Solic Archers

Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2007


  • Obtain one of the 250+ brand new or revamped Champion Abilities and one of the 150+ Champion Weapons on your quest for Champion Level 15!
  • Brave the depths of the Darkness Falls RvR dungeon to experience new encounters and find new rewards!
  • The Portal Ceremony has made its exit!
  • Several item and class adjustments, including global item use-timers, Assassins, Warlocks, and Caster stat debuffs!


  • Master Vaughn, Stor Gothi Dagny, and Brerend will no longer be performing the Portal Ceremony. Instead they will teleport players to the same teleport locations as other Channelers found throughout the world.
  • (Ywain Only) Players will now respawn in their realm's Portal Keep when /releasing in the Frontiers instead of the strength Relic town.
  • Portal stones have been added back to both Border Keeps and both Relic Towns
  • A new teleporter has been added to the Portal Keeps that will teleport players directly to the Relic Towns
  • Buff NPCs have been moved back inside of the Portal Keeps
  • Apprentice Vaughn, Dagny, and Brerend have been moved from the Strength Relic Towns to the Power Relic Towns
  • Archer guards at each Portal Keep have had their attack range increased to the proper amount. They will now attack from the same distance as the caster guards.
  • The invulnerable guards around the Strength Relic Towns have been removed.
  • The Supplies for the Cause quest rewards have been reduced from all 3 Doppelganger realm shards to a choice of 2 Doppelganger realm shards.
Champion Levels


  • All players have received a forced Champion Ability respec and had their points refunded.
  • Players are now able to progress to Champion Level 15.
o This means players will receive the normal hit point modifier and power pool increase with each subsequent champion level.
o Champion Level 15 is earned in the same way that CLs 1-10 were earned: experience. Quests and RvR combat will be the fastest ways to earn CL XP.
o If you have already visited the King once to embark on the Champion Levels, there is no need to visit him to proceed towards CL15.
  • Each champion level between 11 and 15 will require twice as much experience as each champion level between 1 and 10.
  • Players will now receive 1 additional Champion Ability point when embarking on their Champion Levels.
o This means after the forced champion level respec, CL10 players will see that they have 11 CL points to spend now instead of the previous 10.
  • Players will receive 1 additional Champion Ability point for each Champion Level from 11 to 15, for a total of 16 points at CL15.
  • Champion Abilities have received a complete overhaul.
  • Champion Ability-point costs have been altered as follows:
o First ability in each column: 1 point
o Second ability in each column: 2 points
o Third ability in each column: 3 points
o Fourth ability in each column: 4 points
o Fifth ability in each column: 5 points
  • This means in order to get all 5 abilities in a given column, it will take 15 of the possible 16 Champion Ability points.
  • In conjunction with this point increase, almost all previously-existing abilities have been moved and condensed towards the beginning of each column.
o This means that the old point cost for the 5th ability in a column (5 total points) is roughly the same as it is now for the 3rd ability in a column (6 total points). Given this general increase, almost all of the old 5th abilities are now located at the 3rd position in a column or earlier, and so on.
§ With the condensing of abilities, several under-used or under-powered abilities have been removed.
o The new 4th and 5th slot Champion Abilities in each column are significant upgrades from either abilities obtained earlier in that column, or are unique, new abilities.
  • Scores of new abilities have been added and almost all of the existing abilities have been tweaked. Check out the base trainers in each realm to see them!
o The same base trainer restrictions apply as before. Players may only train CL abilities from base trainers other than their class’ base trainer.
§ Base Trainers are located in Cotswold and Caer Gothwaite in Albion, Mularn and Aegirhamn in Midgard, and Mag Mell and Grove of Domnann in Hibernia
  • Newly obtained Luminescent Cambiare Stones can now be /used in order to perform a CL respec and will now stack to a count of 25, instead of 5.
o These stones can only be /used when unstacked and when at least 1 Champion Ability point has been spent.
o Already purchased and pre-existing Luminescent Cambiare Stones will not be /usable unless stacked on top of a newly purchased stone.
o Newly purchased stones that get stacked onto pre-existing ones will no longer be /usable either, so be careful!
  • A new quest line has been added to help guide players towards achieving Champion Level 15.
  • Travel to your realm’s throne room and speak to the following NPC in order to embark on these new quests.
o Chamberlain Harlen in Albion
o Athr Hasetti Theyr in Midgard
o Seneschal Desmond in Hibernia
o Players must be CL10+ in order to receive this new quest.
  • Performing this quest chain will grant players additional Daemon Blood Seals as well as a significant amount of CL XP.
  • 150+ new Champion Level 15 Weapons have been added, and they look stunning!
  • These weapons can be obtained by either defeating certain high-end encounters within Darkness Falls or by obtaining the new DF currency, Daemon Blood Seals, and purchasing the weapons from the new Imp Blood Seal merchants within the dungeon.
o These weapons are purchase-able prior to CL15 but will not be able to be equipped until CL15 has been obtained.
o These weapons are trade-able and multiple weapons can be obtained, though each weapon can only be equipped by its designated class.
Darkness Falls


  • The following mob encounters have received significant upgrades in behavior and difficulty. Each of these encounters, aside from Beliathan and Lilith which are simply BG-credit, require players to be within the immediate area of the mob to receive credit for their kill. These areas are marked with region names that display when entering and leaving them.
o Legion
o Lilith the Demon Queen
o Beliathan
o Grand Chancellor Adremal
o Field Marshal Nebir
o Prince Abdin
o Prince Asmoien
o Prince Ba’alorien
o Princess Nahemah
o High Lord Baelerdoth
o High Lord Baln
o High Lord Oro
o High Lord Saeor
o Gatekeeper Dommel
  • All other mobs throughout Darkness Falls have had their difficulty increased.
  • The experience and coin bonuses for venturing in Darkness Falls have been increased from 100% to 150%.
  • New, upgraded loot has been added to Legion, Lilith the Demon Queen, Beliathan, Grand Chancellor Adremal, and Field Marshal Nebir.
  • A new currency has been added to the dungeon: Daemon Blood Seals. Blood Seals can be used to purchase the new CL15 Weapons and new unique loot.
  • Daemon Blood Seals will be available almost exclusively via quest. Seek out Mystemas near each realm’s merchants for repeatable quests that direct players to content that will grant the seals. Some seals will also have a chance to drop off the very high-end encounters.
  • New Imp Merchants have been added to each realm’s merchant area at their entrance to the dungeon that will sell the Daemon Blood Seal items.
  • All Imp merchants now denote which type of items they have for sale. Armor Merchants will also sell jewelry.
o Emerald Armor Merchant
o Emerald Weapon Merchant
o Sapphire Amor Merchant
o Sapphire Weapon Merchant
o Diamond Armor Merchant
o Diamond Weapon Merchant
o Blood Armor Merchant
o Blood Weapon Merchant
  • The Call of the Champion quests in Darkness Falls have been disabled.
  • New repeatable quests have been added that direct players to kill high-end encounters in Darkness Falls for the new Daemon Blood Seals. Visit the NPC, Mystemas, around each realm’s merchants in Darkness Falls in order to obtain these quests.
o All of these repeatable quests are also automatically given when defeating the requisite encounter, so picking up the quests beforehand, while not necessary, will at least direct you towards the appropriate encounters.
Class Balance



  • Assassins have been given a forced skill respec.
Critical Strike Specialization
  • The level 44 style, Rib Separation, now opens off Evade and is no longer a followup to Hamstring. Its to-hit bonus has been decreased from 15% to 10% and defensive bonus decreased from 10% to 5%. Its random armor piece wither effect has had its duration reduced from 20s to 15s.
  • The level 45 style, Incapacitate, has had its to-hit bonus increased from 15% to 20%.
  • The level 46 style, Neck Shot, has had its to-hit bonus increased from 20% to 25%.
  • The level 47 style, Rib Shot, has had its to-hit bonus increased from 20% to 25%.
  • The level 48 style, Hip Shot, has had its to-hit bonus increased from 20% to 25%.
  • The level 50 style, Ripper, now follows the Garrote style instead of the Achilles Heel style. Its random armor piece wither effect has had its duration reduced from 20s to 15s.
  • The single-target and area-of-effect instant amnesia spells have had their ranged reduced from 2300 to 2000.
  • All caster and support instant stat debuff spells (strength, constitution, dexterity, str/con, dex/qui, and de- haste) have been normalized from a 5s recast and varying durations down to a 10s recast and 30s duration.
  • The instant haste, str/con, dex/qui, and acuity stat debuffs have had their durations reduced to 45s.
  • In conjunction with the instant stat debuff recast and duration changes, the following changes have been made.
o The level 3 to level 18 single target dex/qui debuff spells have been changed to area of effect debuffs.
o The now AoE dex/qui debuff and AoE str/con debuff spells share a recast timer.
  • The instant acuity stat debuffs have had their durations reduced to 45s.
  • The instant acuity stat debuffs have had their durations reduced to 45s.
  • Warlocks now have access to the Mastery of Healing and Wild Healing realm abilities.
  • Warlocks have been given a forced skill respec.
Witchcraft Specialization
  • The Greater Spell of Absorption line of spells in the Witchcraft specialization are no longer secondary spells and have been changed from a targeted damage suppression focus buff to a normal, self-targeted melee absorb buff as follows:
Level 13 - Spell of Protection - 13% abs - 4 power cost - 20 minute duration - 3.0s cast time
Level 24 - Greater Spell of Protection - 17% abs - 6 power cost - 20 minute duration - 3.0s cast time
Level 33 - Lesser Spell of Absorption - 21% abs - 8 power cost - 20 minute duration - 3.0s cast time
Level 43 - Spell of Absorption - 26% abs - 10 power cost - 20 minute duration - 3.0s cast time
Level 49 - Greater Spell of Absorption - 31% abs - 12 power cost - 20 minute duration - 3.0s cast time

  • The Erode Armor (AF debuff) spells are now secondary instead of normal-casted spells and can take advantage of the Warlock's Primer spells' benefits.

Hexing Specialization
  • The Putrefying Hex (lifetap) line of spells has had its damage type changed from Matter to Energy
  • A casted Matter debuff line of spells has been added to the Hexing specialization as follows:
Level 23 - Malevolent Affliction - 15% Matter Debuff - 8s duration - 2.0s cast time - 12 power
Level 34 - Malevolent Pestilence - 25% Matter Debuff - 8s duration - 2.0s cast time - 16 power
Level 44 - Malevolent Scourge - 40% Matter Debuff - 8s duration - 2.0s cast time - 24 power

  • The level 44 spell, Spell of Crawling (secondary snare), has been moved to Level 42 to compensate for the new level 44 Matter debuff spell above.
  • The secondary AoE Snare/DD line of spells have had their power costs removed. These are secondary spells and never should have had a power cost.
  • All global item-use timers have been normalized to 90 seconds.
o This change specifically affects the timer seen after using one item and then trying to use a second, different item.
o This change only affects equipped items that are /used. It does not affect potions or other similar items.
  • The Mesmerization Poison, essence flare, summoned by the Essence Flare Spymaster ability, will now only work for Assassins.
General Bug Fixes

  • (Crash) Crashes resulting from certain combinations of the Bard Realm Rank 5 ability and Classic Character Models have been fixed.
  • (Item) Dragonslayer armor can once again be placed into a vault.
  • (Item) Draughts of Heroism and Supremacy should fire more consistently now.
  • (Quest) Report to Druim Cain now steps correctly when speaking with Channeler Drolg.
  • (Quest) Clerics can once again activate the un-leveled version of the Aten's Shield artifact.
  • (Class) Paladin’s Greater Battle Zeal line of spells will now pulse while sitting.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Interesting DF changes. I'd love to try it out, but DF being a RvR dungeon you have to open, you'd first have to gather people, retake DF, relocate, setup groups and by the time all has happened the two other realms have done the same and it is a complete cluster fuck down there of rp hungry zerglings. If you ever do get to Legion, any of the princes etc, you're most likely to get AJ'd by either or both of the other realms leaving you behind with hours of work down the drain.

Meh, I'll resub in the new year and try it out. Will most likely only do pve this time. lvl50 rvr hasn't done anything for me in years.

@Solic Archers Do you know if there are any pve dedicated guilds left on Albion?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Now all they need to do is get a decent system in to place to keep DF open because until the realms have a balanced population (which they never will at this point) it's just going to be owned by 1 realm the vast majority of the time (Mid)


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Has anyone checked out the new CL levels?

I've seen zero info about em on postcount. I'd log in and check myself but I'm not resubbing just to hang about on pendragon.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Has anyone checked out the new CL levels?

I've seen zero info about em on postcount. I'd log in and check myself but I'm not resubbing just to hang about on pendragon.

There was some stuff on PC about them, not much though, from what I remember

CL Cure Nearsight
CL Resurrection
CL Spreadheal (115 delve)

Only ones I seen.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I wonder if they're attempting to slowly phase RvR&PvE wholly into DF.

They should shut Labyrinth for a start and get all the shit that drops in there to drop in DF.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
They should fill laby with cement and give the community no choice but to use NF/DF, the population is too low to have it spread so thin.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
They should fill laby with cement and give the community no choice but to use NF/DF, the population is too low to have it spread so thin.

they should cull the german zergs ;>


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
they should cull the german zergs ;>

don't think they even run much anymore from what I read on postcount, it's just xyormans zerg has apparently grown a lot and people are bumming mid more than alb and hib now because mid is easymode.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
There was some stuff on PC about them, not much though, from what I remember

CL Cure Nearsight
CL Resurrection
CL Spreadheal (115 delve)

Only ones I seen.

Ha, CL rez. I wonder how long the cast on that is, and what state the rez'd guy is in.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 13, 2005
4.5sec i Think the cast time was on all spells, and there was a CL celerity buff aswell


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
No CL aoe stun? :(

And regarding labby, I think they should keep it. So many have never had a go at the dragon in there or done all the encounters, myself included, because you just get zerged down by rp whores. What they should do is turn it into a pve dungeon. Still entrances in Agramon, but you could never encounter other realms once you have entered. I've said this for years


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Hotfix going live on Pendragon it seems, couldn't help but notice

The Infernal Rampage proc on the Assassin weapons has had its delve increased from 50% to 75% chance to resist debuffs.

I genuinely do wonder where they get these ideas from, because it isn't from people who know the classes that's for sure.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Hotfix going live on Pendragon it seems, couldn't help but notice

The Infernal Rampage proc on the Assassin weapons has had its delve increased from 50% to 75% chance to resist debuffs.

I genuinely do wonder where they get these ideas from, because it isn't from people who know the classes that's for sure.
What exactly does Infernal Rampage do?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
What exactly does Infernal Rampage do?

Basically the warrior ability that gives you 100% chance to resist debuffs - this is a mini version of that but a proc rather than a long re-use.
Last edited:

Solic Archers

Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2007
Interesting DF changes. I'd love to try it out, but DF being a RvR dungeon you have to open, you'd first have to gather people, retake DF, relocate, setup groups and by the time all has happened the two other realms have done the same and it is a complete cluster fuck down there of rp hungry zerglings. If you ever do get to Legion, any of the princes etc, you're most likely to get AJ'd by either or both of the other realms leaving you behind with hours of work down the drain.

Meh, I'll resub in the new year and try it out. Will most likely only do pve this time. lvl50 rvr hasn't done anything for me in years.

@Solic Archers Do you know if there are any pve dedicated guilds left on Albion?

I don't play Alb anymore so i don't really know. I think most guilds these days do rvr since all the new content is in NF and now DF. I'm currently playing Midgard and we do some PvE on the safe side such as ML 10's, Dragon raids and maybe TG but it's if peeps are interested. I think since DF is coming out today I think most of us will want to raid DF and get the loot.

However I do have some guildies who went over to gaheris which is full of pve content. There guild is called 'Extreme Prejudice' and they are with an alliance called 'Survivors' and they are pretty much active all off-peak, EU prime-time and US prime-time.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004

More active then it was a couple years ago, I sure as fuck will keep the sub going to bitter end now, actually enjoying this game way too much recently.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
I had a mess about last night. They've upped the delves on the CL nukes quite a bit. Quite funny bolting a SB on my nature drood for nearly 300. It wasn't even the top tier bolt. Can't be arsed with this DF bollox tho.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Meanwhile at Broadsword


In all seriousness though, Camelot Unchained might not kill DAOC out right but its certainly going to put it into a critical state, even if CU only snatches 400 people from DAOC, that's more than enough to shaft it royally.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Meanwhile at Broadsword


In all seriousness though, Camelot Unchained might not kill DAOC out right but its certainly going to put it into a critical state, even if CU only snatches 400 people from DAOC, that's more than enough to shaft it royally.
I think the server that shall not be named will outpopulate the live servers when it comes back up, I think they're timing it so that they're going to lap up the fall out if CU flops, and isn't DAoC2, with the promises they've made, I can't see why they won't beat the population of live.

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