Exinferis said:emm...uhm.... 220pp+ for a template...
thats just wrong
Thorwyn[B&Q] said:yup.. done that eggy. But the two rings alone are 100p+
/em starts farming....
delete the scout and play the armsman :wub:Chorend said:Anyone have a link or SC/ToA template ready for a scout? mine's not quite ready yet so i thought i'd try and get the items and scrolls ready for the arti's before i get him to 50.
Matmardigan said:got 1 of the best templates which i have seen till now from an friend, dunno from where he got it, maybe he did it himself.
Matmardigan said:got 1 of the best templates which i have seen till now from an friend, dunno from where he got it, maybe he did it himself.
Config Report with Bow:
Str: 33 Int: 0 Hits: 232
Con: 75 Pie: 0 Power: 0
Dex: 96 Cha: 0
Qui: 27 Emp: 0
Body: 29 Energy: 26 Crush: 26
Cold: 25 Matter: 22 Thrust: 23 (3)
Heat: 30 (5) Spirit: 24 Slash: 27 (2)
11 Longbow
11 Stealth
3 Slash
Cap Increases
21 Dex
5 Qui
40 Hits
Other Bonuses
8 Archery Damage Bonus
10 Fatigue
5 Melee Speed Bonus
7 Archery Speed Bonus
11 Archery Range Bonus
20 AF Bonus
Config Report with Weapon/Shield:
Str: 68 Int: 0 Hits: 232
Con: 75 Pie: 0 Power: 0
Dex: 96 Cha: 0
Qui: 27 Emp: 0
Body: 29 Energy: 26 Crush: 26
Cold: 25 Matter: 22 Thrust: 27 (3)
Heat: 30 (5) Spirit: 24 Slash: 27 (2)
8 Longbow
11 Stealth
11 Shield
11 Slash
Cap Increases
15 Dex
40 Hits
Other Bonuses
4 Archery Damage Bonus
5 Fatigue
5 Melee Speed Bonus
5 Archery Speed Bonus
7 Archery Range Bonus
20 AF Bonus
eggy said:You should post that instead of this crap one.
eggy said:You should post that instead of this crap one.
Edaemos said:Heheh using that template would be asking to die, if you used that id suggest speccing 50 shield 50 stealth and rest in slash for the complete gimp feeling
Matmardigan said:template is made 4 an low rr shield speced scout, dunno with 18, maybe 21points in weapon.
Template have good resists, caped skills and oki'sh stats.
Toa bonus sux, but u cant have everything caped.
so i would be disapointed from u if ur serious.
Edaemos said:In bow mode he hasnt reached 100/101 dex which is easy, i have that on my pve suit. His quickness is 27, which is very bad, in melee mode str isnt 75 so hes losing weaponskill and again quickness is still 27. Not capping quickness is suicide, no +shield either but that is as big a problem as the others. If i get chance today ill do a template that doesnt cost silly plats.
Looks like hes sacrificed normal bonuses for ToA ones.
Matmardigan said:4 dex cap more or less dont change much, dmg will be nearly same, its not noticeable.
Matmardigan said:Even with 75+25 str cap the weaponskill of an 18 slash/thrust speced scout dont will be high enough. His melee will SUX.
Matmardigan said:Quickness isnt high aye.
Only point 2 discuss about.
Bow draw time will be slower than caped Quick. <- weakest point in template.
But the higher Resists will be better in most of the situations than caped Quickness.
The Evade-/swingrate isnt much important cause if he gets into melee he will die anyways if he cant slam/FZ his opponent.
Matmardigan said:Toa bonus wasnt capable anymore without gimping the Resists.
So ur point uncaped Quickness=Dead/Suicide isnt true.
Made alot of experience since i started 2 play my scout, and in the end its always the resists which lets u live longer. And with nearly caped Resists + AoM/Pd ull live longer than just with caped Quickness.
So ur point isnt correct.