1/2 Vacancies



Unfortunately we have lost several of members over the past few weeks due to reasons that were out of our control, which basically means that we need a few more players to step in and become a member of our team, we are looking for sollys and/or medic/scouts or just all round players, we are a member of the BWTFCL and the MORAT ladder, and in Clanbase (not played in it yet).

We are currently at the top of our group :)D ) - Div. 3 Group C, we only want players who can play up to 3/4 times in a week, preferably from the UK, dont need an Uber-ping, but something <250 is nice :D :D

If you are interested in a trial for the clan come to

#d-com on quakenet.org

and talk to either me or Bahney, my co-leader.

If you don't have an IRC client you can ICQ me on 99621953 or bahney on 66806744.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Thanks people :) :)

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