BG ML8 Saturday 17th 1500 CET (moved from the 14th)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 21, 2004
(MOD please make this a sticky - and clean up my mess by deleting the other tread etc. plz.....)

As posted in other thread the raid has been moved from Wednesday to Saturday. Sry for the inconvence and hassle this must cost some ppl.

I will arrange a public ML8 raid for the BG encounters at Wednesday 170404 at 1500 CET, starting S of Aerus.

We will only do the BG encounters 8.1 - 8.6 - 8.3 - 8.2 - 8.8 - 8.10 in that order. This should give ppl plenty of time to get the FG encounters done with before the raid day.

Im guessing we need 4-5FG of the random kind to do this.

Fell free to come as a guild group or make your group at the spot. I can recommend the command "/bg Groups" to see who is LFG/GL.

Loot is finders keeper with one exeption the keys and loot from the end mobs. This will controlled by me through /bg treasurer commands. That loot will be lotoed in the end.

Part of AG and GG is heavy agro area. But its simple,- just do like in RvR: stick Ur GL and GL sticks me. I will be wearing colorfull clothing bougth for this event especilly (Yes im playing a female char )

Reruns of trial:
I in general do NOT intend to rerun trials due to ppl losing stick, beeing late, afk, forgetting to reenter BG etc. I will rather make this a 2hr raid and having some1 who went afk and lost stick not complete the trial, than redo steps wasting the time of 40+ ppl and finishing the raid at 0200 CET. Especially the 8.3 is not something I wanna put ppl through twice. However exeptions migth occur if I find it appropiate. This migth sound harsh, but if U have been on some of these ML raid the last week U will know why I take this point of view. Most of us have to get to work on Thursday.

On the day there will be a CG with the GLs, me and co- leaders in it.

End time:
I co-lead this when Herfølge Bolbklub did the raid a week or so back. If Ibn and ppl behave should be done in 3hrs including loto.

FG Trials:
8.4 - 8.5 - 8.7 - 8.9. These will NOT be done on the day. You should have plenty of time to do these between now and Wednesday. Especially 8.5 can be tedious as U have to find Kratos - so put some time aside from that. I can only encourage that ppl use /AS, /GC, /YELL, /BC to announce when they have come across Kratos. Remember if u have previously taked to him, gotten the quest and are ready to hand in all the items,- group members can get credit by taking to him before U hand in the items only, without having to find all the items themself.

Hope to see Yall there.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Anyone want to organize a grp to do the fg steps .. Im up for it but havent the time to lead it etc as i have to study for exams ..


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 21, 2004
That would be the obvious next step. Gotta give ppl time to get the MLXP though. - and to do 9.2 the only FG step.



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 2, 2004
Nicely led raid by both Mazter and Mawina! Well done guys! :cheers:

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