1.51H Patch Changes (Stacking DOTs in Albion - omg)


Jaas Mallai

Yes it maybe the next jubilee before we get it, but nevertheless stacking DOTs in Albion, with Mythics Reputation!!!!

from: http://www.camelotherald.com/more/382.php
Re-tuned Sorcerer/Cabalist/Wizard/Mentalist DoT damages to have lower per-tick values, but to do their damage over a shorter period of time. They have been re-balanced to have 12 second durations and hit for 5 ticks (including the initial hit). The Sorcerer, Cabalist, and Wizard spec DoTs all stack now, as well. The net result with stacking DoTs for the Sorcerer and Cabalist should be a substantial improvement, and DoTs should now be well worth their power cost.

Well not before time! :clap:

Someone gonna pee on my fire?? :p



Man, you should read it a bit better. That they will be stacking is the only improvement. But on the whole it's a NERF. Level 50 cab will do 300 damage with one DoT in 12 seconds. Wow, he'll be feared :rolleyes:


Jaas, go and read the vnboards post about dot damage modifications here. 1.51G doubled the damage, 1.51 took the damge for the live servers and did 1/3 of the damage in 1/2 the time, so now you use twice as much mana, casting the spell twice to to 2/3 of the current damage in the same time. And of course losing another 6 seconds of casting time that could be used on three dds on top of the dots.

This is actually changing something that was fairly viable into something thats not.

Not good.

They took something they knew needed to be improved, improved it until it was too good, then nerfed it.

I'd be happy with you having our unique ability, stackable dots, if we got the permanent pet you get, or if we get (even a crappy) aoe mez like minstrels have. But you probably don't want to get our unique ability just as they nerf it under the guise of improving it.

We can only hope the next patch gets the happy medium, and of course hope that GOA ever get tthat patch to us.

Jaas Mallai

Ok Ok, maybe a little hasty with my joy (sorry scan read it whilst at work)

But as they are in the process of tweaking these things, it may be resolved (well we can hope).

BUT, stacking DOTs in Alb is a good idea? I never understood why my DOT didn't stack with a cabbie DOT from a different spec line.

Still no point for a sorcerer to spec matter to get another DOT to stack (you lose too much from either not speccing mind, or body), even when they made the dmg output of the DOT really high.

We can only hope the next patch gets the happy medium, and of course hope that GOA ever get tthat patch to us.

tbh, this looks like what is happening - from way to powerful, to not powerful enough to .... hopefully a happy medium

Also, as this is a team game? Then the fact that the possibility of 4 or 5 DOTs stacking is much better than the no stacking alb gets at the moment.

Next time promise to read it properly, and neglect my use-csae diagrams :)


That's a TEST patch - nothing of the changes are definitive, Mythic is a lot experimenting in that patch too so I wouldn't worry to fast :p

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