

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I can't help but notice that there has been an irrational plague of crying cheat lately, and although I realise how tempting it is, the forums are not the place for it. I myself have used the forums to call someone a cheat, quite wrongly, when I was frustrated and did it without thinking. It made me look like a fool and caused conflicts that continue to this day.
If you think you see someone cheating then consult with any other witnesses and discuss if there could have been any other logical explaination for what you saw, and it's more than likely that someone can enlighten you.
If you still think what you encountered was cheating, then gather evidence, in the form of screenshots or even movies if that is an option for you, and gather people who also saw it and agree it was cheating. Once you have done that send what you have found to Right Now, which, for all it's inadequacies, is a thousand times more constructive than posting on the RvR forums, and a thousand times more likely to produce the outcome you desire.
The forums are not a good place to make accusations and will only make you look worse and whoever you accuse look better.


Dec 26, 2003
all these cheat accusations started since that musselbrain Censi explained windowdrag on bw


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
getting like counter strike, OMG you killed me, CHEAT!!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
If the ppl who are accusing someone has any screenshot or movie, i gladly want em to post it here. But the random "OMG U K33LED ME, CHEET0R!!11"-comments can stay away.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
well said lox, if people have evidence log a rightnow, keep it off the boards.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Nice post,

I agree though, and its just as well forum users don't have any power over who gets banned and who doesn't. Its vaugly comparable with Salam... only without the whole messy 'burn her at the stake' and 'mass-homocide' thing.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
i think loxleys virtual bollox have droped :p and thisis the new mature lox :clap: :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Same as with every other game. When people hear there are cheats, the paranoia spreads and everything that seems unusual will be considered as a cheat until proven otherwise.


[TB] Benedictine

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Whilst I agree with the sentiment, its rather stating the obvious and wont stop anything. By the way are you electioneering for MOD Lox? :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 12, 2004
Loxleyhood said:
I can't help but notice that there has been an irrational plague of crying cheat lately, and although I realise how tempting it is, the forums are not the place for it. I myself have used the forums to call someone a cheat, quite wrongly, when I was frustrated and did it without thinking. It made me look like a fool and caused conflicts that continue to this day.
If you think you see someone cheating then consult with any other witnesses and discuss if there could have been any other logical explaination for what you saw, and it's more than likely that someone can enlighten you.
If you still think what you encountered was cheating, then gather evidence, in the form of screenshots or even movies if that is an option for you, and gather people who also saw it and agree it was cheating. Once you have done that send what you have found to Right Now, which, for all it's inadequacies, is a thousand times more constructive than posting on the RvR forums, and a thousand times more likely to produce the outcome you desire.
The forums are not a good place to make accusations and will only make you look worse and whoever you accuse look better.

:clap: :clap: :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004

Really do u think reporting ppl to rightnow is better? trying to take screens of persons that run as the hell, or ppl that kill u with one hit, or ppl that see stealthers for k.metters, or something like that? Oh yes, its because when u see a cheater the only thing u can do is type /screenshot like a stupid hopping GOA see that screen and believe u, and u feel better because there is 1 cheater lesss, NICE! there are only 2.999 now.
I only can say that in GOA servers there are A LOT of ppl cheating, why do /report that ppl when GOA dont help u? better cheat u too. Why help GOA when u cant pay your account and email them to help u to pay your account and they say that u are trying to play free, or when u get your account closed doing nothing for it and email them trying to get a reason without giving an answer??
Sorry guys but i dont think like u, better use cheats, becasue there will be a moment that all ppl will cheat and GOA will realise that his game is sucking more and more. In that moment they will try to stop cheats and they will take care about their few players that still play to DAOC.
Sorry but it is the thruth. :mad:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Robopot said:
Sorry guys but i dont think like u, better use cheats, becasue there will be a moment that all ppl will cheat and GOA will realise that his game is sucking more and more. In that moment they will try to stop cheats and they will take care about their few players that still play to DAOC.
Sorry but it is the thruth. :mad:
Yup, that is the truth of a loser who can't take a defeat like men.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Robopot said:
Sorry guys but i dont think like u, better use cheats, becasue there will be a moment that all ppl will cheat and GOA will realise that his game is sucking more and more. In that moment they will try to stop cheats and they will take care about their few players that still play to DAOC.
Sorry but it is the thruth. :mad:

Cliff is too your left, only problem is the other lemmings have already used up all the parachutes.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
getting like counter strike, OMG you killed me, CHEAT!!!!

Absolutely right, but there is a reason for this I think. A hell of a lot of CS players have now moved across to to DAoC in the last year, and unfortunately, a good percentage of these are going to be people who use cheats. CS turned from a great game to an absolute joke because of these idiots, and I just hope DAoC doesn't go the same way.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Great post Loxley 100% agree. It's gettin all too playground like atm with cheating accusations flying left, right and centre.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
yea i mean i seen fgs make the weirdest turns, mostly likely becouse their radar picked up a zerg infront or similar.
But i can have been a normal change of mind also, as i dont have access to their /g /gu /as /c /s or speak program you can never be sure.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
[TB] Benedictine said:
Whilst I agree with the sentiment, its rather stating the obvious and wont stop anything. By the way are you electioneering for MOD Lox? :m00:
I've been banned three times on FH already. I can't see it happening tbh.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Crash said:
i think loxleys virtual bollox have droped :p and thisis the new mature lox :clap: :clap:
It's the old mature Lox before I dinged rr6. :touch:


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Robopot said:
Sorry guys but i dont think like u, better use cheats, becasue there will be a moment that all ppl will cheat and GOA will realise that his game is sucking more and more. In that moment they will try to stop cheats and they will take care about their few players that still play to DAOC.
Sorry but it is the thruth. :mad:
The truth is that you are a fool and people like you will destroy the game "because everyone else does it". Now disappear off our servers and never come back.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Belomar said:
The truth is that you are a fool and people like you will destroy the game "because everyone else does it". Now disappear off our servers and never come back.

Listen to Belomar he got a point here, leave game forever plz, u destroy the game

M® Zîllâ

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Robopot said:
Really do u think reporting ppl to rightnow is better? trying to take screens of persons that run as the hell, or ppl that kill u with one hit, or ppl that see stealthers for k.metters, or something like that? Oh yes, its because when u see a cheater the only thing u can do is type /screenshot like a stupid hopping GOA see that screen and believe u, and u feel better because there is 1 cheater lesss, NICE! there are only 2.999 now.
I only can say that in GOA servers there are A LOT of ppl cheating, why do /report that ppl when GOA dont help u? better cheat u too. Why help GOA when u cant pay your account and email them to help u to pay your account and they say that u are trying to play free, or when u get your account closed doing nothing for it and email them trying to get a reason without giving an answer??
Sorry guys but i dont think like u, better use cheats, becasue there will be a moment that all ppl will cheat and GOA will realise that his game is sucking more and more. In that moment they will try to stop cheats and they will take care about their few players that still play to DAOC.
Sorry but it is the thruth. :mad:

Funney the way cheats always blame other cheats 4 turning them to the dark side.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
M® Zîllâ said:
Funney the way cheats always blame other cheats 4 turning them to the dark side.
It's because they are as good as you can be, so if someone beats you he HAS to cheat, there's no room for any other explanation (or the truth for that matter).


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 19, 2004
Loxleyhood said:
I can't help but notice that there has been an irrational plague of crying cheat lately, and although I realise how tempting it is, the forums are not the place for it. I myself have used the forums to call someone a cheat, quite wrongly, when I was frustrated and did it without thinking. It made me look like a fool and caused conflicts that continue to this day.
If you think you see someone cheating then consult with any other witnesses and discuss if there could have been any other logical explaination for what you saw, and it's more than likely that someone can enlighten you.
If you still think what you encountered was cheating, then gather evidence, in the form of screenshots or even movies if that is an option for you, and gather people who also saw it and agree it was cheating. Once you have done that send what you have found to Right Now, which, for all it's inadequacies, is a thousand times more constructive than posting on the RvR forums, and a thousand times more likely to produce the outcome you desire.
The forums are not a good place to make accusations and will only make you look worse and whoever you accuse look better.

Very nice post m8. agree with u :D

Robopot said:
Sorry guys but i dont think like u, better use cheats, becasue there will be a moment that all ppl will cheat and GOA will realise that his game is sucking more and more. In that moment they will try to stop cheats and they will take care about their few players that still play to DAOC.

Omfg guess u will be the morron of the year !!!

Belomar said:
The truth is that you are a fool and people like you will destroy the game "because everyone else does it". Now disappear off our servers and never come back.

Very well said m8 :D



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Belomar said:
The truth is that you are a fool and people like you will destroy the game "because everyone else does it". Now disappear off our servers and never come back.

You wish


Loyal Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
I used to Play Counter-Strike 24/7 a year and a half ago. Had a "Fairly" successful clan in most of the leagues with our own servers, enjoyed it a hell of alot.
Then slowly but surely CS was ruined by cheaters and cheater paranoia to the point where I gave up playing cs/running the clan and looked for another game.

Low and behold I found DAOC and have been hooked ever since. Ive seen tons of bug abuse in DAOC (Reported some) but never actually experienced "Actual" cheating in the game (or if it was happening never noticed it). Playing a SB ive seen FGs suddenly change direction and head towards me (whilst I was stealthed) some ppl cry Radar when this happens but when playing my skald I always change direction randomly anyway (been perfed too many times by infs when going in straight line hehe) and have uncovered the odd stealther with this tactic.. its not cheating.

Anyway, tbh if this game ever went the same way as CS did I will cancel my 3 accts almost immediately.

Just my 2pence worth.

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