


Among other things, check these :)

- You can now bind in one of your Realm's "portal out" keeps. This means that you won't have to take a horse from your bind point to the portal keep in order to get back into an RvR battle - since now you can bind at your portal keep, you only have to wait for the next porting ceremony.

- Friendly frontier keeps and border keeps now have an NPC ally who will give you a free speed buff to aid you in getting to wherever you need to go (if you don't already have a speed buff from a friendly group member). You can find these allies in all friendly frontier keeps as well as border keeps. Its duration is timed to get you from friendly keep to friendly keep, assuming you don't stop very often to smell the flowers.

Albion: Golestandt has been adjusted in an attempt to provide a fair, challenging fight.

Midgard: Gjalpinulva has been adjusted in an attempt to provide a fair, challenging fight.

Hibernia: Cuuldurach has been adjusted in an attempt to provide a fair, challenging fight.


will make rvr in hibernia well easy for the hibs then the speed buff thing :)


Not really we will still have to run it, instead of sitting on the telepad not getting sniped etc, plus it means all albs will have a runbuff from cruach all the time :-p


i love the idea of bind at portol keeps . i actually sent a email to mythic a while back asking them for this sort of thing "no i dont think this has come because of my email" but it will definatly imo increase the emain population fighting

i think everybody here has been killed in emain had to make a journy to there teleport fort and thewait for wizzys the get to emain get killed and have to do it all again and eventually though fuck it i cant be assed traveling back to suvage , hence not many peeps in emain or armys grow smaller .

i d0nt like the run buf thing though . that sounds like people will abuse its meaning . above it states it helps u get from friendly keep 1 to friendly keep 2 . which unless im mistaken means its specificly for taxi from keep-keep . but i can see people usig the taxi service to speed around emain looking for enemys to kill. whereas if they hadnt had the taxi they would of had no chance of catching them .
if people used it for catching and killing people instead of using it to taxi to and from keeps does that mean he would be abusing the game setting that werentmean t for him to use as a killing tool . ? anywas no matter gonna be a long time before we get 1.52 :( most of europeans will of prolly pissed of to usa servers for pvp server by time we get it . hence no decent emain warfair .


One thing is for sure, when we get that patch to these servers i will renew my account :clap:

Until then :sleeping: :sleeping:


Read about the runbuff on VNB, lasts for 2.5 minutes, 35% increase to speed, cancelled when you get hit, propably when you hit someone too ofcourse. Can't really "abuse" that ;)


Binding at portal keep will have one major impact on the game other than the obvious horse-riding hassle/time wasted etc.

That relic keep nearest the portal keep will be a helluva lot harder to successfully attack for invaders.

But then..will any of the "old-timers" still be playing the game by the time this patch is translated into a language(s) I dont understand (OK - so I do German to a degree) for the benefit of no one here?

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