage classes kill everyone if they get the jump. Most are so overpowered with utility and obscene ranged dmg that most classes don't stand a chance, it has nothing to do with you being a thane.

Archers can kill you if you are asleep, surely you can engage when they attack and slam them, also only Scouts get slam, and you will demolish a scout in melee.

A merc, although possibly 'gimped' is still a fearsome fighter. Their dmg output is very good, they wear the same armour as thanes and they got dirty tricks. Remember, mercs are supposed to be Albs answer to a zerker, so its no suprise you lose to them.

Like most other people, you compare your classes 1 on 1 against others. This is a mistake. If you have the initiative and take almost any of the above classes by suprise, I think a thane can either kill them or force them to flee.

I am not saying thanes don't need something, all melee classes need something (especially against casters) but thanes are no worse off than any other hybrid (except skalds who rock)


Heh, chesnor, have you got a caster class?
(just you're putting across that it's all roses for casters... it's not really... just you tend to be out of mezz range ;))

RvR has some fundamental flaws in its design (PvE in DAoC is nice... tanks can block things for one... that doesn't happen in RvR ...)


Originally posted by Fingoniel

How many chain wearers in albion do you fight?

There's Minstrels Clerics and Mercenaries...
Apart from the Mercs they're quite easy to kill...
The other two Albion tanks wear plate...

So you can either kill tin cans, or kill the limescale.

There are plenty of clerics who have owned me. I've also killed a lot of clerics but they were luckily no strong smiters. Usually a smiter will kill anyone 1 on 1. A skilled minstrel may kill you, too. It's a close fight against minstrels but I think I can win them once I hit 50 and get slam. I've killed a merc when 3 albs ganged up on me, but he was a slash gimp and his friends were slightly late. I've killed plenty of pallys and armsmen, too, but they've also killed me.

I'm not saying crush is gimped now, I'm saying that it's now a choice between bonus and penalty or no bonus no penalty in midgard.


Originally posted by Tasans

The best hybrid class:
-They die from pure tanks.
-Now even a champion can kill them without trouble.
-Thrust assasins own them. (If they cant then they just run away)
-Mage classes...well they kill them too.
-Thrust mercs own them and if DT sticks even a cruch merc can kill them.
-Archers can kill them and if they cant they just slam/run or speedbuff away.
So the "best" hybrid class can succesfully kill a cabby, a pally and a bm, which have long been considered the gimped classes.
Yay im the best of the gimps :p

I dunno how you have specced your thane (50 axe 50 sword rest parry, use studded?) but I can kill pure tanks (not always), champs, some assassins with luck, mages when I get the jump on them, mercs even 3 on 1 situation, archers 2 on 1 (one ran, one died). Thane has been and still is one of the best classes since it was created. I haven't seen any major thane whining anywhere, nor have I seen much whining about thanes being too strong.


Originally posted by Sarnat

I dunno how you have specced your thane (50 axe 50 sword rest parry, use studded?) but I can kill pure tanks (not always), champs, some assassins with luck, mages when I get the jump on them, mercs even 3 on 1 situation, archers 2 on 1 (one ran, one died). Thane has been and still is one of the best classes since it was created. I haven't seen any major thane whining anywhere, nor have I seen much whining about thanes being too strong.

You are right! When respec comes im gonna go 50 hammer 50 axe rest in parry use studded and leather so i can get the best out of the new armor resists!


I forgot to say i was sarcastic in my previous post but:
The only way to kill mages are to go into melee with them without seeing you. If you fail that its gc stun - nuke, qc mez - nuke gc <insert cc here> nuke. Pure tanks only SnB we can deal and when the new resists get here, hero is almost certain to win snb or lw or spear. If you have hammer and you face an SnB arms you are bound to kill him( ok and slash polearms in some conditions). I watched a friend ending a fight with an infil with 0 hp because we started hitting him the same time. If i wasnt there he would have died. I dont say thanes are THAT bad its just other classes got some loving, and thanes are facing the general melee problems along with some spells they dont get to use. Just tell me Chesnor how you felt when a trigger happy thane went to cast his spell that symbolizes his deity, breaking your mezzes? Or cast my dds before a spearo or a polearms comes close and soloes me in 3 hits. Generaly a thane is a funny class to play has some versatility, but we are no longer the uber rvr-pve-whatever gods we used to be. Other classes have changed-received stuff and so must thanes in order to compete in the daoc endgame which is rvr.

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