DR - Ordering / Patching / Downloading - Questions answered!

Nomans Land

One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 28, 2004
Ok since there are lots of confused people here I thought it would be good to put up a little FAQ so people stop posting silly threads ;)

Q1. Where can I purchase the Darkness Rising Expansion Box Set?
A1. There is a link on GoAs main website (www.daoc.goa.com) on the right hand side of the page. If you click that you will notice two options.

Click the option that says 'Buy the Darkness Rising box set at one of our partners'. This option will lead you onto a page with various partners for the UK (www.play.com) and Scandinavia (www.webhallen.com, www.cdon.com and www.dischop.se).

Ofcouse their are other sites that will sell the game like www.amazon.com, or other game retailers.

Q2. Where can I purchase the Darkness Rising Expansion for download?
A2. Again head to GoAs website (www.daoc.goa.com) and click the link on the right and this time click the 'Buy and download Darkness Rising'. This leads on to a message telling you that the download will be available to purchase from the 1st of February.

If you dont want to wait that long to have to download it (crap internet connections and the like) then visit www.dlgamer.com and you can purchase and download the expansion straight away (after you have signed up etc)

Q3. How much does the Darkness Rising Expansion cost?
A3. GoA has set the price for the expansion as 19.99€. This should work out at around £13 to £14.

Q4. Why when I look at play.com and other such websites does it cost more?
A4. Well for a start these companys are stupid and are over pricing us saying that the RRP for the UK is £19.99 when really it shouldnt be. At the moment play.com is the cheapest, at £14.99. But once they find out its meant to be lower you may get some money back.

(If not complain to the company and say you have Requiel to prove it!)

Q5. I want to order from dlgamer.com but I cant create an account, can you help?
A5. Short answer... Yes I can slightly! Arnt I wonderful.

It seems that dlgamer were having problems with free accounts and couldnt trust them so had disabled you being allowed to use them.

But! Because of DR they have lifted the restriction so you can again sign up to dlgamer.com with a free email account. BUT NOTE: At the end of the week, free emails will be restricted to bank transfers, except old accounts who have already bought from dlgamer who will have no restrictions.

Also there were problems with AOL accounts, which are still to be fully sorted, but you CAN sign up with an @aol.com email address once again.

Q6. Im trying to order DR from dlgamer but I keep getting put to bank transfer but I want to use my CC, whats going on?
A6. Ok for a start you need to check how many copies you have ordered. There is a restriction on orders over 60€, this is the equivilent of 3 copies of DR so if you have more than that, delete a few, and place a second order.

If you get sent to a bank transfer for any other reason its because dlgamer doesnt like you and you should take it up with their support (support@dlgamer.com) and they will give you a healthy reason and a way to sort it out.

Q7. I ordered off dlgamer.com but I havent got my confirmation email? HELP its nearly release day!!!
A7. Really there is only one explanation for this and its that of the @AOL.com accounts. Once you have ordered the game and gave them your lovely green money check your orders.

There should be a order for DR saying that it has yet to be confirmed, email dlgamers support (again support@dlgamer.com) telling them the exact email address you used and that you need to confirm the order.

Once this is done you will need to get sent the download for the game, again you will need to send another email to the support to get that also.

And if you arnt using a @AOL.com account in the first place just email the support :)

Q8. Phew! now I have the game ordered what happens?
A8. Well this is simple really. If you ordered from a website like play.com you can expect the game to arrive in the post on Friday 3rd, Saturday 4th (if youre lucky) or Monday 6th morning.

If you ordered off dlgamer and you have it downloaded, the only thing left for you is to wait for the email to come on Wednesday morning! Aint we the lucky ones?

Apart from us @AOL.com users though. Dlgamer hopes the AOL issue to solved by then, but just incase it isnt you are encouraged to email the support one more time on the 1st of February to get your CD keys... They want more work, not unhappy customers!

By the way: Once you have DR downloaded DONT install it or you wont be able to play DAoC till launch day.

Q9. What if I dont want Darkness Rising right now?
A9. Well thats simple, you either just wait for patch day to hit (1st February) and download like a normal patch.

Or you could goto THIS and do as it tells you! Again, dont install these till patch day or you cant play!

Q10. Is there anything else I should know?
A10. Well... I dont really know. The only thing I can think of is that apparently you get freebie stuff if you order the actual boxset :)

Happy hunting.

Nomans Land

One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 28, 2004
I know the answers are a little long, but its explained in detail so that should take away some thread spams.

Also I know its abit late, sorry only thought of doing it today :( but still hopefully it will give people without answers... an answer.

Also if any info in incorrect feel free to post below, and if anyone has any confirmed information on the freebie stuff with preorder etc feel free to post it. I have seen some rumours of what people think they will get for preordering, or activating the accounts in the first week. But since I saw nothing confirmed I didnt put it up.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 25, 2005
I am adding this to A7 :

The reasons you might not receive our emails are as follow :

* You entered a wrong email adress
* You didn't configure it to accept html
* You didn't put us on your greenlist and the email end up in your Junkmail

besides the AOL thingy :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Q10 Answered

Requiel said:
It isn't possible to register it before the 1st February.
To answer the original question, those who register the expansion within the first week or so will be eligible to recieve the Mythical Horse Armour in the same way as we offered the Orbs to people who registered Catacombs within the first few days. Full details will be either in the next Friday News or the pre-patch news on the official site.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Javai said:
Q10 Answered
Some of our retail partners have t-shirts and other goodies to send out with pre-orders. The ingame stuff is available to everyone whether you downloaded it or bought a box however pre-ordering an actual box from certain stores will score you extra stuff.


Dec 23, 2003
Nice info! well deserved rep, but one question, i thought i could wait until wednesday and buy it directly from the GOA website as i have it downloaded, and then i would be able to play? can i even do that or am i just going to have to go to DLGamer now? ill probabaly go do that now anyway as buying thing straight from GOA has a tendancy to take ages


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Brite said:
Nice info! well deserved rep, but one question, i thought i could wait until wednesday and buy it directly from the GOA website as i have it downloaded, and then i would be able to play? can i even do that or am i just going to have to go to DLGamer now? ill probabaly go do that now anyway as buying thing straight from GOA has a tendancy to take ages

GoA will provide a bit torrent download of Darkness rising on the 1st february, when you can also buy a cd key direct from the site.



One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 26, 2004
Nomans Land said:
Q5. I want to order from dlgamer.com but I cant create an account, can you help?
A5. Short answer... Yes I can slightly! Arnt I wonderful.

It seems that dlgamer were having problems with free accounts and couldnt trust them so had disabled you being allowed to use them.

But! Because of DR they have lifted the restriction so you can again sign up to dlgamer.com with a free email account. BUT NOTE: At the end of the week, free emails will be restricted to bank transfers, except old accounts who have already bought from dlgamer who will have no restrictions.

Also there were problems with AOL accounts, which are still to be fully sorted, but you CAN sign up with an @aol.com email address once again.

Error Due to the lack of security given by free mail accounts (such as gmail, hotmail, yahoo), we have decided from now on to stop sending serial numbers or download links to these types of email. You will need to use such an email adress as the one provided by your internet provider in order for us to guarantee safe delivery in your hands of the products you ordered.

This dosnt really make sence does it?

Nomans Land

One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 28, 2004
As said, you shouldnt get that message any more. DLGamer made it possible to create accounts with free email address from what DLgamer-oot has posted before, and told me himself.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Heres a question. I recently dowloaded the american Darkness Rising exe (to chage cats into DR). Can I still just change the update file to EU servers and from cats to DR so I don't have to Download the thing again on release day?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
kirennia said:
Heres a question. I recently dowloaded the american Darkness Rising exe (to chage cats into DR). Can I still just change the update file to EU servers and from cats to DR so I don't have to Download the thing again on release day?

As requiel said , theye may be a bigger patch for the US one and also it may not work with the EU version, to be 100% sure Darkness rising is compatible download the EU version.

On another note i have download teh US version, will see how it goes on patch day, will probably download eu one while servers are down.


Nomans Land

One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 28, 2004
Also as said before by Scorge. The GoA download available on the 1st February will be a torrent download.

While DLgamer is downloaded directly off them and speeds of upto 4000kb/s have been reached if you have a good enough connection.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Here is why you want to download it tonight and tomorrow if at all possible.

If you install the Catacombs 178-180 file, you'lll only need to patch 18MB +4MB of optional content (new towns and tutorial). If you update your Catacombs install from the patch server on Wednesday you'll patch 72MB +4MB of optional content.

If you install the ToA 178-180 file you'll only have to update 18MB as opposed to approx 40MB if you wait to patch.

**Remember you will only need the conversion files if you aren't going to install and use the DR client. Also remember that the DR client upgrades an existing Catacombs Client so don't delete your main Catacombs install if you want to play with DR**

I just ran a test and the US DR install will work on the Euro servers. You will of course need to change the update.dat and login.dat files and then you'll patch 36MB. The login.dat will be exactly the same as your current EU file so if you are going to install a US version, make sure you save the original from your catacombs folder to copy over the US one you'll get from the installer. The update.dat should look like the following:
Mythic Patch
As usual make sure there are no spaces at the end of any of the three lines.

Remember the patch servers are going to be extremely busy on Wednesday and the less you have to patch the better it will be for you and for everyone. No-one likes to see painfully slow patching speeds so do yourself and us a favour by getting set up in advance while you can.

Our torrent will be open from Wednesday morning(ish). The total file size is 732MB (the US client is 842MB) and you'll patch 49MB after that. The torrent will be very fast if you have a good connection. I tested the torrent client this afternoon and I did the whole lot in about 8 minutes with three or four seeds although to be fair that was over an office network and not the internet. Anyone with a strong connection though will get the client in no time and it won't impact our platform. If you haven't got a pre-order yet and you want to play on Wednesday, you should have no problem getting the client in time.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Anyone know if the DR expansion that DLgamers has is also pay-able with a credit card instead of a bank transfer? Because it's a bit pointless to make a bank transfer for me as I need special cards to do so (seeing as it would be a transfer to a company in another country) and that takes like a week to get those cards so a bit pointless.
I might have clicked on the wrong thing also though which is quite possible aswell.


Part of the furniture
Dec 27, 2003
For the last couple of days now the payment part of the DLgamer site has had technical problems :/ my bank says it has a error too when i try to pay for it (i have to enter a password), maybe dlgamers bank site is saying it has a error cos my banks site does, oh well....


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 25, 2005
We are not aware of any errors generated on our bank's site and we haven't had any feedbak from customers that might justify that.

Every instance we have been told of a difficulty to pay has always ended being on the client's side.

We would be happy to study any elements you have of an error so that we could correct it.


Part of the furniture
Dec 27, 2003
BankSA site:

System Error. Due to a system error this transaction is unable to be completed. Click Continue to return to the merchant's website so that you may enter another form of payment. Please call BankSA on 1300 555 203, between 8am and 9pm, 7 days per week for further assistance with this transaction. ZZZ - UNABLE TO COMPLETE PASSWORD VERIFICATION

CIC Bankques:

Owing to a temporary technical problem, our server
cannot process the payment request for your order.
Reload - Restart the transaction

Click here to continue and return to the company DL Gamer

Proboly my bank being silly


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 25, 2005
Yeppers, that's a problem on your bank's site not ours.

But still, we'll check it out, not right now of course since the lazy punks don't work at these raid-end hours but still we will ;)


Part of the furniture
Dec 27, 2003
Thank you, i have a nasty feeling my bank does not allow internet transaction internationaly that amount to over a certain amount in australian dollars, as i have had not problem buying from you in the past, eg: just one catas key, thank you for your help anyway, its great that you moniter these forums :) thats customer service!

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