ML8 pre-req group steps on Sat 17.00 CET


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 29, 2004
Since I am unable to do it earlier, I am hoping to organize a ML8 pre-req raid tomorrow (Saturday) 2 hours before the raid itself. This includes the following group encounters:

8.4 - Centaur's Hunt (left arm)
8.7 - Agne's Might (torso)
8.9 - Agne's Spare Arm (right arm)

I will play my healer, so we realistically need a warrior, a shaman, and an SM to pull through, the rest are more or less free (I don't want 4 BB shamans, however, so I reserve the right to select necessary classes over people who signed up first).

Healer: Baldgrim
Shaman: ?
Warrior: ?
Supp SM: ?
Any class: ?
Any class: ?
Any class: ?
Any class: ?

Please sign up by posting to this thread if you are interested!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
RC/PBT Runemaster signing up.
I can do passive buffs in Aerus before we head out. Cannot keep the buffbot on drag while there though.

Jakus Morgan

Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2004
Signing up with Jakedot shaman.

Will bring BB (Jakebot) along, & could also bring my Warrior if required though I'd rather not have 3 on the go.

I'd like to have BB in the group if possible, so he can get credit too, but no problem if there's no room.
I'll still bring him along for buffage anyway, though he could stay in Aerus I guess.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 3, 2004
aeris 50 runemaster, hopefully ml5 will be done by this time :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2004
Managed to get these done with megga last night, willing to help tho so count Uro in (warrior)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
Stratum said:
Since I am unable to do it earlier, I am hoping to organize a ML8 pre-req raid tomorrow (Saturday) 2 hours before the raid itself. This includes the following group encounters:

I´d like to join with my shammy, Vimund.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 29, 2004
Well, you've presented me with some problems, people. Provided everyone shows up, we'll be more than one group, and a bit less than two groups. Below I have put a tentative 2 group setup, there are still 4 "any class" spots free. Sign up, please! :)

(If worst comes to worst, we will do some switching of key classes between groups to make ends meet. Only 8.9 should be moderately difficult anyway. Note that if far too few people show up tomorrow (in Aerus Haven, which I forgot to mention), I reserve the right to form just one group and invite people in the order they signed up here.)

Healer: Baldgrim
Shaman: Jakedot
Warrior: Tesla
Any class: Bertol (Skald)
Any class: Azathrim (RC/PBT RM)
Any class: Tesla's RM
Any class: Acalin (Berserker)
Any class: Aeris (RM)

Healer: Ysanne
Shaman: Vimund
Warrior: Uro (if he is still willing to help)
Any class: Jakebot (BB Shaman -- if group 2 gets up, Jakedot can switch with Vimund if he prefers)
Any class: ?
Any class: ?
Any class: ?
Any class: ?


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Ill just share some thoughts from what happened when i did the pre-reqs...

8.7 - PURE farming... can be done easy, even if u have less ppl in the other grp. Just keep killing the red conned statues and it drops sooner or later.

8.4 - Best to use a buffbot to lure out the chief with his guards and then EVERYONE gank the chief while the buffbot makes a run for it. Pretty easy and if u get the chief killed u immediately recieve credit. There should be 2 chiefs there so np to do some swapping.

8.9 - This isnt really very tricky at all... to make this a safe encounter u should kill ALL the statues standing at the ruins... if all are dead then u can just pick up the arm and come out and ofc recieve credit.

If u have 2 grps then best way should be 8.7 first if u want then 8.9 - 8.4 - 8.9 ( for those who didnt get it on the first run because it has a respawn timer... not very long tho but still cba waiting ).

And a small note to the ML pre-step ppl... To buy u some more time doing the grp steps... i will do the 8.5 Kratos quest first... and when im done with it we meet at kratos... everyone joins my BG. Everyone talks to kratos to get the quest from him... and then i hand in the items and everyone gets credit.. and then we move on as a big zerg and do all the other steps :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 29, 2004
Thanks for the advice, Megga, it was indeed a while ago I did this. I was thinking 8.9-8.7-8.4-8.9 purely for purposes of the respawn of 8.9, but I suppose it's enough to just do 8.4 in-between.

Second group currently has the following setup:

Healer: Ysanne
Shaman: Vimund
Warrior: Uro
Any class: Jakebot (BB Shaman -- if group 2 gets up, Jakedot can switch with Vimund if he prefers)
Any class: Zluggugg (Cave Shaman)
Any class: Acibabe (Dark RM)
Any class: Loh Katta (Dark RM)
Any class: ?

Need a melee char for group 2, this would include hunters and SBs, so don't hesitate to sign up. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 29, 2004
Thanks, the two groups are filled and look reasonably balanced. I will not be making a third group at this stage, but there is a chance someone will not show up, so feel free to join the BG to act as a reserve.

Meeting 17.00 CET (4 pm GMT?) in Aerus Haven (zone-in point). The BG will be on Baldgrim.

Healer: Baldgrim
Shaman: Jakedot
Warrior: Tesla
Any class: Bertol (Skald)
Any class: Azathrim (RC/PBT RM)
Any class: Tesla (RM)
Any class: Acalin (Berserker)
Any class: Aeris (RM)

Healer: Ysanne
Shaman: Vimund
Warrior: Uro
Any class: Jakebot (BB Shaman -- Jakedot can switch with Vimund if he prefers)
Any class: Zluggugg (Cave Shaman)
Any class: Acibabe (Dark RM)
Any class: Loh Katta (Dark RM)
Any class: Bashir (Thane)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2004
I'll be there with 10sec pbt runemaster... if i can't get into group, no problem...

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