1.117 Pendragon Patch Notes

Solic Archers

Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2007
1.117 Pendragon Patch Notes


  • The Casual Group Finder is here! Click a button and get placed into an RvR or PvE group!
  • Check out the changes to Doppelgangers in the Frontiers and a new, permanent, quest in each Battleground!
  • Loads of bug fixes have been served up with Draughts of Heroism and Supremacy at the top of the list!
  • 8 new emotes have made their way into the game! Sometimes, Camelot is a silly place.
  • A strange rift has opened up in Lyonesse while the naturalists of Hibernia and the seers of Midgard say they can feel a static in the air of the Bog of Cullen and the Vanern Swamp. Read on for more details!

  • Doppelgangers now grant 200 realm points in addition to their shards. These realm points will be split evenly among group members.
    • There are now a maximum of 4 Doppelgangers spawned out of a potential 8 locations in each of Emain Macha, Hadrian's Wall, and Odin's Gate.
    • There are now a maximum of 4 Doppelgangers spawned out of a potential 8 locations in each of Breifine, Pennine, and Jamtland Mountains.
    • There are now a maximum of 3 Doppelgangers spawned out of a potential 7 locations in Agramon.
    • Several Doppelganger spawn locations have been changed. The intent of the change is to move most of the potential locations away from the Ruined Keeps and Maze areas in order to encourage more roaming.
  • Permanent Recharger and Healer NPCs have been added to each realm's Portal Keep.

  • The Supplies for the Cause quest supply boxes and rubble no longer provide Bounty Points when collected. Instead, the amount of Bounty Points received for completing the quest has been increased from 500 to 2500.
    • The Supplies for the Cause quest now grants 200 realm points for each completion.
  • New Battleground quests have been added to replace the Holiday Gift Retrieval Event quests.
    • These quests can be picked up from the NPC “Jain” located near the portal pad in the primary Border Keep in each realm.
    • These quests provide an Experience and Realm Point reward consistent with the Battleground in which they are completed.
    • This new permanent version will grant slightly less Realm Points than the Event versions.
Casual Group Finder
  • A new Casual Group Finder queue system has been added to the game.
    • This system will allow players to queue for either an RvR or PvE group and be automatically placed in one once enough other players in their level bracket and that fulfill pre-assigned group roles have been found.
    • Level brackets for the CGF follow the existing Battleground brackets with a separate bracket for level 50s.
  • A new “CGF” button has been added to the default Group window on the Paperdoll or players can use the “/cgf” slash command to open the CGF window.
    • Once the CGF window is open, players can simply choose their available class role that they’d like to queue for and then click “Set.”
    • The default queueing process is for RvR groups. If you would like to queue for a PvE group, simply flag the PvE checkbox at the top of the CGF window prior to choosing your class role and clicking the Set button.
    • For Custom UI developers, a new UI event has been added for this window: ToggleCasualGroupFinder
  • Once queued, groups will be formed once 1 class from each of the 4 class roles has been found.
    • Class roles are defined as follows:
      • Healer – Your primary role is to keep your group-mates alive.
      • Crowd Control (CC) – Your primary role is to lay down Crowd Control abilities in order to debilitate your group's foes.
      • DPS - Your primary role is to provide damage for your group against its foes.
      • Utility - Your primary role is to harass or interrupt your group's foes or to provide tertiary support to your groupmates.
  • Once a group of 4 players has been formed, the next 4 group slots will be filled out with a weight towards the Healer role (for 1 slot) and the DPS/Utility roles for the next 3 slots.
    • If a group loses one of the 4 main class roles, the CGF will add that role back into the group before adding in other roles.
  • Group leaders of CGF groups can still invite other players normally.
  • Group leaders of CGF groups will get a new “Options” button added to their default Group window on the Paperdoll that will let them choose to flag their formed group as private, RvR casual, or PvE casual.
    • Casual Group leaders can also type the “/goption” command to bring up this window.
    • For Custom UI developers, a new UI event has been added for this window: ToggleGroupOptions
  • Group leaders of normally formed groups will also get a new “Options” button added to their default Group window on the Paperdoll that will let them choose to flag their formed group as private, RvR casual, or PvE casual.
    • Normal Group leaders can also type the “/goption” command to bring up this window.
  • Private/Normal groups that decide to flag themselves as a Casual group will have class roles automatically assigned to them and the CGF will then begin adding new queued players to that group based on the same class roles rules described above.
  • For more information on the Casual Group Finder and how it works, please check out the Casual Group Finder FAQ!
  • Powerful surges of magic have been detected from the Tomb of Mithra, Nisse's Lair, and Muire's Tomb. Sages from all three realms have been dispatched to these locations to investigate, and a call has been sent out for adventures to aid in the exploration of these disturbances.
    • The monster levels in the Tomb of Mithra, Nisse's Lair, and Muire's Tomb have been adjusted. Players from levels 10 to 18 should find these locations to be good hunting grounds, offering increased experience and coin.
    • The loot in the Tomb of Mithra, Nisse's Lair, and Muire's Tomb has been updated. Players adventuring in this area may find basic armor of all kinds off of most of the dungeon enemies. Additionally, the named enemies in these dungeons now have a chance to drop new, improved items.
    • Several quests have been added to the different towns throughout the world directing players to these dungeons, where they can pick up several quests for each dungeon. These will have players investigating these dungeons, learning more about the enemies within and attempting to stop whatever evil plans they are hatching.
  • The Director Kobil encounter in Darkness Falls has had its spawn rate increased.
  • Players will now only get credit for killing Lilith in Darkness Falls when standing within 3000 in-game units of her when she dies.
  • Players will now only get credit for killing Beliathan in Darkness Falls when standing within 3000 in-game units of him when he dies.

Another World Ghost Campaign – The Beginnings
  • Eerily Quiet - A new quest chain has been added that will lead players to a portal in the far reaches of their realm.
    • Defend Albion against Spirits that have crossed over to the waking world. Level 50 players should speak with Chamberlain Harlen in the King’s Throne Room to begin their investigation.
    • (Pendragon Only) The other realms will have similar quests and encounters added in prior to 1.117’s release.
Realm Rank Extension

As Dark Age of Camelot progresses, many of our players have fought their way to the tops of the realm rank charts. To allow these players the opportunity to achieve new goals in the New Frontiers, we have extended the realm rank system to Realm Rank 14.

  • Characters will receive one realm skill point for each realm level, which means that the total possible realm skill points will increase from 120 to 130.
  • Specialization bonuses will continue through Rank 14, with a total of +13 at Rank 14.
  • Characters with 66,181,501 or more realm points will need to earn at least 1 realm point before they will become their appropriate new realm rank and level.

Realm Rank 14

Albion Rank Title – Archduke/Archduchess
Midgard Rank Title – Stor Jarl/Stor Hurfru
Hibernia Rank Title – Ard Diuc/Ard Bandiuc

The following chart represents the total number of realm points required for each realm rank and level:

66,181,501 realm points = RR13 L0
73,461,466 realm points = RR13 L1
81,542,227 realm points = RR13 L2
90,511,872 realm points = RR13 L3
100,468,178 realm points = RR13 L4
111,519,678 realm points = RR13 L5
123,786,843 realm points = RR13 L6
137,403,395 realm points = RR13 L7
152,517,769 realm points = RR13 L8
169,294,723 realm points = RR13 L9
187,917,143 realm points = RR14 L0

  • Melee snare style durations will no longer be modified by +duration gear, just like melee stuns.
  • Several Recast Timer changes have been made to alleviate recast timers overlapping with abilities they shouldn’t:
    • Instant-cast Champion Level Abilities should no longer reset the recast timers of any normal spells or master level/realm abilities.
    • Summon Warcrystal and Battlewarder Convoker spells now share a recast timer.
    • Prescience Node and Speedwarp Convoker spells now share a recast timer.
    • Power Trap and Dissonance Trap Convoker spells now share a recast timer.
    • The Safefall Champion Level Ability is now a 20 minute duration buff instead of an instant-cast ability.
  • The following emotes have been added:
    • /howl
    • /diabolical
    • /brandish
    • /startled
    • /talk
    • /monty
    • /loco
    • /cower
  • All recharge-able items with a power-level of 45+ have had their charges and max charges increased or normalized to 30 charges and 30 max charges.
    • Subsequently, the recharge cost on these items has been increased from 10g/charge to 50g/charge.
    • This change does not affect any items that have unlimited charges.
    • Affected items will not have their current charges value adjusted until the item has been recharged. For example, an item with 10/10 charges currently will now have 10/30 charges after the patch until the item is recharged again to get 30/30 charges.
  • CL15 Weapons have had their maximum Durability-modifier increased. These weapons will continue to lose condition but their durability will no longer decrease when repaired.
  • All weapons now have the hidden 5% to-hit bonus previously found only on Artifacts, ML10, Dragonslayer Quest, Pictish, Pictslayer, Battleground and Classic-World Quest Hub, CL5, CL15, and King's Epic Weapons.
  • The following changes have been made to the Champion Level 15 Darkness Falls weapons:
    • The Miscast Debuff Proc on the CL15 weapons has been changed to a -55 AF Debuff proc.
    • The Cast Speed Reduction Proc on the CL15 weapons has been increased from a 45% to 75% reduction in cast speed.
    • The Fumble Debuff Proc on the CL15 Weapons has had its fumble chance reduced from 30% to 20%.
    • The Accuracy Proc on the CL15 Ranger Mainhand weapons (non-left hand usable) has been changed to the Fumble Debuff Proc.
    • The Fumble Debuff Proc on the CL15 Ranger Offhand weapons (left-hand usable) has been changed to an Accuracy Proc.
Bug Fixes
  • Draughts of Supremacy and Heroism will now always work. They can also now be used in any zone.
  • Several locations have been fixed where players could hide in keep geometry.
  • Scrolls of Recall can once again be used in any zone, so long as the user is out of combat.
  • The Maddening Scalars ABS buff proc should no longer overwrite Caster self-ABS buffs.
  • Aten's Shield, Winged Helm, and Traldor's Oracle should now properly grant credit to players for the level 10 version of those Artifacts when completing their respective encounters.
  • Vampiric Mists pets spawned from the Traitor's Dagger artifact can now be killed with Confuse spells.
  • Alb Coast boat path now drops players from Hibernia at the proper drop-off location.
  • Horses with the +movement speed Horse Armors equipped will now move at the correct speed in PvE zones.
  • The Pictslayer Left Axe now has +All Duel Wield skills instead of +All Melee Weapon skills
  • The King's Epic Shadowhunter Sleeves have had their +4% spell range stat changed to the correct +2 Stealth Skill stat.
  • The King's Epic Brigandine Gloves of Covert Defense now have +4% to spell damage.
  • Glacial Shadowblade Axe now displays the correct 16.5 damage modifier.
  • The Bonedancer's Summon Bone Dart spell now displays its correct spell level (14).


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
- The Maddening Scalars ABS buff proc should no longer overwrite Caster self-ABS buffs.

Its only taken them 11 years and a bit.

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