1.52 question



/quote/Sanya comments on Mythic's goals for patch 1.52A
So, I was perusing the Vault, and a comment really jumped out at me: "This is one of those times where it would be really helpful to have a general sense of what the design goal is from the outset of this patch." Here's a list, composed of things our producer already posted on this site as well as a few additions.

In a patch of this size, the player above is correct, y'all might want to know what we're working on, before you read parts A and B and think we're ignoring issues 1,2 and 3. Our fearless producer already shared with you some things:

- Bolt Problems
- Population Imbalance on Servers leading to one realm owning all keeps
- Melee issues in general in RvR
- Support classes not getting their fair share of Realm Points
- Light Tank issues (Blademaster/Mercenary especially)
- Stun/Mez breaking (resisted more, more ways to break out of it)

In addition, we're taking a look at the following:

- Travel time involved in getting back to the action on the frontiers
- Assessing bounty point rewards
- Removing the to-hit multiplier as we have already done on Mordred/Andred (in other words, lower levels can hit higher levels, with the damage modifiers being strictly that of armor and weapon/spell level, and not the player's level)
- Combat Styles as they relate to RVR

And there is even still more planned, but this list only includes the things we've discussed and worked on so far. Watch the patch notes! If you don't see something from the above list in part B or beyond, keep watching. The simple things will be finished first, and the more complex work will be done later in the evolution of the patch.

The respec *is* still on the table. But, as I think is clear from the number of things we're revamping, we are of the opinion that it would be best to implement it after we've finished the larger changes. /quote/

Found off catacombs.

-My question to you is does anyone know what specifically will be modified on the Light weight tanks(Blademaster and Merc) Im gonna start a BM and i dont wanna get a even more *gimped* char cuz of some change in 1.52 that i dont know of:/


Whatever they do to BMs and Mercs, I can't imagine they could actually gimp them any more than they already are ;)

I imagine they will fix parry/block in RvR, remove level based to hit modifiers and maybe fix Celtic Dual and Dual Wield.


Parry and block work in RvR =P It's just damn hard to block styles without engage.


Yeah, thats what I mean by fix :p Not being able to block/parry styles is stupid bearing in mind that alot of tank classes spec shield/parry to 40+.


the way in which she pointed out the BM/Merc problems makes me asume they'll finally recieve some love..

next stop. Cabalist :)

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Originally posted by keyzer.dk
- Support classes not getting their fair share of Realm Points
- Stun/Mez breaking (resisted more, more ways to break out of it)


The info on what exactly is going to be altered about the light tanks isn't out yet. But I think if you are going for a dual wield BM template whatever changes will be implemented in 1.52 will only benefit you.

Yeah, thats what I mean by fix Not being able to block/parry styles is stupid bearing in mind that alot of tank classes spec shield/parry to 40+.

Well, you should have seen me with my warden against a Norse shield warrior in a duelling fightclub we had on MLF. That guy parried/blocked more than half my STYLED attacks (I was using the Slam style, the taunt style from the Hibernia blunt line and I had 35 specced in blunts FYI). After the duelling I met the guy on the VN boards, I asked how high his block and parry were. He said with all bonusses counted in (also from realm ranks) he had 53 shield and 49 parry. He prolly had a bunch of Mastery of Blocking / Mastery of Parrying too. That was in patch 1.51 BTW, just about a week ago.

Now before I make you too overexcited, wardens have low strength and are on the naturalist 'hit tables'. Naturalists have a tendancy to miss often, so I think they aren't the best in breaking through such a defensive tank either.

FYI, the warrior was equipped in his epic armor (100 AF, 100% qual, 35% bonus). I was using a player crafted enchanted arcanite spiked mace (16.2 DPS, 98% qual, 35% bonus from enchanting).


Removal of the lvl-based to-hit penalties.... ok, what about lvl-based damage penalties? Presumably the alteration of the to-hit chance system wouldn't mean that a lvl 20 can hit a lvl 50 for as much as he would hit another lvl 20?


Population Imbalance on Servers leading to one realm owning all keeps

This one interests me, how would they accomplish this?

would they give bonuses to realms with the least keeps or something, because doing that would seem a little skewed :/


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Removal of the lvl-based to-hit penalties.... ok, what about lvl-based damage penalties? Presumably the alteration of the to-hit chance system wouldn't mean that a lvl 20 can hit a lvl 50 for as much as he would hit another lvl 20?

lvl 20 does how much damage to a yellow con?

Compare that to the dmage a level 50 does to a yellow con.

don't worry... the lvl 20 still won't have a snowballs chance.


don't worry... the lvl 20 still won't have a snowballs chance.

Yes, but a group of lvl 20s will have a chance. In the old system a lvl 50 could jump in and whack virtually unlimited amounts of lowbies, this won't be the case however though.

I'm currently playing on Andred where the to-hit penalties are gone and the difference is remarkable. Especially groups of greys possessing stun/snare abbilities can bring down purples to their knees very easely.


I've parried a CD from an infil in RvR ;P

Anyway, yes, the block and parry should work somewhat better in RvR. It works perfect when using engage or when your opponent doesn't have styles. A healer friend of mine took 4 minutes and all instas to kill a blue con champion. Got a lot of swings blocked. I was foolish enough to try to kill a scout in a mass fight at Excalibur relic keep. The guy blocked all my swings with engage :/

About to hit multiplier: it was said that you will hit more often but for less damage, ie. your damage cap on a purple player will be lower. However masses of grays can take down purples if and when they remove those modifiers.

Hmm... I can already see 500 lvl 20 lurikeens invading Mjollner Faste... EEK! Kinda like having those 2k skeletons in Heroes of Might and Magic.

old.Faye Arwen

yessssssssssssssssssss the HELL with mesmerize! CHARGE! KILL THEM ALL! <goes back to the dull cave she came from>


Originally posted by Galatea

This one interests me, how would they accomplish this?

would they give bonuses to realms with the least keeps or something, because doing that would seem a little skewed :/

Or you have to pay a tax to the local lord to stay in the realm :)

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