The angry games journalist

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Fledgling Freddie
Jun 3, 2004
Hello GoA!

I hope you're fucking happy.

Me and some mates were doing ML5 grp steps, got red lagspikes every 1-2 mins, resulting in the wipe of the grp FIVE (5) times. What the fuck is up with you and your lack of service? Why the FUCK don't you inform your customers properly? How the FUCK can you demand money for this PIECE OF SHIT OF A GAME?

I have never been this mad about a game before. Tbh I think I am really really wasting my time and my life of this laggy piece of crap.

I write for the biggest gaming magazine in Scandinavia. I have reviewed hundreds of games - countless MMORPG's, attended hundreds of press conferences all around the globe. Let me tell you one thing: In all the years I have been in the gaming buisness, I have NEVER, and this cannot be stressed enough, NEVER experienced anything like this before. Ever since you released your crappy "expansion" New Frontiers, the servers have been virtually unplayable. You promise and promise and nothing happens.

Being a journalist, I am supposed to be objective and observe. Not involve myself in something this way. But in this case, I will make an exception. Our magazine is read by hundreds of thousands of scandinavians every month, and I am sure they would wrinkle a brow when they read about Dark Age of Lagalot. I bet they won't be buying it. Funny.

I was thinking about having a word with my editor in chief regarding a brief article on good and bad online games. And guess where I would place DAoC-- and why.

I would never recommend anyone to even remotely touch this game. Sure I'm gonna keep playing DAoC. I'm addicted. But the day WoW is released, guess where 99,9% of the european DAoC subscribers will be going?

Dunno where I'm getting with this. But I demand a answer from a GM. This is not a threat, just a note to you TO GET YOURSELVES TOGETHER AND DELIVER A BETTER SERVICE.

Nicolas Elmøe
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