to bad the mofu who used the soju trick to grab the cloak gets it when you kill the mob uke: Peopel should get perma banned for shit like that.. freaking cheating morons..
Hmm, the problem might be that it can't be attacked outside it's designated area.. The SoM arena. Atleast so for players.. Maybe guards can attack him since he's at 99% there anyway...
If it really is so that you can grab the cloak and then port away or whatever and then even GET it when some pool soul goes and does the encounter for real.. THAT'S SO SILLY. Even more silly than it just being bugged but having other people do it and then some abuser getting the cloak. BAH!
I hope some GM finds out who keeps doing it and bans him or something.. I'm sure they can find out easily but dunno if they can ban for it. I sure hope so. It's clearly bug abuse and for sure none can do it without knowing it is!
i heard its been a certain healer - not naming incase its only rumour. They really should think about what they doing. If i find out whos doing it for sure, Name and Shame.... :touch:
Its not only out of the arena they cant be killed. Think the cloak has to stay inside the arena for them to return to "normal mode". Tried it and it was clearly bugged.
Hope they get it solved asap, as its a very wanted cloak.
Ive heard this happening alot on Hibernia/Excalibur so I doubt any GM bothers about it Im afraid - still...acting like this is showing greed and selfishness in its ugliest form. uke:
If somebody is just getting the cloak and porting out its not technically a bug as he can at any point return to the encounter with a group and complete it. If this is the case then there isn't much a GM can do about it as the encounter is "working as intended". The only chance of solving the problem is hunting down the <insert random insult> who decided to stop anybody else getting SoM. Can they get banned under the CoC for extreme selfish behaviour?
As far as I've been told whenever someone ports out with the cloak it turns into SoM. No need to get ppl together to kill and get your hands dirty. But it WILL ruin the encounter to everyone else trying to do it aftewards. It's been done many many times on hib/excal by various sojourners who either: a) farm to sell, or b) farm to friends (or so they claim anyway). Made a thread about it on hib/excal forum and all kinds of lowlife tried to justify the method.
It's been a known way of getting SoM for quite some time now, and I highly doubt GM's will do anything about it, or they would have already. Or maybe they have too much work with NF atm that they don't have time to unbug encounters, I don't know. But I think it's childish and extremely selfish of the people who exploit an encounter by helping themselves and ruin it for EVERYONE else.
The argument I've seen most is that the sojourners complain why they're being flamed for farming SoM since all kinds of other artifacts are being farmed all the time.. there is just the fact that all the other artifacts are most likely not bugged for everyone else after doing them.
Would definately not be sad if the ppl doing it that way gets named, shamed and banned.
(and no, it's not because I have no chars who can do it myself and I envy the ppl who can do it this way.. I just think it's plain stupid)
I bet GMs are atm very busy of solving some of those yet remaining bugs so the NF can be released asap.
I agree its really childish to use sojourner skill to teleport with the arti to safety and ruin the encounter for rest. If I catch a person using that skill I make sure that GMs will be notified and he/she will get what he/she deserves
Its all about respect for other players.
I dont se a problem in sojo it if they clear the encounter
(and ofcoz not steal it from someone camping it).But why
sojo it if u need to clear the ancounter anyway, its not like it
is the hardest encounter.
Just the fact that you have to tell ppl this is wrong scares me.
If someone from my guild did this (wich never would happen) i would not defend him,
I would get him kicked. (was thinking of PM in the hib/excal thread)
I'm not certain either.. I guess only the ppl who do it sojo way knows exactly how it works.
Totally agree with Lokir.. it seems like double work doing it sojourner way if it doesn't transform upon porting. And if the encounter bugs and it doesn't transform he wont have SoM anyway? O,o Just plain stupid this whole sojourner way.
You dont need to kill the beasties to get SOM, to teleport it out via Sojo is enough. There are 2 arti's that can be gotten the sojo way and I believe both are 'working as intended'.
Yes I know its shit. I am not defending the people who do it. I dont have any sojo chars. But it is deemed by Mythic and thus GOA to be an acceptable use of sojo so they will not do anything about it, not matter how pissed off you feel when you report it.
Thank you for the report. We will investigate the incident using the server side logs, and based on what we find, will take actions to prevent similar incidents in the future.
If you have more information regarding the incident, feel free to update this rightnow report as it may make investigation easier and faster.
Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support
so if any1 has any info on this or knew who done it please foword it on to me in a pm and i foword it on to goa so we can stop this shit and catch this dick
Don't bother.
GOA will do nothing about this atm, as some of you said Mythic look at this as a acceptable use of Sojo abillities, for the time beeing, because you dont use any cheats/bugs or 3rd party programs, just the ingame abillites that mythic themself created. It's considered "resoursfullness" rather than cheating atm. Very much like when ppl first whined about SMs focus killed uber mobs, or when you used Majestic Will to wank the dragon.
However, with NF they will redo the encounters so that you cant take SoM and other arti's llike this, but that doesnt change that the use of Sojo's abillities should be considered exploit, meaning they will never ban anyone for this.
looks like it was screwed again last night - i took a guild grp up there and all mobs VERY active and very agro and no cloak - was gonna try pulling mobs to haven and buff all guards etc but tbh couldnt be arsed as some lamers will only do the same thing again anyway until this "bug" is fixed
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