Gethin said:This is all the info you need on the encounter.
The Plant can spawn anywhere in the kelp and it can be auto activated if a seeker finds it before a player. Also Sobekhotep definately despawns after a certain period of time. So it could be bad timing that you dont find it up.
Also: This maybe doable with a necro buffbot combo but you sure get alot of adds!
Jarahl said:Repped, for being the closest one to a verified guide. Cheers Gethin.
Seems the basics are :
Find the plant up
Get a harvest to it
Make the mob spawn
Take it out with tank group
Get credit
Get scrolls
Activate your brand new arti![]()
Ocalinn said:does anyone know if necromancers can use the 2nd charge on this item?
- Necromancer: There are new versions of several artifacts for Necromancers which better suit the class via usage in shadeform and casting spells through the pet. Any newly attained versions of The Eternal Plant, Staff of God, Tartaros Gift, Belt of Oglidarsh, and Ring of Fire are effected by this change. Artifact Scholar Jarron will accept current versions of these artifact in trade for the newer versions. Please note, all artifact experience will be lost when completing this trade-in.
Graendel said:Did this yesterday with the following tactics.
The Plant is green (as opposed to the brownish kelp) and spawns somewhere on the edge of the Kelp forest. Kelp is seaweed, if you didn't know. Once you've found it, locate a bluecon Sobekite Seeker and pull it. Kite it to the plant.
This will now spawn Sobekite Harvesters. Stay back and let them hack away at the Plant for a while. It's rather slow,
When the Harvesters are done Sobekhotep will spawn. For us he was orange con and had 2-3 yellow con bodyguards. Don't let this fool you! As soon as you pull him all the yellows in the area join in - and trust me, there are a lot of yellows.
So, eventually we had a minstrel solo pull out of group. When he passed us necro would pick out Sobekhotep and focus him. From there it was a piece of cake.
Big thanks to Tze for doing this with me.![]()