GoA, future of Dyvet?

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
6870 players playing on GoA's servers at the moment.

663 on Dyvet while the german clusters have triple the population, one of the french clusters has double the population, one french cluster is as bad as Dyvet on the population.

Then we have the italian and spanish server with very low population.

I know you guys are monitoring the situation, Requiel stated so.

What is the perspective for Dyvet? I won't go into the advantages or disatvantages of a low population server, obviously a lot of people like to have the choice of how they play the game and more possibilities are available on a higher population server and that's why a lof of people changed the servers they play on or even stopped to play all together on GoA's servers and started to play on Mythic's servers.

In my opinion it is your responsibility to stop that trend as soon as possible and make Dyvet more attractive again.

The friendliest solution for the players would be to merge Dyvet further, you need to find a way to cluster servers with different languages, or at least the RvR zones.

I am not interested in excuses in how this is not possible or how hard it is, I am a senior programmer myself and in my opinion every modern application should be designed to be able to switch the language on the fly. Mythic borked it, Mythic needs to fix it, the players have the hard disk space easily for a half a dozen languages.

One further idea could be to merge the RvR zones with Mythic servers avoiding the language problem or to allow char copies to different servers.

I've spoken to my friends and 6-7 of them would play on Dyvet again if it just had a higher population but obviously they will not if the situation stays like this.

I am sticking to Dyvet at the moment as I can solo there okay and enjoy it or PvE on my own but only because I have the hope that you will find a solution fast.

So what the perspective on Dyvet? Can you involve the player base in your decisions by making an in game poll?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
i know a lot of people that would not hesitate to come back if it was clustered with another couple of servers, general consensus is that they would rather have char copy to mythic servers though.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
I'd be back if there were 2k people on cluster at prime-time :eek: Fuck classic, go cluster!


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
The main problem is that a cluster can only have one language, if they would ever merge the clusters further then it will be highly likely that there wont be any English server(cluster) anymore because if you would merge it with a German/French server they have more people so the normal action for GOA would be that they change the cluster to their language.

So in the end it means; Do you want to play on a server with 2-3k+ people but totally in French/German language or do you want to play on a very low pop server in English.
For me it would be no problem if the language gets changed as I understand both French and German quite well but alot of English people I've seen don't speak any other language other than English and would it be fair to those people?


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
from what i know about the jap/usa cluster both side got polled via in game login question thingy

so we would be involved in the decision or at least it would look like that

the code the copying char to another server is already there any ie usa server to pendragon

i would love to see goa/mythic working to solve the problem but its clear that if they do it will be a cluster and it will be to the language of the server we cluster with. i really cant see the cluster getting charcopy to the usa server due to account splitting between companies and then you would have to pay two monthly subs or scrap any toons you have on camlan or any other of the servers

so yes it might be possible to copy and patch the char database for the cluster to a usa server, its not going to happen unless they make us pay for another account

so at the moment i can only see the cluster leaning to speak french or German. which i dont think will solve the problem as about 50% of the server would stop playing and there would be no new English players(i know most peeps will say well there isn't now) so i cant see that option happening so get ready for the server to have very low number (Spanish server low) ie 120 peak time less than that and i would think they might just cluster us as lose the 50% of 120 ie 60 subs, well make a lot less impact than the amount of subs they would lose if they did it now

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Andrilyn said:
So in the end it means; Do you want to play on a server with 2-3k+ people but totally in French/German language or do you want to play on a very low pop server in English.
For me it would be no problem if the language gets changed as I understand both French and German quite well but alot of English people I've seen don't speak any other language other than English and would it be fair to those people?

Woudn't be a problem for me either but I think it wouldn't be fair.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
Woudn't be a problem for me either but I think it wouldn't be fair.

question is can the servers take that kind of population now adays?

when the server was near 1400 pop at peak the server would die regularily or be laggy as hell when the two opposing sides came to gether.

imo NF is too big for everyone on dyvet...most are too impatient and WANT RVR NOW!!!!! rather than go look for it:flame:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
well personally i remember all the leet peeps moaning and complaing about the (alb/hib/mid zerg)

ok high population would be great and make the game feel more allive but as it stands at the moment the biggest enemy to new players in this game is the playerbase itself.

When people get to 50 and add on a fight they are met with streams of abuse or if they ask for help they get none.

I try to hang around my starting zones and buff new players and talk to them, i wonder how many people do that.

Before you can get an influx of new players you need to start acting like a comunity instead of a "every man for himself" attitude.

Also i dont think freddyshouse does anything positive when people log into the forums and ask "hi im new" and are met with "dont play here go to the usa games" that doesnt help at all.

Hopefully with labarinth coming out in febuary (i think) that might bring some more new playersi nto the game and i recomend that you dont just powerlevel your mauler up at least see if there are any new players to group with.

On classic this was one of the fun elements when the server first opened all the new people roaming around and the groups you could form.

AS it stands at the moment magmel is pretty quiet except for me and my giant tree :p

Yes it would be ncie to be clustered with the US servers however i suspect it wont happen just because GOA and MYTHIC are two separate companies.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 16, 2004
Awarkle said:
well personally i remember all the leet peeps moaning and complaing about the (alb/hib/mid zerg)

ok high population would be great and make the game feel more allive but as it stands at the moment the biggest enemy to new players in this game is the playerbase itself.

When people get to 50 and add on a fight they are met with streams of abuse or if they ask for help they get none.

I try to hang around my starting zones and buff new players and talk to them, i wonder how many people do that.

Before you can get an influx of new players you need to start acting like a comunity instead of a "every man for himself" attitude.


I couldn't agree more.

I stopped playing simply because I got tired of getting into arguments with people in RvR. Even when I thought I was helping folks, I ended up getting abuse..
I played since release and the game lost that community spirit somewhere along the way. It's kind of ironic that the people who love this game and play hardcore RvR regularly, are the people who are killing it.
People get their group and go RvR, and woe betide anyone who happens to join in.
If they die, you get ' WHY DIDN'T YOU HELP?'
If they win you get ' WTF YOU DOING? IT'S FG v FG, YOU F*KING LEECH' etc.

Your damned if you do and damned if you don't.

It's not all black and white, but that's kind of my opinion on it, but it's the main reason i quit.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
I'am 'inactive' at the moment, because of busy rl, but when the cluster hits over 2k people again, im 100% sure i can make a LIDDUL gap somewhere to play again:)

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
The situation is the same still.

So, Requiel spoke about some marketing that maybe will add some players (but who of them will start on Dyvet if Avalon/Lyonesse have triple the population?) and some long term plans that are being evaluated.

2 of my 3 accounts are inactive atm, I don't see the point of resubscribing and buying LoTM atm in order to play on Dyvet.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 17, 2004
I have no intention to whine now but the ppl that whine on low population, aren't those the same that whined cause of all the zergs when excal once were crowded?

More ppl, bigger zergs, more fgs
Less ppl, Smaller zergs, lesser fgs

I remember the days when an Albs ran 3 fgs.... and a Alb fgs are 40 ppl as we all know.:m00:


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 13, 2005
I have no intention to whine now but the ppl that whine on low population, aren't those the same that whined cause of all the zergs when excal once were crowded?

More ppl, bigger zergs, more fgs
Less ppl, Smaller zergs, lesser fgs

Yes sir u are all correct , cant agre more with u on this :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004

2 of my 3 accounts are inactive atm, I don't see the point of resubscribing and buying LoTM atm in order to play on Dyvet.

thats the cause.....

buff bot account2, players running 3-5 accounts to farm ...etc etc

rather than 2 accounts leaving thats a lot more.

Multiple accounts killed the game....plain and simple, since they allowed dual logging ( to make money ) people can farm hard mobs on there own, thus killing the need for a grp, and therefore killing the community..

back SI, we all fought as 1, now as said before everyman for him/her self.....

of the 300-500 population how many of those where actual players or those with multiple accounts?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2006
thats the cause.....

buff bot account2, players running 3-5 accounts to farm ...etc etc

rather than 2 accounts leaving thats a lot more.

Multiple accounts killed the game....plain and simple, since they allowed dual logging ( to make money ) people can farm hard mobs on there own, thus killing the need for a grp, and therefore killing the community..

back SI, we all fought as 1, now as said before everyman for him/her self.....

of the 300-500 population how many of those where actual players or those with multiple accounts?

cudnt agree more been playing for years without a bb unfortunately during the last month i have had to resort to using m8's account as bb to get anything done :( i'm sticking with the game in the hopes goa will find a solution.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2005
i found my self adding the other day just to get some rps.

i had sat in rvr for 2 hours and had 0 kills, 0 rps, 0 deaths, and this was between 7-9, i actually added to a stealther v stealther battle just because i was sick of getting nothing and standing around like a tit shouting lfg to the other 3 players i could find :p

Clusting with us servers, would, in my view, be better, i liked zergs :p (maybe because no set FG would have me due to my playing hours). but RvR seems dead to me, nothing like the good old days when u could get a random grp, now its all about getting a guild grp or grping with friends.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
i know a lot of people that would not hesitate to come back if it was clustered with another couple of servers, general consensus is that they would rather have char copy to mythic servers though.

Amen ... Deception of Merlin has a nice ring to it :D


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
i know a lot of people that would not hesitate to come back if it was clustered with another couple of servers, general consensus is that they would rather have char copy to mythic servers though.

I think Goa soon realised this char copy isnt an option, unless they completly wanne clean out Dyvet. I wouldnt mind charcopy though, infact givf rightnow.

Manisch Depressive said:
Then we have the italian and spanish server with very low population.

For your information, (as disturbing as it may sound) the italian server quite frequently has more players then prydwen/excal (dyvet) together.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I am not interested in excuses in how this is not possible or how hard it is, I am a senior programmer myself and in my opinion every modern application should be designed to be able to switch the language on the fly. Mythic borked it, Mythic needs to fix it, the players have the hard disk space easily for a half a dozen languages.

This part of your post made me laugh. Why?

1st: When Mythic built the game they had to mae a decision: Where to store game text, including skill names, spell names, combat messages, quest text, trigger, npc dialogs, etc.

They had 2 things to consider: Size of the installed game, and handling triggers you can use with /say. They can't store information about all triggers and their handling on client side for good reasons, so the information is stored on server side.

2nd: When Mythic knew it will be stored on server side they had to consider reasons for going multilanguage and reasons against it. Going multilanguage would make databases bigger and slower, which can be a problem in this environment. Besides this a multilanguage community doesn't work well in most cases. There are many many good reasons against it.

The only way a multilanguage server would avoid this problem is the case: Where different realms use different languages. You can guess how we would enjoy the underpopulation problem then...


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Can't say I know what plans that the English team have for Dyvet as I didn't ask :p Expect some rabbits to be pulled from hats imo though :p


Fledgling Freddie
May 24, 2005
The idea that players could move their characters to USA servers is frought with problems. GOA is a completely different company to Mythic(EA). If a cluster to USA servers is allowed who will own your subscription? Do you really think that EA will allow people to use its infrustructure and let GOA keep the cash? I think not.

GOA will do an internal cluster (mixed language clusters) long before a move to the USA will be allowed. Its time for players who expect a char copy to the USA to be realistic and stop hoping for something that is way off into the future (if it every happens at all).

You want to play on the USA, you going to have to cut your losses with GOA in Europe and start afresh on the EA USA servers.

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