
FreddysHouse staff & contributing members

Here you can learn a little bit about the staff and members who help out on FreddysHouse. Click on their avatar or username to view their member card or profile page.

Staff Members

Staff and moderators have certain privileges and permissions which enable them to manage content and deal with any issues that may arise. To contact one of them, click on Start a New Conversation in your Inbox and add them to the Participants field.

Deebs (Founder and resident slacker)

Previously known as TheDBs and DBs he is one of the co-founders of BarrysWorld and TedTheDog.

Will put more stuff here later.

Mystic G
Mystic G (Staff, Global Moderator)

Previously known as Septic Peg, a bird who worked for The Sun Newspaper.

Jupitus (Staff, Global Moderator)

Every forum needs a resident short person, welcome to Jupitus.

TdC (Staff, Global Moderator)

Aka known as Teedles.

Will (Staff, Global Moderator)

Hardcore Scottish push biker!

SheepCow (Coding Monkey)

The creator of several FH extensions and lover of alcohol.


Techie person, been doing it for years!

Ex-Staff Members

Unfortunately due to getting old (TedTheDog) or just plain discovering the great outdoors many of the staff members gracefully retire.

TedTheDog (Founder)

Co-founder of BarrysWorld and FreddysHouse. Retired cos he got old.

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