1.52B nothing major yet


Orin Askhammare

But there are a few nice things :D

This is part B in the massive patch that will be 1.52. Someone should start a pool and guess which letter we're going to get up to.


Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.52B Test Release Notes

Wednesday, July 17, 2002



As you can see from the world notes, we've made some additional small changes to the world in order to make RvR a little more accessible to players. These changes are:

- You can now bind in one of your Realm's "portal out" keeps. This means that you won't have to take a horse from your bind point to the portal keep in order to get back into an RvR battle - since now you can bind at your portal keep, you only have to wait for the next porting ceremony.

- Friendly frontier keeps and border keeps now have an NPC ally who will give you a free speed buff to aid you in getting to wherever you need to go (if you don't already have a speed buff from a friendly group member). You can find these allies in all friendly frontier keeps as well as border keeps. Its duration is timed to get you from friendly keep to friendly keep, assuming you don't stop very often to smell the flowers.


- Ambient sounds in the cities were not working properly, now they are.

- The combat style icons have had a minor update to correct openings.


Albion Trainers: Starting classes that are equipped with a training shield can now obtain another should they lose it. This operates similar to training weapons.

Realm v. Realm - Border keeps: Bindstones have been placed in the main Portal Keeps (Castle Sauvage, Svasud Faste, and Drum Ligen) of each realm.

Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps: A new weapon has been granted to each of the keep lords in the struggle for realm dominance. Each frontier keep has now been outfitted with a new ally, a Hastener, who will grant a run speed buff to friends of the realm. Further, each border keep now has a Hastener ally as well.


Many of the ethereal monsters in the game have taken on a more transparent appearance. Included in this change are: Spectral essences, the echo of life, menacing presences, shivering presences, and many of the other spirits that haunt the Tomb of Mithra.

Albion: Golestandt has been adjusted in an attempt to provide a fair, challenging fight.

The Albion, Hibernian and Midgard waylayers in Hadrians Wall have banded together under new leadership. It is rumored that the constant assaults under the ongoing war have prompted this change.

Midgard: Gjalpinulva has been adjusted in an attempt to provide a fair, challenging fight.

Hibernia: Cuuldurach has been adjusted in an attempt to provide a fair, challenging fight.

A new force has united the disparate outcasts ravaging the forest in the frontier of Hibernia. The celtic brehons, nordic choppers, and albion woodcutters all have fallen under the influence of unknown powers, and now travel together as one group.


- The Blessed Pendant (Albion) now buffs the two-handed skill instead of chants.

- The Reinforced Truemail Helm (Hibernia) now has an energy resist in place of one of the two body resists that used to appear upon delving.

- The Avenging Knight’s Cloak (Albion) now has a matter resist in place of one of the two body resists that used to appear upon delving.

- The Shepherd’s Robe (Albion) should now be dyeable with the appropriate dye type, and it has also been changed to look like a leather robe instead of cloth.

- The Enchanter Staff of Channeling (Hibernia) now appropriately buffs the enchantments focus instead of mentalism.

- Saeor’s Rod of Balefire (Hibernia) should now correctly affect the intelligence stat.

- The Moonlit Leggings (nightshade class quest armor) is now made of the 10th level leather instead of the original 8th level leather (now up to par with all the other class quest armors).

- The following bounty quest items should no longer be stackable: Lost Pearl (Midgard), Glimmering Gem (Hibernia), Grovewood Bark (Hibernia), Terra Crab Claw (Midgard), Black Orm Gland (Midgard), Drakulv Scale (Midgard)

- The Forged Darksteel Runic Staff (Midgard) now has a salvage value set.


the binding at portal keeps may sure be of use (and it will save my poor armsman the 10 minute crawl).

speedbuffing keep-guys .. uhm, sure, whatever :) I doubt it will get to much use but it doesn't hurt (I hope).


It's there to let people get to Emain/Hadrians/Odins faster...
(as it is it's easier for an alb to get to the hib frontier than it is for a hib...)

A minstrel/skald/bard will, as before, be much much better. (from reports it's a tiny speed burst and doesn't last long... getting into combat loses it as well and it won't come back)


But its still alot better than a kick in the nuts ;)


I think its a pretty stupid idea as its hard enough trying to take a strength relic without having a continuous stream of defenders who are as of 1.52 bound at a stone throw away.

Might aswell just make all gatekeepers double up as bind stones.


Hmm... well, it is a good change imho... bind stones at portal keeps that is... although a horse ride from Ludlow -> C.Sauvage aint too long anyhoo. Still... this patch is still int he far future for us folk :(

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