Jergiot said:most be hard to find stuff to kill when dunlest is driving?
Fitipaldy said:GRATZ Ella!! was hard but now here you are .
Btw Tdmm is really lucky having a good bard that run along all emain even the rest places, sometimes we have luck and we find some ppl resting there, sometimes we find nobody, but you guys are doing a really bad thing saying thata Dunsles has radar, if so do u think that Tdmm GM won´t do /gc remove Dunlest? even he plays on lan with a lot of ppl that see him playing and HE DOESN´t USE RADAR!!
So stop this plz.
Herbal said:This ss just in from that lan!!!!
Wela said:Gol, Teh QQ guild
Domain said:si, pero en boca cerrada siguen sin entrar moscas