ML3 prereq's!!! for sunday 20'th

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
ML3 prereq's!!! for sunday 13'th

since I haven't been totally clear previously on what has to be done on forehand I've written it out this time.

ml3 prereq's

Get Quests,
farm for an eel stomach. (not required, they just come in handy at Shraogh, to get his hp down to 50% and to reduce his AF)
Kill Moughart
Kill Triton Shaman (and get his necky)
Get Egg,
Get Sword,

Go to 15k 58k notos, and talk to a triton treasure hunter. DO NOT KILL HIM. just do /s kepa and /s antioos so you have both the antioos and kepa quests. then go forth and kill a triton shaman. get the neckless that drops from him. It's not clear to me wether or not all players should have a neckless or just one in each group. so just to be certain.. get all a necky :) is there anyone out there that knows and can clarify this for me?
Triton shamans have been reported at 35k 5k, and at 5k 19k, both in mesothelassa.
then go forth and kill mourghart. he's been reported at these locs in meso: 2k, 21k ||| 4k, 16k ||| 37k, 49k ||| 44k 20k.
he is roaming with a couple of purp companions. ignore them, just all go for mourg, since the adds will die whenever he dies.

now time to get into the dungeon (Temple of Twilight), which can be accessed at 15k 58k Notos.
Farm for a cobra egg. there's only 1 pregnant cobra there, and it's spawn time is from 5 minutes to 30 minutes.
Trick to make the pregnant cobra spawn:
Kill everything except Snake Keepers and let them spawn 3 snakes. after the third snake is up if on isn't a pregnant cobra, pull the keeper and wait for a new pop. Sometimes snakes spawn before the keeper. If that happens, pull the snake quickly because when the keeper pops, that snake will account for one of the three place holders that the keeper has.

While waiting for the pregnant cobras, pull a constant stream of gorgons so all players should have a sword by the time all have an egg.

eels are also inside ToT and sighted at 37k 28k (east from entrance hallway, past the alligators)

my source + maps


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
Everyone must have all 3 items : shaman necklace, cobra egg, atlantean sword.
As i wrote in another post:
1grp kills shaman = whole grp gets neckie
1grp kills pregnant cobra = whole grp gets egg
1grp kills gorgon = 1 person gets sword

After patch there are now more than 1 pregnant cobra :clap:

Eel stomach: only need 1 for the raid on shraog, and should be obtained by raid leader

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
thanks :)
so now you know it guys, go hunting.. set up prereq hunts like I did last week.. not gonna do them all anymore this week. I'll just set one up for myself since last week I spent Way too much time organising and stuff.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 12, 2004
is this for the 20th if so il try again ;) todann warrior 50
fun caveshammy

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
no, this one was for the 13'th, typed wrong date, checked wrong week at calendar when typing title :D

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