Since I am unable to do it earlier, I am hoping to organize a ML8 pre-req raid tomorrow (Saturday) 2 hours before the raid itself. This includes the following group encounters:
8.4 - Centaur's Hunt (left arm)
8.7 - Agne's Might (torso)
8.9 - Agne's Spare Arm (right arm)
I will play my healer, so we realistically need a warrior, a shaman, and an SM to pull through, the rest are more or less free (I don't want 4 BB shamans, however, so I reserve the right to select necessary classes over people who signed up first).
Healer: Baldgrim
Shaman: ?
Warrior: ?
Supp SM: ?
Any class: ?
Any class: ?
Any class: ?
Any class: ?
Please sign up by posting to this thread if you are interested!
8.4 - Centaur's Hunt (left arm)
8.7 - Agne's Might (torso)
8.9 - Agne's Spare Arm (right arm)
I will play my healer, so we realistically need a warrior, a shaman, and an SM to pull through, the rest are more or less free (I don't want 4 BB shamans, however, so I reserve the right to select necessary classes over people who signed up first).
Healer: Baldgrim
Shaman: ?
Warrior: ?
Supp SM: ?
Any class: ?
Any class: ?
Any class: ?
Any class: ?
Please sign up by posting to this thread if you are interested!