Short Vegas guide


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Ok, so it's my turn to farm rep points. Not really, it's getting a bit tedious to answer the same questions about Vegas all the time. And I hate movies made in Windows Movie Maker to, what keeps most people away from Vegas seems to be fact that its a bit tricky to understand in the beginning.

So here is a short and very basic guide to Vegas. I'll assume you know the very basics about Vegas, like adding a vid clip for example.

Disclaimer: I am just an amateur on Vegas, no education whatsoever. So if anyone know any smarter/better ways to do this feel free to correct me. And I know my english can at times be horrible but if I'd write this in Swedish not many people would understand.

How to add a text over a video clip:

Start out by making adding a video channel. Right click somewhere on the grey area where the timeline is and choose Insert Video Track (in Vegas 6.0 one can press CTRL+Shift+Q to add a new vid channel).

Add your text in the upper vid channel and the vid in the lower one. Should look like this:

Make sure your text is transparent. You can check how to do it here:

How to zoom in on a clip:
Right click on the clip. Choose pan/crop option. A new screen appears. In the bottom there is a timeline. Click on the timeline where you want to zoom in. Unless you want to start zooming from the start of the clip double click on the timeline X seconds before where the actual zooming should start. You have to do this otherwise Vegas will think that you want a slow zoom which starts from the beginning of the clip. After you done that click on the timeline again where you want the zoom. Click and hold your mousebutton on the grey boxes on the edges of the big grey rectangle. Make the rectangle smaller if you want to zoom in.

Aight, after you zoomed in you want zoom up. Click on the timeline where the zoom should end. Double click to add a keyframe or else vegas will start zooming out again from where it started zooming in. Advance X seconds on the timeline to the place where you want to have it back to normal. Choose default from the scroll list in the upper part of the pan/crop window.

The final result should look like this:

How to show multiple video channels at once:
This can be fun if you want to show end credits while showing a fight at the same time. Or split the screen up into two different povs from the same fight. This is very easy, and if you want you can do it with more than one channel. To save some time I only show how to do it with one.

Click on this little button on the most upper channel (!), very important to choose the video track which is above the other or else you wont see any difference because Vegas shows only what the most upper video channel shows (assuming there is something there):

A new window appears, it looks similar to the pan/crop window. Drag your mouse over the square and a circle will appear. Click and and hold your mousebutton on that circle. Resize the square to appropiate size and you'll see in the preview what the new changed movie looks like.

This picture shows what I mean with the paragraph above:

If anyone is interested this is two examples of how Vegas can look like when you get a little bit more used to it: (The intro for Rures Minions 2)
(The movie I made from VF's leftovers)

I'll make another post tomorrow if I cba to show how to add some basic effects.

/edit: Feel free to ask if you dont understand


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
some nice tips, shame its for such a horrible program! :D:D

rep for you atleast, need more info on how to make those flashy effects tho! :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
some nice tips, shame its for such a horrible program! :D:D

rep for you atleast, need more info on how to make those flashy effects tho! :D

Yeah, I'll do that tomorrow or later tonight. :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Vodkafairy said:
some nice tips, shame its for such a horrible program! :D

rep for you atleast, need more info on how to make those flashy effects tho! :D

:twak: :twak:

Vegas > ALL


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Haxen, whens the vid coming out? :)

(free bump)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Nice, Rure :) You helped me before with some splitscreening. Best advise I can give out with my little vegas experience is to just try for yourself and experiment around.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Kraben said:
Nice, Rure :) You helped me before with some splitscreening. Best advise I can give out with my little vegas experience is to just try for yourself and experiment around.

Yeah I did that to, and spammed Septina with a couple of million questions about vegas :D


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Be quiet Jörgen Jönsson of Excalibur.

How to add pretty effects:

Right click on the clip. Choose Video Event FX. What you see now is all the effects you can choose from. In this example I choosed the TV simulator one. Double click on TV Simulator then press OK. As you can see on the preview the clip looks a bit like a bad TV. Unless you want the whole clip to look like this choose "Reset to None" in the scroll list, there you can also find predefined settings for each effect:

Just like the zoom part you have to add keyframes to the place where you want the effect to start. Add a Reset to None keyframe first, X seconds befor e the effect should start. Then click on the timeline (or use your arrow keys) . Choose the desired predefined setting from the scroll list OR play with the bars yourself to get a nice effect (remember that if you arent satisfied with the effect you made you can always click on the keyframe and delete or choose the Reset to None setting to nullify it).

After you added the effect to the desired place on the clip you can choose to make it fade away slowly by simply putting a "Reset to None" keyframe at the spot where you want to end the effect or double click on the timeline where it should end and AFTER that choose the "Reset to None" option

A simple effect that last a few seconds over a clip:

Fade in/fade out clips:

(01:48:38) (@tuz^) how do i fade clips in and out with vegas?:<
(01:51:48) (+adam``cs-pr0) in the upper right and left corner of the clip there is alittle blue triangle
(01:51:59) (+adam``cs-pr0) pull it towards the middle of the clip

Uhm, is there anything else you can think of that I should explain?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
:p I love that program, been editing a movie lately, I'll show you the movie when I find out why I can't compress my vid on virtual dub, it's not as good as rure's editing tho, or septina's, added my crappy sm fights in it, pluss the warlock zerg I made some weeks ago, some crappy music that no others than me like. and afaik sm fights can be boring to watch since it's just like, mezz... debuff, nuke... I would say the movie suck big time, but yea, I'll post it when it's finished xD just need to find a host
just want to see what ye think of my editing rofl... it's just basics... like flashes and shit, light rays blabla


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
rure said:

Uhm, is there anything else you can think of that I should explain?

Howabout how to get raw Fraps footage to small compressed footage using either Vegas or MM2 or virtual dub? Or tips with how to compile the final movie :>

Oli - Illu


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 26, 2005
Whats the full name of the program? and is it possible to get it for free somewhere? :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
illu said:
Howabout how to get raw Fraps footage to small compressed footage using either Vegas or MM2 or virtual dub? Or tips with how to compile the final movie :>

Oli - Illu

i explained that in this post illu, incase you missed it :p

or if its still not clear then ask away ;)


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
i explained that in this post illu, incase you missed it :p

or if its still not clear then ask away ;)

Ahaaaa! Thanks VF. I need to print that out :>

Oli - Illu


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
It was, but this guide makes me understand more! :p

Pictures for teh win :-s


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
Nice 1 mate, i was always wondering how i could speed up in the middle off a clip. Cuz in vegas it seems you can only do 1 full clip at a time.Splitting up the clips in 3 parts (middle part being the fast one)is annoying with the preview window that seems to small and tedious to work with :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
How to add slowmotion or speed up a clip:

Yepp, thats one way Theseus. But its possible to do it in a more smooth way. Right click on the clip, go to the Insert/Remove envelope clip then click Velocity.

A green line appears on the clip. This symbolizes the speed the clip is played in. Which means if you click and drag it up or down you alter the speed of the entire clip. But lets say you have a special part where you want to speed up or slowdown. Locate where that part is and double click where it is on the green line. You can now see a little green square. This square works as a "divider" (lacking proper english skills to explain what it really does) for the clip. Add a new point next to the one you just made. Drag the new point up or down depending on if you want to increase or decrease the speed. You can now see how the speed decreases from the first point you made to the 2nd. Add two points where you want the slowmotion/fastforwarding to end. Right click on the right one and choose "Set to Normal Velocity".

Here is an example of what it can look like:

/edit: Can a mod merge my 3 posts please? :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
How do you make fancy text clips like The movie "Dark Horizon" where they're silver-blue and flash back and forth? I always liked making really nice looking movies :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Kinag said:
How do you make fancy text clips like The movie "Dark Horizon" where they're silver-blue and flash back and forth? I always liked making really nice looking movies :)

Havent seen that movie but you can add effects on text just like you can add effects on clips. Is it a daoc-movie?

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