New FoM alliance leadership


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 12, 2004
During my abscence from DAoC and FoM, the FoM alliance has made some rearrangements regarding the leadership of the alliance. Here is the setup:

General Manager: Oneeyedjack
Vice General Manager: Crushall
RVR General: Corleth
AS Moderator: Kathal

What will each person be in charge off?

General manager
This person will more or less sort out the decisions made by the alliance leaders (GMs). He will execute out orders and manage the alliance. It will be the person you contact if you have problems or if new guilds wanna join. He will also have the power to kick guilds if they dont follow our rules or if the die and becomes inactive. He will try and sort out disputes between guilds if they cant sort it themselves. In other words the head of the alliance.

Vice general manager
This person has the exact same obligations as the General Manager, and will serve as General Manager if the General Manager is not online. The General Manager and the Vice General Manager will work together on most matters and try and divide jobs amongst each other. In other words the head of the alliance if the General Manager is not available.

RVR General
This is the person we all follow in RvR if there are big RvR events, controlled by the alliance. To get things to run more smooth in RvR raids we often need 1 or 2 leaders to say where we meet, where we strike and so on. This does not mean this person is in charge of all alliance RvR raids, but if a leader is needed this will be the person we follow. He will together with other interested people decide where the Mid zerg will go in case of defence of Midgard. He will also be in charge of getting a few RvR events running from time to time, but it will be together with other people from the alliance. In other words we cant just sit back and expect the RVR General to make all RvR raids, we all have to chip in. If you have plans or ideas take contact to our RVR General.

AS Moderator
This person will try and get some control of /as and help people interpret the rules correctly. We will soon sort the /as rules and make corrections so all guilds can feel ownership of the rules. GMs and guild officers will still be in charge of upholding the rules amongst their members, but if a guild dont have leaders online or by some reason dont see the need to follow our rules, will the AS Moderator step in and handle the abuse. If certain people seems to abuse /as the AS Moderator will contact the guilds leaders and let them sort the abuser, if things dont change he can issue warnings to the guild and finally if nothing is done he can bring the matter to the General Manager for suspention or in bad cases exclusion.
This is not to be a policeman that hands out warnings left and right, but a person that help us all so we can have a functioning /as and not a chaotic spam channel. The AS Moderator will ofc only follow those rules we decide on amongst all guild GMs in the alliance.


I just wanted to say that the new leadership has my full support and that I think they're doing a great job. I will continue to run RvR related raids just as before and help with Midgard defense etc as I think it's great fun, but keep in mind that these chaps are the guys in charge of the FoM alliance now, not me :)

Pohjan Poika

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
Ardamel said:
I will continue to run RvR related raids just as before and help with Midgard defense etc as I think it's great fun, but keep in mind that these chaps are the guys in charge of the FoM alliance now, not me :)

nerfage :)

sounds and looks good tho - lets hope we can wreck havoc once servers cluster :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Cadiva said:
Which guilds are in FoM these days?
Fellowship of Midgard
The Dark Alliance
The Dark Disciples
White Rose
Red Guard
Bannana Bunnies
Aesir's Blade
Pro Patria
Black Shadows
Norseman of Midgard
Holger Dansk
Realm Defenders
Legends of Midgard
Rabid Badgers


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Sounds like a good organisation that, nice to see you oldtimers still holding on strong :) How are things going these days? Been trying to look up the Roll of Honour for ages now, with no luck.

Kind regards

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