


Ahh, mezzes and stuns duration could go down up to 50%... wee how nice... Now i won't even have time to run away from that incoming alb army I just tried to mezz but half of them resisted anyways... :)

/em dies

Quemine ~ 50 Healer


For clerics:
" Increased timer on Heavenly Visions from 30
seconds to 5 minutes."


A mez on a 5 minute timer??!!


one step in the right direction

MORE ALBION NERFS (preferably stealth ones) !!!!! :D


Again no Caba love. :(
Lets hope for 1.51F :)


cool beanz, the friar got a taunt ranged pull spell ^^

(/me is going to play a friar on mordred with me tz pals)


Originally posted by Smart
For clerics:
" Increased timer on Heavenly Visions from 30
seconds to 5 minutes."


A mez on a 5 minute timer??!!

Nooo! That seems way too long :(


Its nice that they changed there mind on the 100% nerfage of smite and only semi-nerfed it instead :p, feel sorry for all you smiters out there :p

teaches you for pretending to be casters ;D


Originally posted by Quemine
Ahh, mezzes and stuns duration could go down up to 50%... wee how nice... Now i won't even have time to run away from that incoming alb army I just tried to mezz but half of them resisted anyways... :)

/em dies

Quemine ~ 50 Healer

About time paladins get a chance to be useful in RvR. This one I've been waiting for, nerfed mezz and Stun.


In RvR, pallies are still going to be useless. Or at best, they'll get better but still be inferior to every other hign-melee-spec class in the game. Anyhow.... to get 50% mind/spirit resist (whichever it is ;p) you'd have to sacrifice a lot of other resists.

Smite was cut 22% in 1.51C, then in 1.51E it's been bumped up against, but the final smite DD has been lowered to spec43 and its power has been reduced accordingly. So.... those with 48smite are now even more buggered, gfg mythic. The nerfing of the PBAE (albions only insta CC) simultaneous to the addition of a ranged instamezz and instaroot to hibernia.... well, i have no clue what mythic are doing.

actually they're just listening to the majority whinge. If there were more middy healers, their complaints might be heard and stun/mezz would not be further nerfed. If there were more friars around to complain, we might have dex in our increase-as-u-lvl stats instead of some shitty taunt shout.
This is BS. Personally my only interest in the smite cleric nerfage is that if Mythic can declare a class finished and balanced and correctly powered, and then turn around and nerf it into redundancy half a year later... how can you ever trust them not to make your class next?
Middy: enjoy your healers, they get nothing but nerfs over the coming patches and CC/healing still doesn't earn RPs. Nerfs before improvements, that's the Mythic ethos atm...



Originally posted by LandShark
In RvR, pallies are still going to be useless. Or at best, they'll get better but still be inferior to every other hign-melee-spec class in the game. Anyhow.... to get 50% mind/spirit resist (whichever it is ;p) you'd have to sacrifice a lot of other resists.

Smite was cut 22% in 1.51C, then in 1.51E it's been bumped up against, but the final smite DD has been lowered to spec43 and its power has been reduced accordingly. So.... those with 48smite are now even more buggered, gfg mythic. The nerfing of the PBAE (albions only insta CC) simultaneous to the addition of a ranged instamezz and instaroot to hibernia.... well, i have no clue what mythic are doing.

With the best will in the World, things rarely turn out as one would hope. RvR has the POTENTIAL to be the best thing since sliced bread for online gaming fun.

Now would anbody pretend that it is even coming close to its potential at the moment?

RvR battles need to last much longer, and they need to have an altered balance between the classes to help it last longer. In addition to other things. For instance tanks of whatever Realm should be able to have great fun in RvR.

Sooooo, things HAVE got to be changed, if ALL players are going to stand a chance of benefitting.

In the original scheme of things, the Cleric did give the appearance of being well thought out and balanced. However, the impact that this SUPPORT class has had, has turned out to be severely imbalanced. It is doing things that a support class shouldn't be able to do. YES a support class needs to be able to do a bit of damage just for self preservation and a level of viability. It shouldn't be one of the prime movers when it comes to offensive capability. Casters, tanks and archers have that role, and are entitled to that role.

Now the choice is this, bring up a support class on each of the other Realms to be as significant and influential in RvR as the Cleric can be, and get RvR lasting for even shorter periods, OR, start addressing the timescale issues in RvR battles.

We will all benefit from better RvR. Better RvR = more fun.

Only those whose only interest is almost invulnerable ganking, which quickly leads to boredom, can have a vested interest in things remaining as they are, imho.


Landshark, i laugh at you.

Want to compare pallies and other melee oriented chars ? lets do it

let's say every pure melee oriented class is pure rubbish.

-You get plate armor instead of chain/scale
-You get chants (dmg buff,hp regen, resistances,af)
-You get a short casting time rez

so :

you get hp regen abilities like a skald (but higher hp values and only in battle) or a bard (higher hp values and you dont need an instrument)

+ a various other chants which are twistable (never seen a skald twist)

you get better armor then "the melee oriented realm"

then, part b, the clerics

a cleric is a support class which they gave a really overpowered dd ability (albeit on a slightly bigger casting time) and they tuned it down . boo-hoo , still nothing compared to berserker crit % and doublefrost nerfs.

I must admit that the pbae mez on the 5 min timer is a bit too much , 2 minutes would've been fairer.


Landshark, i laugh at you.

why? he's right you know....

Yellow con pally's last on average 5-6 seconds to my thane...

i see them, I cast 2 mjolnir's, the reach me, I intsa dd and pbAoE then I hit him twice

blabla bla was just kiled by Korvarn

Yellow con Armsmen last 10-15 seconds, and sometimes put up a good fight

pally's have less HP than armsmen, hit for less, and their chants are no good over a 5-10 second timeline

I'm the one laughing


I'm not bothered by the nerfing of the cleric DD spells. That might be necessary, they are after all, as many of you have pointed out, a support class.

But a FIVE (5) MINUTE timer on the PB AoE mez??? It's practically useless after that...


It's a 'get out of jail free card' or was meant to be...

They've done the same with all the other instants out there.


haha clerics got hit by the naughty nerf bat , ABOUT TIME !!

but 5 minutes maybe too long hmm well not much to do about it :/


klavrynd, dont talk about stuff u dont know jack about


As a druid, I don't care how much damage clerics do with smite. what made them uber was NO melee class could get them with that 30 second timer. So as a druid when assaulted by a cleric I was quite helpless. Now I can hope to get some hits on them.

I have a balanced druid, 20 Nurture, 26 regrowth, 30 Nature at lvl42, so I'm happy with the patch.

Of course, Clerics getting ALL their points in smite are one way characters, so nerfing one line hurts. Did you clerics see the AWESOME bump of healing ability for all realms healers? 2000 range! Better mana to hp ratio! That is what will have me push my regrowth to max possible after having pushed Nature to 36 to get the first insta aoe root.


what saddens me is all these ppl bitching and whining about nerfs instead of trying to enjoy the game. For all those who played uo they will know what nerfs are like, i see daoc going the same way. Too many cry babies bitching there class is inferior and want the latest class who beat them nerfed. Im a lv40 cleric and the last two days ive died to archers who hit more than i could heal, do i caomplain..no i deal with it. Instead some people vent there frustrations here.

Seriously guys/gals if you love this game you will cool down on begging for nerfs or it will be a clone of uo when trammel came out, poor pvp and a shadow of the game it could once of being


ok as tons are pointing out on VN boards WTF are mythic thinking give uber class like cleric there llast smite sooner, and because they all cried at damage being lowered it got raised again. then in same patch the lower the effect of Dots by 25% damage due to resists, this just equals powerfull class cleric gets better and poor shamans who are pretty gimpy get there damage cut!! Ok mythic says the resists now bring dots in line with DD if this iis so why is a Dot tiny damage over time and has no crit chance FFs to crit shamans have to buy a realm ability and 2 shamans cant even dot same mob

Ahh well least they saw some sence and took that stupid Ae stun back of earth wiz :)


But when you all stop and think for a second instead of whining....how many of you are actaully gonna be still playing your current character (or this game), by the time we get that patch.


exactly, we will get this patch in like 6 months, all the ppl who have died toa smite cleric have put on their nappies and sat here sulking

kinda sad really


tilde , how bout you prove me wrong instead of saying i know "jack shit" about pallies.


What I've seen so far is a patch every 3 months just to get people to want to pay another 3 months subsciption. So I think it will be abit more than 6 months. Probably a year :eek6: Hope it's not that long though. :m00: :sleeping:

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