1.52D Changes, changes and more changes.


Orin Askhammare

EDIT Should have noticed TroG's post a little down :/ Excusez moi. Leave this here for people who can't be arsed to link to the camelot herald ;)

Here we go - respec is at the top of the list, melee changes throughout. This is quite an installment:


Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.52D Test Release Notes

Wednesday, July 24, 2002


Welcome to Camelot version 152D. This version has a lot of updates and changes that will have to be tested thorougly. The purpose of the 152 series as a whole is to evaulate the melee and RvR aspects of the game and make changes where necessary to streamline all player's RvR experiences, and especially that of melee classes.

You will see many changes in this version, the largest is probably that of respec (being able to re-allocate your character's specialzation points). We have decided to give all current players of the game the ability to respec fully - not just select one specialization at two different levels (although we will support that as well) as we previously announced. We are giving all current characters the chance to fully respec as a way of thanking all current players for being with us over the last eight months, and to allow all of them to take advantage of skills and abilities that were not available to them when they started playing and speccing their characters.

We have taken the following steps in this version to make the melee combat experience more fun and meaningful in RvR (you can get the full details on each of these further down in the release notes):

- Behind the scenes melee rules changes. We have changed two separate "under-the-hood" game mechanics to make melee combat more fun. One was to remove the level-based "to hit" modifier, and the other was to change the way the game calculates how many players are in combat with each other at once. These sound like small changes, but they will both let you hit more often (in the case of the first), and parry/block much more often (in the case of the second). The combination will mean that you will live longer, and thus, deal more damage.

- We have changed the armor tables in the game so that one damage type (crush) will no longer be the most powerful in the game. Additionally, all defensive armor table bonuses are now doubled in RvR, meaning everyone takes less damage if they are protected against that specific damage type.

- We have alleviated some of the frustration of being mesmerized in combat by giving special "cure mez" spells to some casting classes. Judicious use of these spells will mean that you will be mezzed far less often than before.

- In the case of Blademasters and Mercenaries, we have given them additional abilities that will let them add extra damage every few minutes.

- You can now toggle the "cancel style" feature off and on.

The overall intention of these changes is not to focus on any one particular melee class - it was to look at the system as a whole and make changes where appropriate that will help all of them. Of course some of these changes spill over to other classes as well, but the overall net result of the changes should be longer RvR combats which means that those with the most hit points and best defense (i.e. melee classes) will live longer and be much more productive.

When we first announced we were looking into these problems, we thought we could simply reduce RvR damge by 35%. That proved not to be good for the game overall, so we decided to make tweaks and changes to the overall system to produce the same results as a straight damage reduction, but make it more strategic and fit within the already established rules of the game.

Finally, these changes are wide-ranging and powerful. They will have to be tested fully on Pendragon, and may change between now and when 1.52 goes live. We will be making more 152 patches as necessary, based on testing and further additions and enhancements - stay posted for details.


- We have removed the level-based "to-hit" modifier from RvR combat. This means that lower-level players will be able to hit higher-level targets much easier (albeit for a small amount of damage). This affects all damage in the game, including melee, bow, and spell damage. Please note that this change removes only the chance your character has "to hit" his opponent, and makes it possible for lower level players to enjoy RvR combat. This change was implemented on the PvP servers (Mordred and Andred) first, and has been very successfully and happily received there.

- We have changed the way we determine who is "in combat" with any RvR opponent and with monsters. The result of these changes is that parrying and shield blocking should happen much more often than before, and you should notice the "your target is currently in melee combat" message less often. This change will require a lot of testing on Pendragon to ensure that it doesn't change the player vs. monster dynamic.

- The /cancelstyle command is in. This command enables you to turn off the ability to "cancel" or designate a backup combat style. Use this for situations where you simply want to do the same-no opening style over and over, such as when you are in a huge RvR melee. /cancelstyle is a toggle; use it once to turn off canceling styles, type it again to turn canceling styles back on.

- Players who are level 50 and realm rank 5 or above have had their unbuffed Armor Factor and DPS raised as if they were 51st level players. Thus, they clamp unbuffed at a DPS of 16.5 and an AF of 510.


- When you cast a strength buff and you are already encumbered, your movement speed should be correctly updated

- When you are killed by a pet, the game now prints the pet's controller as the killing entity.

- We fixed the cloth Armor Factor bug where you got incorrect Armor Factor information when delving a cloth armor piece. The effective AF for cloth is now correctly clamped at its 1/2 value (of corresponding other armors). There was a situation where lower-level casters who wore high-level armor resulted in them attaining more AF from the armor than they should have had. This has fixed, and casters will now correctly have to rely on buffs to reach their AF clamp. This change will not have any effect on casters who weear level-appropriate armor - the only players who will notice a change are those cloth-armor casters who are wearing "orange" armor and above. The difference in AF in orange armor is noticable, but negligible. The difference in red or purple armor is more meaningful.

- When you hold a flaming staff and directly switch to another non-flaming staff, other players would see the non-flaming staff (now in your hands) as still flaming. This has been fixed.

- You no longer flinch, parry or evade while on horseback.

- When you move away from a VaultKeeper, your vault window should now correctly close automatically.

- The keyboard 1-8 keys to activate your quickbar should now correctly bring up a product recipe window when you hotkey a tradeskill.

- The /SETWHO command now correctly shows Legendary Master Crafter status (level 10).

- The craft order warning box (when joining a crafting order) no longer overwrites off of the edge of the box.

- Focus spells will now correctly cancel when their caster has another spell type cast on him. There was a bug in the game where casters of focus-type spells could get in a situation where their focus spell was continuing to have effect, but they could move around and cast other spells.;) ;)

Orin Askhammare


Respeccing (the ability to change your character's skill specializations) is now in the game. The previously-announced ability to change one of your character's specializations at levels 20 and 40 has been implemented, as well as the special one-time ability for all current players of the game to fully respec their characters. Since the game has changed so much since release, it is only fair that those characters who already play the game be given the chance to fully respec so that they can take advantage of skills and abilities that were not implemented when they started playing (and speccing).

Here's how it works:

Full Respec

If you have a current character in Dark Age of Camelot, you may elect to do a full respec. This resets ALL of your character's specializations to zero (or that spec's minimum allowed for your class), and gives you the equivalent number of spec points back to you so you can retrain however you see fit. Please note that respeccing is a one-time thing, and is irrevocable. You cannot do a full respec again, so be sure you know how you want to spec your character before you do this.

NOTE: if your class has a "min spec level" on any specialization then you will be taken down to the minimum allowed when you do a /respec all based on your level. You cannot go under your class minimum (based on your level) for those specializations.

ALSO NOTE: Full respec only is available to current characters of the game, and is offered to them as a way to take advantage of the many game features that have been implemented since the game began (and presumably since their character was initially specced). Future characters will receive the normal "spec-line" respecs at levels 20 and 40, but not a full respec.

To do a full respec, go to your trainer, select him, and type "/respec ALL". You will only have a limited time to do a full respec: within two levels of when you first log into this version. So, if you are level 22, and you want to respec, you will have to do it before you attain 24th level.

In order to facilitate faster re-training, you can now select a specialization at your trainer and click the train button mulitple times. Previously, you had to select the specialization you wanted to train in every time you trained in it. Now you can just select it once and click the "train" button multiple times.

Single-Skill Respec

>From now on, when a character reaches the levels of 20 and 40, they will gain the ability to "de-train" a specialization by doing a single-spec respec.

To do a single-skill respec (when you reach level 20 or level 40), go to your trainer, select him, and type "/respec SKILL NAME". Please note that you cannot redo this - once you respec a skill, it is done.

Please note that you must perform a spec-line respec within the level that you gain the ability to do so: at level 20 or level 40. You will not be able to "hold" spec-line respecs forever; you must use them at those specific levels.

Also, please note that you gain this skill when you level from 19 to 20 and from 39 to 40. This means that an existing character who is level 20 will not gain the level 20 single-spec respec, but since everyone gets the full respec, that player could fully respec (and in fact must do so before attaining level 22 if they wish to respec at all before level 40).

Finally, you will not gain the single-skill respec if you are eligible to use a full respec and have not. So, if you are 19th level, you have a full respec available to you, and you advance to 20, you will not gain the single-skill respec because you still have the full respec available to you. Any changes you want to make to your character can be made through the full respec at that time.

Future Respecs

If we ever make a class-defining change in the future, we will offer single-spec respecs to those class/spec combinations that are affected by the change.


A new ability for Archers has been added - that of Camouflage. The purpose of Camouflage is for the Archer to be able to move about unseen, but not be able to use it to engage in stealthed combat. We want archers to be able to perform their scouting duties, but not become the overpowering solo killers that they once were.

Camouflage is awarded to all Scouts, Hunters, and Rangers at level 30. You use it just like any other ability - first, you must be hidden (via your normal stealth icon). Then, drag the Camouflage icon to your quickbar and click on it to activate the ability. When you are Camouflaged, essentially you are invisible from the assassin See Hidden ability - however, you abide by all the rules of being stealthed normally; i.e. you have a greater chance of being visible to those that are higher level than yourself.

When you are a camouflaged, you abide by all the rules of stealth. You will move at your normal stealthed speed, and you will become visible if you engage in combat (take damage, attack someone, shoot someone with a bow, etc.). Please note that you can Camouflage any time ten minutes after your last attack. This makes Camouflage useful to scout around unseen, but it will not help you in combat, since you will not be able to use the skill for 10 minutes after you attack somone else.


Blademasters and Mercenaries have had two changes in this version (one which the Berserker also gets):

- at level 30, each receives a new ability called "Flurry", which is on a 2 minute timer. Flurry essentially gives the BM/Merc a "free" attack by doing instant damage on their Realm opponent. Please note that this ability will only work on Realm enemies (i.e. enemy guards and players), and will not work against normal monsters. Also, please note that there is no animation for this ability yet. The Flurry ability uses the skills Dual Wield (for Mercenaries) and Celtic Dual (for Blademasters) when determining damage.

- All Blademasters, Mercenaries, and Berserkers are now given a new ability called "Advanced Evade" at 35th level, which enables them to evade in a 360 degree radius around them. Normal evade evades only those enemies who attack from the front.


We have change the armor tables for the game. Previously, the armor tables worked in such a manner that it was advantageous for melee characters to specialize only in crushing/blunt/hammer weapons. Now, the armor tables are spread out more evenly, giving all armor advantages and disadvantages against every weapon type.

In doing this change, we have also added armor types specifically for the Hibernian Scale and Reinforced armors. No longer do they mimic chain and studded armor tables as they used to - now they have their own unique characteristics.

Also, in RvR only, we have doubled the amount that a particular armor's bonus reduces damage against a weapon type that it is protected against. This will reduce the overall damage that players take when hit by a weapon or bolt spell that their armor protects against.


We have taken an additional step to alleviate the effects of mesmerize - now there are "heal mez" spells in the game. In general, these spells have been given to those classes that cast the mez spells for their Realm. The class that gets the new "dispell" in each realm as part of their base line is generally the realm's primary mesmerizer: the Sorcerer, Healer, and Bard. The secondary mesmerizers in each realm will need to spec to get the dispell: Minstrel, Spiritmaster, and Mentalist. These spells should alleviate some of the problems with long term crowd control spells in RvR.

Sorcerer Mind Twisting
24 Clear Mind

Minstrel Instruments spec
27 Focusing Chant

Healer Pacification
23 Cleanse Mind

Spiritmaster Suppression spec
28 Spirit Purge

Bard Music
24 Clarifying Harmonies

Mentalist Mind Mastery (mind spec list)
28 Mental Purification


- Two new models, the Tomte, and a beetle, have been added to the game. You should see them wandering about the world, ready to be beaten down, at some point in the near future.

Orin Askhammare


- The inhabitants of Tir Na Nog, Jordheim, and Camelot have taken the time to name many of their landmark locations and buildings. This should greatly aid with location and navigation in the cities.

- When selecting keep gates you will now see "Realm Name" Keep Gate as opposed to the few instances where names such as Rvrkeepgate1 still existed.

Midgard Quests: Family Business - Piercer is back in "business" and will no longer try to give players kill tasks.

Albion: An expeditionary force of Trolls established a tower overlooking a key crossroads in Hadrian's. Lord Prydwen himself, aided by many knights of the realm threw these stone beasts down, and christened the tower in honor of one of the slain.

Hibernia: After years of battles near his keep, Chieftain Crauchon tasked several of his Guardians with securing the outlying tower nearby. Although the Guardians were slain in defense of the tower, their legacy remains, as the local fauna has been driven off, and the area now bears their name.

Midgard: A slightly more intelligent expeditionary force of Vikings established a forward tower overlooking the roads in Odin's. They worked their magic there, and wisely retreated to the safety of Bledmeer Faste once the task was completed.

Realm V. Realm - Battlegrounds: The strength of each of the battleground keep doors has been adjusted downward (again) to be more appropriate for the battlegrounds.

Monsters: We have continued to adjust and add styles to selected monsters throughout the realms.

Midgard: Two new camps of Frore Lich's have been added. One is in Odin's Gate and one is in Jamtlands.

Hibernia: Tidal Sheeries no longer give positive faction to themselves when you kill one. They now correctly give positive faction to the Koalinth.

Stonehenge Barrows: The advisors in Wizard Lichas' room have been adjusted to prevent abuse.

Item Notes

- The Twisted Evil Ruby Scepter (Hibernia) is now appropriately class-restricted.

- The Forged Darksteel Spirit Staff (Midgard) now has a salvage value set.

- "Shin bones" can no longer be equipped as a weapon.

- The +pie stat on the Rod of the Soulshade (Midgard) should now correctly affect the player’s piety when equipped.

- The following Midgard items now have a salvage value set: Reinforced Chitin Shield, Twilight Doombringer, Twilight Blade-stopper, Runic Ember, Frozen Soul-shatter, Fell Cat’s Razor Tooth, Shadow Razer, Dark Frozen Eviscerator.


The game's spell and skill icons have undergone a revision. This revision has taken its cues from player feedback and suggestions and should make using and identifying spells much easier and intuitive (as well as cut back on the repetition of spell icons in the game). Many of the symbols you are farmiliar with have not changed, but the colors of those icons have. The icon color is now the central determiner of what the spell does.

Icon color = Spell Type

The color of the icon is now the way to identify what KIND of spell it is. This is universal across all realms:

Red - Direct Damage, Bolt, Poison and Disease spells (basically, anything that deals damage)

Green - Buff / Enhancement spells

Blue - Heal spells

White - Debuff spells

Purple - stun spells

Yellow - Mez, Charm, Confusion and Amnesia spells

Orange - Root spells

Gold - Ressurection spells

If you've got a yellow icon on top of your UI, you'll know you've been mezzed, confused, etc.. If you've got a red icon above, you'll know you've been dealt damage of some type. If you see a green icon, you'll know you've been buffed, and so on and so on.

Border color = Spell Level. The color of the icons' border will give you a general idea of the level of the spell:

grey - low
green - low/mid
blue - mid
yellow - mid/high
purple - high


Icon shapes have been largely standardized. So now, if it's a spell which affects your Armor Factor, you'll see the same icon every time (The AF symbol looks like a chestplate, for instance.)

In some cases you can have a baseline and a specline spell that essentially do the same thing. In that instance, every attempt has been made to make sure the icons are different. There has also been an effort made to keep as many legacy icons as possible to maintain variety. Mainly, the color's the thing.


There are a series of widgets which identify aspects of the spell. These widgets will be the same color as the spell boarder. These sound confusing in text form, they make more sense when you see them.

Self - A circle drawn around the icon indicates a self-only spell.

Group - Small marks radiating to the four corners of the icon indicate a Group-only spell.

Debuff - In addition to being white, all debuff spells look like the icon has been cut out of a small circle.

Area Effect - A small series of concentric circles below the spell icon indicates an area effect spell

Ground Target Area Effect - two small wedges (anchoring it to the ground) beside the area effect symbol indicate a ground target area effect spell

Over Time - any spell which happens over time will be bracketed on the sides and have four small "tick" marks at the corners.

Area Effect Over Time - Combines the "Over Time" and "Area Effect" widgets.
Resist - A resist spell will have a shield drawn around it.

Please post all bugs and suggestions in the Art, Models and Spell Effects section of the Pendragon Message Boards.


- The ability to craft craft crossbow bolts in Albion has been added.

- The ability to craft arrows/bolts that are additional blunt/piercing damage types has been added.


sounds like some cool things :D

thanks for taking the time to do that mate :D

Orin Askhammare

Yes, but I missed it when I glanced over the tread list, don't ask me why must be because it's morning ;) I had put an edit up top to excuse for my blatant stupidity :D

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